90% of money raised for Hershal goes into Trump's pocket.

Don't forget the antisemitic stuff.

I love to see Walker, Irvin and Kanye be racist towards jews. Blacks think they can't be racist because they aren't in a position of power to be racist. That's bullshit.

Did you see Dave Chappelle's opening monologue on SNL? He's so funny and TRUE. He's like, "two words you never say together...the jews....."

And he said, "it is true there are a lot of jews in Hollywood. But there's a lot of brothers in Compton. Doesn't make me racist for pointing it out".

Kanye said "I can say anti semetic things and Adidas can't do shit about it". The next day they dropped him. He lost 1.5 billion dollars.

I don't know if it was Adidas or if he really lost that much money but Dave was hilarious! Watch it.
What a hateful lying piece of shit you truly are. Disgusting.
Hair Sniffing Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, ESG, Global Warming, Sustainable Development, Election Fraud, COVID 19, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking, Illegal Immigration, World Economic Forum, Surveillance Society, Banning Petro and Petro powered vehicles are all part of the same plot to implement Global Government and dissolve the Sovereign State and it's borders.

Satan is your daddy, so how dare you call me a liar, spawn of Hell.
Absolutely nothing you stated here is Biblical.

Your 666 Messiah is coming and his Satanic Kingdom is being formed right before our eyes. AntiChrist will be a liberal just like you.

Pedo Peter's Hair Sniffing Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, ESG, Global Warming, Sustainable Development, Election Fraud, COVID 19, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking, Illegal Immigration, World Economic Forum, Surveillance Society, Banning Petro and Petro powered vehicles are all part of the same plot to implement Global Government and dissolve the Sovereign State and it's borders.

Long live EmperorShitzHizPantz and The Demo Fascist DemNazi 4th Reich currently known as "The 4th Industrial Revolution"
Heil Shitler, 666 DemNazi Fasicst scum.
Do you report your fellow DemNazis for telling lies about Donald Trump?
Of course not. But you must protect EmperorShitzHizPantz at all costs.
Report this:

The DemNazi Fascist 666 Woke Globalist Pigs are still selling out America, and still rigging elections.
And their allies The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby continue to go after our children and you and they refuse to do anything about it.
Nonsense. Go ahead and accuse. You see what it got you. It wasn't woke black men that didn't show up for Republicans it was a lot of independents and oh yea, women who want choice.
Choice to Sin Against God and Commit Crimes against Humanity isn't a choice. It's a Spiritual Death Sentence. Taking a living baby and tearing it apart from limb to limb, ripping off it's head, legs and arms while it's living and then having to reassemble them on a tray to make sure you got everything and then selling the baby parts for a profit is disgusting.

Reproductive Freedom is a lie, just like all your other lies. It is nothing but a cover to explain away your obvious and persistent election fraud in your Blue Controlled districts and states.

You people aren't just Nasty, you are Evil.

You don't care about life, or the mother, or reproductive freedom.
All you care about is Power, Profit, and forwarding your Sick Satanic God Hating, Life Hating, America Hating Agendas.
The Republican Party is the party of lies and liars. It's really all of have, outside of hate and fear.
You have made it your life's mission to promote lies. Your above statement is a lie.
Your entire party runs on Hatred, Division, Fear, and Lies.

Russian Collusion ring a bell?
How about you lying in FISA court in order to use laws designed to go after terrorists to spy on a Presidential Candidate and his Campaign Team?
How about The COVID 19 Bioweapon Fauci and Obama unleashed on America to destroy our Democracy and rig our elections?
How about you lying to people about The Illegal Election Laws changes that enabled widespread Fraud in 2020 which continues until today?
How about you lying to people about Vaccinations, Masks, and Unconstitutional Lockdowns?
How about you lying to people to tell them Republicans were going to abolish Social Security and Medicare?
How about you lying to people to tell them Republicans were going to outlaw your precious abortion in every state?
How about The Mueller investigation? Complete Fraud.
How about you lying to people about Obamacare even going so far as to tell us that you relied on the stupidity of people to get it passed?
How about your lies about Maro Lago?
How about your lies about Seth Rich and Julian Assange?
How about your lies about The Criminal Pakistani Hackers Clinton and The DNC hired?
How about your lies about Russia Alpha Bank and Trump Tower server where Clinton and her hackers planted false evidence?
How about your lies about Hunter Biden's Laptop?
How about your lies about Clinton's Illegal Server and Classified emails, and Bleach Bit?
How about Mueller lying to the AG about wiping Strozk and Paige's phones?
How about the lies you told about The Uranium One - Rosatom Deal?
How about the lies you told about The Clinton's scams in Haiti?
How about the lies you told about The Clinton Foundation taking $125 Million in Bribes from Putin as a Thank You for US Uranium?
How about the lies you tell about Gender?
How about the lies you tell about grooming our children to accept The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby's Indoctrination of them?
Last edited:

