90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014--AP


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Again, Obama continues too fail as POTUS which was not unexpected


With 29% of young Americans having lost faith in 'The American Dream' (for good reason as we detailed here), it is hardly surprising that a new poll by The Associated Press finds that just 10% of people believe 2015 was a better year for the world than 2014. That is half the number from 2013 and appears to confirm what we already tongue-in-cheek noted - that 2015 was perhaps the worst year ever.

As we noted previously, if the American Dream depends on skyrocketing debt built on a weakening foundation of stagnant productivity and income, then it is indeed over.

So, as CBS asks, was 2015 worse for the world than last year?

Americans are also much less likely than they were a year ago to believe that the current year was better for the United States - only 17 percent compared with 30 percent in 2014. Worse still, just 10% saw 2015 as better for the world than 2014... down from a hubristic 20% in 2013.

The new Associated Press-Times Square Alliance poll mass shootings and terror attacks weighed heavily on the minds of Americans in 2015, revealing that most polled believe this year was worse than 2014. But, for the world, while its leaders potter around proclaiming the solution to climate change, it appears that is near the bottom of people's fears...

90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014 | Zero Hedge
And they don't see a lying victim of a serial cheating husband as a solution. Trump/Cruz 2016.
As far as my retirement accounts 2015 was a bust for me.
Happy to see 2015 end....
But I'm not expecting much better for 2016.
I suppose I am in the 10% as we had a wonderful year. It had nothing to do with the President but it was a wonderful great year nevertheless.
More volatile year coming up and that in turn means that the major investments will be in automation to reduce headcount.
As far as my retirement accounts 2015 was a bust for me.
Happy to see 2015 end....
But I'm not expecting much better for 2016.

Me, I've stocked up on high yield, low beta issues, mostly royalty and real estate trusts. Cash returns look like the only game in town at the moment.
If you're counting on whoever is president to make your life better, than you're looking in the wrong place.

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