9 Yr Olds Abortion Draws Catholic Excommunication

Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


Wow. That's shameful.
According to the doctors the girl would have died. No way around that.

No, that is not what they said. They said she could die, not that she would. Most of us are all in agreement here that this was a bad decision by the church so why do you continue to feel the need to lie about what the doctors said? Even if there were a large disagreement, why would you lie about it?

They didnt say she could have a heart attack during the birth either. The reason for that is because it was more of a possibility that she WILL die at 80 pounds and pregnant. Just my opinion but the number of things that COULD have happened are infinite, so why did they only present one? IMO, it's because it was a greater chance of dying than of the other possibilities. But they said Could not would, Sorry they said "could" my bad:cool:
What is the alternative? Take the traumatized 9 year old victim of incest, pregnant with twins, force her to give birth and let her die?
I just noted the date of the story.

Were there any noteworthy follow-ups on this?
I'll have to let my future BiL know that he supports pedophilia. I bet he didn't know that.
One of the doctors involved in the abortion, Rivaldo Albuquerque, has raised the prospect of public clashes at his local church, telling Globo, the nation's main TV network, that he would keep going to mass there, regardless of the archbishop's order. The young girl at the centre of the case escaped excommunication only because she is still a child in the eyes of Church authorities. The stepfather, who is 23, was arrested last week, apparently trying to escape to another region of the country. Police say he is also suspected of abusing the girl's handicapped 14-year-old sister. He is in protective custody, and if convicted faces up to 15 years in prison.

Brazil rocked by abortion for 9-year-old rape victim - Americas - World - The Independent
This is about the Archbishop’s explanation of why he excommunicated them….”They took the life of an innocent. Abortion is much more serious than killing an adult. An adult may or may not be an innocent, but an unborn child is most definitely innocent. Taking that life cannot be ignored.”

The mother was not an adult, you fool. She was an innocent child, who should have been learning long division and playing with dolls.

The Archbishop needs a refresher course in Catholic theology.

According to the website Te Deum Laudamus!, an aborted fetus is not considered to have been intended to be baptized, so it is not assumed to be “baptized by intent,” as a stillborn or miscarried child is. Aborted fetuses are not in Purgatory. They are in the ether. They are nowhere. The Church has no place for them in the afterlife. So, no prayers are offered by the Church for their transition from Purgatory to Heaven. Prayers are offered for God’s mercy on the fetus’ soul. The remains of an aborted fetus are not accorded a Catholic funeral mass. It has only been since 1983 that an unbaptized child may be buried in a Catholic cemetery. They used to throw them over the walls.

People are baptized in the Catholic Church to remove the stain of Original Sin. Until baptized, an infant is in a state of sin. Like to explain, Archbishop how these twin fetuses are more innocent than that tortured, abused, raped nine-year-old child who was going to die if she carried that pregnancy to term. And where did you get your medical degree? You must have one if you could explain with such certainty that she could have carried the pregnancy and been delivered by caesarean section. When did you examine her? The authorities found out about the pregnancy because she was in a medical crisis, not because she was seeking routine pre-natal care.

Because one Pope thought he knew better than 1580 years of Popes before him, because he thought he knew better than all the scholars in Rome, the Catholic Church condemned this nine-year-old Brazilian girl to death, but her loving mother and caring doctors intervened. Now, they have condemned her to hell.

God, please protect us from your faithful.
Why We Fought.... | Lez Get Real
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It's almost as if the catholic church condones pedophilia.

So sad.
The 9 year old should have the abortion.......and the fucker that molested her should have the hell beat out of him.
Just waiting on CG to neg us on this.

I will not 'neg', however, this is ONE parish in Brazil. This does not define the Catholic Church worldwide.

Wait....a parish priest has the power to excommunicate?

From what I have read & heard, this is a matter involving only the Brazilian church, there may be a bishop involved, but the Pope has spoken on the matter, as of the last article I saw.
Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


If you are not a Catholic (as I am not), it is not our business. Shut up.
Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


If you are not a Catholic (as I am not), it is not our business. Shut up.

I'm afraid that excuse has been used a lot to look away from bad things, Jake.

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