9 Yr Olds Abortion Draws Catholic Excommunication

I will not 'neg', however, this is ONE parish in Brazil. This does not define the Catholic Church worldwide.

Wait....a parish priest has the power to excommunicate?

From what I have read & heard, this is a matter involving only the Brazilian church, there may be a bishop involved, but the Pope has spoken on the matter, as of the last article I saw.

You are incorrect.

Via wiki, and btw, the pope is the Holy See in this quote:

Speaking for the Holy See, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re defended the action.[3]

Regarding his statement that excommunication had been incurred, Sobrinho stated:[4]

"The law of God is higher than any human laws. When a human law -- that is, a law enacted by human legislators -- is against the law of God, that law has no value. The adults who approved, who carried out this abortion have incurred excommunication."

Also note that the Church can only announce an excommunication. The actions of Catholics themselves perform the excommunication.

I don't have a problem with the Church excommunicating someone even if I think they are being fucktards about it. I do have a problem with them not ex-communicating a person that has raped a child.

So yeah, in a way the Church most certainly does condone pedophilia and they will have to answer to God for it.

On more reason I never grace their churches.
they can kick her out of church, but they can't stop her from having a relationship with God, Jesus etc.

If you are not a Catholic (as I am not), it is not our business. Shut up.

I'm afraid that excuse has been used a lot to look away from bad things, Jake.

"Excuse" is the not the word, and not one you are entitled to use in judgment. You have the right to protest, of course, but it is not your business, and I will do now what the RC church is doing now: ignoring your protest, in this thread.
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If you are not a Catholic (as I am not), it is not our business. Shut up.

I'm afraid that excuse has been used a lot to look away from bad things, Jake.

"Excuse" is the not the word, and not one you are entitled to use in judgment. You have the right to protest, of course, but it is not your business, and I will do now what the RC church is doing now: ignoring your protest, in this thread.

I'm sure they are ignoring it....because they know so much better than we do. On the treatment of children...pedophiles....etc.
I'm afraid that excuse has been used a lot to look away from bad things, Jake.

"Excuse" is the not the word, and not one you are entitled to use in judgment. You have the right to protest, of course, but it is not your business, and I will do now what the RC church is doing now: ignoring your protest, in this thread.

I'm sure they are ignoring it....because they know so much better than we do. On the treatment of children...pedophiles....etc.

You were Mistaken for a Boy when you were in the Catholic Church, weren't you... :lol:


Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


look on the bright side. Excommunication by the church means absolutely nothing to God so now this woman and her child can move on with life and find a more meaningful relationship with God outside all the paternal humanistic dogma the Catholic Church tries to impose. Church should worry more about the type of people they are attracting to ministry IE Pedo's and let this girls family deal with this tragedy. Did the church even offer to pay for healthcare to the girl to make sure she didn't die or suffer permmanent injury if she attempted to give birth? You'd think a church run by men would take HER LIFE into consideration and see to it she got the best of care if they are going to attempt to tell a female what to do. Right?

Hope they cut the dick off of the asshole who got her pregnant.
Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


look on the bright side. Excommunication by the church means absolutely nothing to God so now this woman and her child can move on with life and find a more meaningful relationship with God outside all the paternal humanistic dogma the Catholic Church tries to impose. Church should worry more about the type of people they are attracting to ministry IE Pedo's and let this girls family deal with this tragedy. Did the church even offer to pay for healthcare to the girl to make sure she didn't die or suffer permmanent injury if she attempted to give birth? You'd think a church run by men would take HER LIFE into consideration and see to it she got the best of care if they are going to attempt to tell a female what to do. Right?

Hope they cut the dick off of the asshole who got her pregnant.
I honestly can't understand why they wouldn't excommunicate the step-father. It is pretty sickening that they wouldn't.

look on the bright side. Excommunication by the church means absolutely nothing to God so now this woman and her child can move on with life and find a more meaningful relationship with God outside all the paternal humanistic dogma the Catholic Church tries to impose. Church should worry more about the type of people they are attracting to ministry IE Pedo's and let this girls family deal with this tragedy. Did the church even offer to pay for healthcare to the girl to make sure she didn't die or suffer permmanent injury if she attempted to give birth? You'd think a church run by men would take HER LIFE into consideration and see to it she got the best of care if they are going to attempt to tell a female what to do. Right?

Hope they cut the dick off of the asshole who got her pregnant.
I honestly can't understand why they wouldn't excommunicate the step-father. It is pretty sickening that they wouldn't.

Follow their history for understanding, Ravi.
I would very much like to hear from some of those on the forum who usually sound like they are against abortion in any circumstance.

Would they expect a 9-year-old to carry twins to term?

I am very much opposed to abortion.

That being said, I would never approve of forcing a mother of any age to take serious risks (as opposed to the normal risks associated with child birth) of losing her life by giving birth.

What I think is deplorable is the idea of ex-communicating a person for sins such as this. Ex-communication is supposed to work towards bringing about repentance and returning a sinner to the body of Christ. How would that work here? Does the priest expect the mother to promise never to agree to allow her child to have an abortion in the future?

What was the goal of the Archbishop: restoring the mother to faith or punishment? I suspect punishment.


look on the bright side. Excommunication by the church means absolutely nothing to God so now this woman and her child can move on with life and find a more meaningful relationship with God outside all the paternal humanistic dogma the Catholic Church tries to impose. Church should worry more about the type of people they are attracting to ministry IE Pedo's and let this girls family deal with this tragedy. Did the church even offer to pay for healthcare to the girl to make sure she didn't die or suffer permmanent injury if she attempted to give birth? You'd think a church run by men would take HER LIFE into consideration and see to it she got the best of care if they are going to attempt to tell a female what to do. Right?

Hope they cut the dick off of the asshole who got her pregnant.
I honestly can't understand why they wouldn't excommunicate the step-father. It is pretty sickening that they wouldn't.

The Catholic church hierarchy has become the modern day Pharisee's that Jesus despised.
Matthew 23:27

King James Version (KJV)

27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
I don't know. I know abortion is also risky, and the younger the child, the riskier it is.

look on the bright side. Excommunication by the church means absolutely nothing to God so now this woman and her child can move on with life and find a more meaningful relationship with God outside all the paternal humanistic dogma the Catholic Church tries to impose. Church should worry more about the type of people they are attracting to ministry IE Pedo's and let this girls family deal with this tragedy. Did the church even offer to pay for healthcare to the girl to make sure she didn't die or suffer permmanent injury if she attempted to give birth? You'd think a church run by men would take HER LIFE into consideration and see to it she got the best of care if they are going to attempt to tell a female what to do. Right?

Hope they cut the dick off of the asshole who got her pregnant.
I honestly can't understand why they wouldn't excommunicate the step-father. It is pretty sickening that they wouldn't.
Yes, a real son of a bitch.
This is an ugly situation all around. Ill keep everyone involved in my prayers.
I can't fathom the idea of any 9 year old having a child.
She is just a child herself....not possibly capable of understanding what is happening to her body...inside her body.....and having to deal with the fact she was molested on top of that.
This is so fucked up in so many ways.
The entire thing is fucked up... What sickens me most is how quickly some would take a Life because of it as if it isn't a Life...

There is a Reason they refer to it as a Baby and why Women don't Brag about having Abortions...

It's one of those "Rights" one isn't so Proud of...

I can't Think of any others though. :dunno:



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