9 yr old girl badly beaten in school bus

As sad as this incident is, I'm hoping it will lead to an increasing awareness of this issue. NO CHILD should have to go to school in this kind of environment. We've got to take our schools back from, "Behavior is communication" and "restorative justice".
The fundamental problem is quite simple: not enough bullies end up dead.
SO...you want to PROSECUTE someone who has the LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to operate a bus safely, and very likely COULD NOT stop. (There are strict standards where drivers can and cannot stop a bus, I have a CDL with passenger endorsement and have driven buses.) If he. or she can stop, you want to prosecute the driver when interfering could get said driver KILLED. My nephew's bus driver is a retired woman, about 70 years old, maybe 5'1' and 100lbs. Describe in detail how she should deal with the pack of feral thugs without using a shotgun.

Interfering can also easily get a child beaten to a pulp, possibly raped.
I already pointed out in an earlier message that pulling a bus over is to be done as soon as it can be done should an attack of any form take place inside and yes, if that driver did not take the right kind of responsibility where that attack is concerned, he should be prosecuted for only adding more to that little girl's mountain of misery. Anyone who only enables a monster should only go down just as hard if not harder.

God bless you and that little girl always!!!

I already pointed out in an earlier message that pulling a bus over is to be done as soon as it can be done should an attack of any form take place inside and yes, if that driver did not take the right kind of responsibility where that attack is concerned, he should be prosecuted for only adding more to that little girl's mountain of misery. Anyone who only enables a monster should only go down just as hard if not harder.

God bless you and that little girl always!!!

You've never driven a bus in your life, you have no idea what you're talking about. Nowhere in the country is anyone required to intervene in a crime in progress. Just stop talking.
You've never driven a bus in your life, you have no idea what you're talking about. Nowhere in the country is anyone required to intervene in a crime in progress. Just stop talking.
If you are not going to practice, can I ask what the point of the preaching is? In other words, perhaps you should be the one to "button it". Even if certain things are not a requirement, if an innocent life can be spared, that innocent life should be spared.

God bless you and that girl always!!!


P.S. I pray that you are never in that girl's position, because if you are, you will only be screwed according to what your current frame of mind is where the situation is concerned.
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If you are not going to practice, can I ask what the point of the preaching is? In other words, perhaps you should be the one to "button it". Even if certain things are not a requirement, if an innocent life can be spared, that innocent life should be spared.

Jesus H Christ, I feel like I'm dealing with a child! You have no idea what you are blathering about. Stop talking.

P.S. I pray that you are never in that girl's position, because if you are, you will only be screwed according to what your current frame of mind is where the situation is concerned.

I was. I called the police. They engaged in a criminal conspiracy with my attacker.
^^^ If you are not going to practice what is the point of the preaching and if things did not go the way that you were hoping for in your own situation, sadly that is how certain things unfortunately go sometimes. One thing that it may not pay to do is give up so easily which is why my frame of mind is the way that it is where this situation is concerned. One thing to keep in mind is the fact that giving up too easily won't even be in the card deck if there is no effort put forward to begin with and at the end of the day, if there is no effort at least, there most definitely will not be a triumph.

God bless you and that girl always!!!


P.S. If things did not go in your favor, I do apologize. Whoever attacked you should've been put away for as long as they could be sentenced for such a wrongdoing. Can I ask how old you were when your situation took place? The reason why I feel so strongly about the girl's nightmare is because she is a kid. Kids of all people need all of the defense that they can get because there is only so much that they may be able to do all by themselves.
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Other news articles state that primary attacker was 14. Beating a 3rd grader who is approximately 8. The 14 year old needs to be tried as an adult. His family life needs to be evaluated along with his parent(s) to understand how and or why a 14 year old feels he can brutally beat an 8 year old like he did.

Other articles, which are easy to find, detail how this 3rd grader, and her two siblings, who have been attending this "academy" for only 3-4 weeks have been bullied since they started. The mother claims the bus is over in capacity. There is also a driver and student aid on the bus.


I totally agree with this:

Allie Beth Stuckey

How many videos of white kids getting brutally bullied by non-white kids do you need to see before you accept the fact that the biggest problem our country faces is not white supremacy?
9:20 AM · Feb 3, 2023

It is black people period. They aggressive and teach their kids from young age this is ok. Fighting is all they know how to do. Check out millons if videos they post of it on social media prooveing it. Crazy.
I see what you did there. Why was that little girl hitting that boy? Back the video up further. The mother has already complained to the school that all three of her children were being bullied at that school. Is this little girl a white hispanic? And i noticed the gutter media sources tried to make the public think she was being beaten by another white child.
I see what you did there. Why was that little girl hitting that boy? Back the video up further. The mother has already complained to the school that all three of her children were being bullied at that school. Is this little girl a white hispanic? And i noticed the gutter media sources tried to make the public think she was being beaten by another white child.
they were hitting on her with know right. like to know what started it before the video.
they were hitting on her with know right. like to know what started it before the video.
exactly. I sense perhaps end of her rope from this little girl. regardless...i'll be surprised if any more info comes out on this and i doubt this big kid will face any serious consequences.
True, but THIS kind of savagery could be stopped if the little scum met with a terrible accident someday soon. Until people understand that they can no longer expect justice from any government and that they must protect the lives of those they love, this will continue to grow.
typical of black to fight like this. its said they teach there kids to act this way. this animal behavior. black kids beating on white kids happens all the time now. its normal thing now. to blacks this normal behavior along with crime.
exactly. I sense perhaps end of her rope from this little girl. regardless...i'll be surprised if any more info comes out on this and i doubt this big kid will face any serious consequences.
blacks get away with everything these days because people are affraid they tear down cities. this is very common for black to treat a white this way in school.

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