90 Million People Didn't Vote

How would they destroy my retirement which comes from the state of Florida?

So Social Security or Medicare Gramps?

I am not eligible for SS for another 9 1/2 years and Medicare for another 7 . So far, despite your whimpering, no one has even suggested making any reductions in either program that would affect me.

Are you still desperately searching for anything to back up your ridiculous assertion that if Republicans win the election they will change that?

Pathetic is what you are.

BTW, you already indicated that you are older than me. That saddens me that anyone that has been on earth that long is still so stupid.
How would they destroy my retirement which comes from the state of Florida?

So Social Security or Medicare Gramps?

I am not eligible for SS for another 9 1/2 years and Medicare for another 7 . So far, despite your whimpering, no one has even suggested making any reductions in either program that would affect me.

Are you still desperately searching for anything to back up your ridiculous assertion that if Republicans win the election they will change that?

Pathetic is what you are.

BTW, you already indicated that you are older than me. That saddens me that anyone that has been on earth that long is still so stupid.

Lesh's decades of bong hits have taken their toll.
We live in an insane era where the best the Democrats could come up with was Hillary Clinton, and the best the Republicans could do was come up with another Democrat named Donald Trump.

No wonder I and 90 million other people didn't vote for either one.
Thinking like that statement, gave us Trump.

Let's be better this time.

Trump won because of 80,000 votes spread across 3 states...and 90 million people didn't vote.

The Virginia legislature switched from Republican to Dem just a few months ago and tens of thousands of people got healthcare...and ONE vote made that happen

VOTE people

Bitchlary was acceptable?
We live in an insane era where the best the Democrats could come up with was Hillary Clinton, and the best the Republicans could do was come up with another Democrat named Donald Trump.

No wonder I and 90 million other people didn't vote for either one.
Thinking like that statement, gave us Trump.

Let's be better this time.

Trump won because of 80,000 votes spread across 3 states...and 90 million people didn't vote.

The Virginia legislature switched from Republican to Dem just a few months ago and tens of thousands of people got healthcare...and ONE vote made that happen

VOTE people
It made no difference which one won. This "lesser of two evils" stupidity just gets us more and more evil.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them, "Keep doing what you are doing." I REFUSE to tell either party that. They have both become extremist.
Oh look...a "subtle" Trumper.
I supported John Kasich. Kasich was the chief architect of the federal balanced budget. And when he became governor of Ohio, he took them from 8 billion in the hole to a 2 billion surplus.

The debt is by far the biggest threat to our national security and our future. Not homos, not ragheads, not negroes, not wetbacks, not guns, not Soros. The debt.

Trump has exploded our deficits to a trillion dollars. It took Obama eight years to get our trillion dollar deficits which he inherited down to less than half a trillion. Trump has blasted the deficit back to a trillion dollars in one fourth the time.

So I have no fucking idea what you mean by a "subtle" Trumper.

No one ever votes to balance a budget. They either want free stuff or lower taxes.

That's why the two party system works silly.
We live in an insane era where the best the Democrats could come up with was Hillary Clinton, and the best the Republicans could do was come up with another Democrat named Donald Trump.

No wonder I and 90 million other people didn't vote for either one.
Thinking like that statement, gave us Trump.

Let's be better this time.

Trump won because of 80,000 votes spread across 3 states...and 90 million people didn't vote.

The Virginia legislature switched from Republican to Dem just a few months ago and tens of thousands of people got healthcare...and ONE vote made that happen

VOTE people
It made no difference which one won. This "lesser of two evils" stupidity just gets us more and more evil.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them, "Keep doing what you are doing." I REFUSE to tell either party that. They have both become extremist.
Oh look...a "subtle" Trumper.
I supported John Kasich. Kasich was the chief architect of the federal balanced budget. And when he became governor of Ohio, he took them from 8 billion in the hole to a 2 billion surplus.

The debt is by far the biggest threat to our national security and our future. Not homos, not ragheads, not negroes, not wetbacks, not guns, not Soros. The debt.

Trump has exploded our deficits to a trillion dollars. It took Obama eight years to get our trillion dollar deficits which he inherited down to less than half a trillion. Trump has blasted the deficit back to a trillion dollars in one fourth the time.

So I have no fucking idea what you mean by a "subtle" Trumper.

I was almost with you until you decided to describe Obama as the great debt reducer, even though he took more debt than any president in history.

From that point it was clear that you are merely attacking Trump and do not give a fuck about the debt. Probably because he is against importing your Mexican friends to whom you pledge your allegiance to.
How would they destroy my retirement which comes from the state of Florida?

So Social Security or Medicare Gramps?

I am not eligible for SS for another 9 1/2 years and Medicare for another 7 . So far, despite your whimpering, no one has even suggested making any reductions in either program that would affect me.

Are you still desperately searching for anything to back up your ridiculous assertion that if Republicans win the election they will change that?

Pathetic is what you are.

BTW, you already indicated that you are older than me. That saddens me that anyone that has been on earth that long is still so stupid.
So you retired with diabetes at 55 and get your very extensive) healthcare from what Skippy? Tricare?

The Federal government?

You got yours though huh?

And guess what? When McConnell gets done slashing Social Security...it'll be a lot longer than 9 1./2 years till you're eligible
I was almost with you until you decided to describe Obama as the great debt reducer, even though he took more debt than any president in history.

Most of that was inherited and as a result of the Great Recession..and the deficit was shrinking.

Trump has exploded it
How would they destroy my retirement which comes from the state of Florida?

So Social Security or Medicare Gramps?

I am not eligible for SS for another 9 1/2 years and Medicare for another 7 . So far, despite your whimpering, no one has even suggested making any reductions in either program that would affect me.

Are you still desperately searching for anything to back up your ridiculous assertion that if Republicans win the election they will change that?

Pathetic is what you are.

BTW, you already indicated that you are older than me. That saddens me that anyone that has been on earth that long is still so stupid.
So you retired with diabetes at 55 and get your very extensive) healthcare from what Skippy? Tricare?

The Federal government?

You got yours though huh?

And guess what? When McConnell gets done slashing Social Security...it'll be a lot longer than 9 1./2 years till you're eligible

I get my healthcare through my wife's employer. I have retired twice, thank you! I currently am working in on my 3rd career as a government contractor which doesn't even offer benefits but pays extra because they don't. Most of our employees are covered by Tricare or the VA.

Maybe if you got off your ass and stopped depending on the "giverment" 24/7. you could get benefits too!

As you have failed repeatedly to show, McConnell (who is MY senator, BTW) has never said a damn thing about cutting SS benefits.
In 2016 and we ended up with Trump.
Put down your phones, get off your couch


It's the mid-terms.
Less Dems usually vote than Repubs in the mid-terms.
Maybe there is still hope the house stays Repub.
Cool-lio bitchezs'.
And the only reason why Hillary didn't lose by 100 electoral votes was because she got 96,000 votes spread out over 4 states.

So like Trump...you just "say shit"...


Actually, I'm speaking the truth.

While it is true that Trump won 3 states by a combined 80K votes...
It is also true that Clinton won 4 states by a combined 96K votes.

Trump won those states by averaging 27K a state. Clinton won her
4 states by averaging 24K a state.

It was closer to being 34-16 Trump than it was being 27-23 Trump.

Clinton got 3 million more votes... More people want Clinton than Trump...

That is simple...

Too bd we have never counted the popular vote nationwide
And the only reason why Hillary didn't lose by 100 electoral votes was because she got 96,000 votes spread out over 4 states.

So like Trump...you just "say shit"...


Actually, I'm speaking the truth.

While it is true that Trump won 3 states by a combined 80K votes...
It is also true that Clinton won 4 states by a combined 96K votes.

Trump won those states by averaging 27K a state. Clinton won her
4 states by averaging 24K a state.

It was closer to being 34-16 Trump than it was being 27-23 Trump.

Clinton got 3 million more votes... More people want Clinton than Trump...

That is simple...

Too bd we have never counted the popular vote nationwide

Cowboy Ted lives on Brokeback Mountain.
Never trust a sheep herder.
In 2016 and we ended up with Trump.
Put down your phones, get off your couch


And the only reason why Hillary didn't lose by 100 electoral votes was because she got 96,000 votes spread out over 4 states.

So like Trump...you just "say shit"...


Actually, I'm speaking the truth.

While it is true that Trump won 3 states by a combined 80K votes...
It is also true that Clinton won 4 states by a combined 96K votes.

Trump won those states by averaging 27K a state. Clinton won her
4 states by averaging 24K a state.

It was closer to being 34-16 Trump than it was being 27-23 Trump.

Clinton got 3 million more votes... More people want Clinton than Trump...

That is simple...

Too bd we have never counted the popular vote nationwide

Oh we counted it, it's just not the way things work.
And the only reason why Hillary didn't lose by 100 electoral votes was because she got 96,000 votes spread out over 4 states.

So like Trump...you just "say shit"...


Actually, I'm speaking the truth.

While it is true that Trump won 3 states by a combined 80K votes...
It is also true that Clinton won 4 states by a combined 96K votes.

Trump won those states by averaging 27K a state. Clinton won her
4 states by averaging 24K a state.

It was closer to being 34-16 Trump than it was being 27-23 Trump.

Clinton got 3 million more votes... More people want Clinton than Trump...

That is simple...

Too bd we have never counted the popular vote nationwide

Oh we counted it, it's just not the way things work.

These handwringing idiots just can't face reality!
We live in an insane era where the best the Democrats could come up with was Hillary Clinton, and the best the Republicans could do was come up with another Democrat named Donald Trump.

No wonder I and 90 million other people didn't vote for either one.
Thinking like that statement, gave us Trump.

Let's be better this time.

Trump won because of 80,000 votes spread across 3 states...and 90 million people didn't vote.

The Virginia legislature switched from Republican to Dem just a few months ago and tens of thousands of people got healthcare...and ONE vote made that happen

VOTE people
It made no difference which one won. This "lesser of two evils" stupidity just gets us more and more evil.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them, "Keep doing what you are doing." I REFUSE to tell either party that. They have both become extremist.
Oh look...a "subtle" Trumper.
I supported John Kasich. Kasich was the chief architect of the federal balanced budget. And when he became governor of Ohio, he took them from 8 billion in the hole to a 2 billion surplus.

The debt is by far the biggest threat to our national security and our future. Not homos, not ragheads, not negroes, not wetbacks, not guns, not Soros. The debt.

Trump has exploded our deficits to a trillion dollars. It took Obama eight years to get our trillion dollar deficits which he inherited down to less than half a trillion. Trump has blasted the deficit back to a trillion dollars in one fourth the time.

So I have no fucking idea what you mean by a "subtle" Trumper.

I was almost with you until you decided to describe Obama as the great debt reducer, even though he took more debt than any president in history.

From that point it was clear that you are merely attacking Trump and do not give a fuck about the debt. Probably because he is against importing your Mexican friends to whom you pledge your allegiance to.
I never said Obama was a debt reducer. I said he reduced the DEFICIT.

Learn the difference, and then come back here and apologize if you have an ounce of integrity.

Trump has EXPLODED the deficit. He has DOUBLED it in less than two years.
Thinking like that statement, gave us Trump.

Let's be better this time.

Trump won because of 80,000 votes spread across 3 states...and 90 million people didn't vote.

The Virginia legislature switched from Republican to Dem just a few months ago and tens of thousands of people got healthcare...and ONE vote made that happen

VOTE people
It made no difference which one won. This "lesser of two evils" stupidity just gets us more and more evil.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them, "Keep doing what you are doing." I REFUSE to tell either party that. They have both become extremist.
Oh look...a "subtle" Trumper.
I supported John Kasich. Kasich was the chief architect of the federal balanced budget. And when he became governor of Ohio, he took them from 8 billion in the hole to a 2 billion surplus.

The debt is by far the biggest threat to our national security and our future. Not homos, not ragheads, not negroes, not wetbacks, not guns, not Soros. The debt.

Trump has exploded our deficits to a trillion dollars. It took Obama eight years to get our trillion dollar deficits which he inherited down to less than half a trillion. Trump has blasted the deficit back to a trillion dollars in one fourth the time.

So I have no fucking idea what you mean by a "subtle" Trumper.

I was almost with you until you decided to describe Obama as the great debt reducer, even though he took more debt than any president in history.

From that point it was clear that you are merely attacking Trump and do not give a fuck about the debt. Probably because he is against importing your Mexican friends to whom you pledge your allegiance to.
I never said Obama was a debt reducer. I said he reduced the DEFICIT.

Learn the difference, and then come back here and apologize if you have an ounce of integrity.

Trump has EXPLODED the deficit. He has DOUBLED it in less than two years.

I don't give a crap, if you are concerned about debt, Obama is not your friend. Yet you embellished him in the same message you were so concerned about debt.
90 million people didn't vote. That means there are a LOT of you out there than can make a change


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