Is the politician who controls the campaign money. Not Trump
Where do you people come up with this stuff? Trump controls the money within the PAC's he forms, period. Like the Save America PAC. That PAC had 122 million dollars in cash on hand at the beginning of the year, more than twice what the Republican National Committee had on hand.

Those that donated to that PAC honestly believed their money was going to be used to contest the election, maybe even overturn it. The PAC has came under numerous investigations, from inappropriate fundraising tactics to questionable distributions including a million dollars to a PAC in which Mark Meadows is a principal just days after his subpoena.

Look, I am sure the Save America PAC got all kinds of five and ten figure donations from corporations and wealthy individuals seeking to court Trump's favor. That don't bother me for shit, they can hitch their cart to a loser if they so choose. What does bother me is the decent, hard working, but misled individuals that donated fifty, a hundred, maybe even twenty dollars in response to the dozen or so emails they got that particular day. Hell, let's make it a hundred dollars. The donations of 600 $100 givers went to Melania's stylist. WTF?

But in a deja vue all over again moment, the PAC contributed $650,000 to the Smithsonian to fund the presidential and first lady portraits. Is that "Saving America"?

I mean that shit is mind numbing. First off, if you are so damn butt ugly that it cost almost three quarters of a million dollars to get someone to paint your sorry ass and make you look good, might be better to wear a bag over your head. But Trump has done this shit before, as the second link documents. I mean it takes a special kind of self-absorbed piece of shit to do that even once, but twice, are you flipping kidding me?
Where do you people come up with this stuff? Trump controls the money within the PAC's he forms, period. Like the Save America PAC. That PAC had 122 million dollars in cash on hand at the beginning of the year, more than twice what the Republican National Committee had on hand.

Those that donated to that PAC honestly believed their money was going to be used to contest the election, maybe even overturn it. The PAC has came under numerous investigations, from inappropriate fundraising tactics to questionable distributions including a million dollars to a PAC in which Mark Meadows is a principal just days after his subpoena.

Look, I am sure the Save America PAC got all kinds of five and ten figure donations from corporations and wealthy individuals seeking to court Trump's favor. That don't bother me for shit, they can hitch their cart to a loser if they so choose. What does bother me is the decent, hard working, but misled individuals that donated fifty, a hundred, maybe even twenty dollars in response to the dozen or so emails they got that particular day. Hell, let's make it a hundred dollars. The donations of 600 $100 givers went to Melania's stylist. WTF?

But in a deja vue all over again moment, the PAC contributed $650,000 to the Smithsonian to fund the presidential and first lady portraits. Is that "Saving America"?

I mean that shit is mind numbing. First off, if you are so damn butt ugly that it cost almost three quarters of a million dollars to get someone to paint your sorry ass and make you look good, might be better to wear a bag over your head. But Trump has done this shit before, as the second link documents. I mean it takes a special kind of self-absorbed piece of shit to do that even once, but twice, are you flipping kidding me?
I cant say nothing in reply to stupid. Other than what I just stated
I cant say nothing in reply to stupid. Other than what I just stated
Serioiusly? Says the person that claims Mitch McConnel controls the spending of Trump's PAC. Or hell, even the spending of the Republican Senatorial Campaign committee. For that entity it is Rick Scott. Which is absolutely comical, I wouldn't leave Rick Scott in charge of the local cub scouts treasury. He was CEO of a company that was convicted, and paid millions of dollars, to the government for Medicare fraud. I mean what is it with you stupid shits?

I mean come on dumbass. Trump took donations to "Save America", and then spent almost three quarters of a million dollars of the funds raised, FOR A FAWKING PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF, Either crawl under a damn rock, where you probably flippin live, or justify that as "Saving America". I mean you are beyond stupid and are entering the brain damaged realm.
Hershal Walker complains that only 10% of money Trump collected to help Walker actually reaches hiim. Trump keeps the rest. After the public complaint, promises were made to divide 50-50. Just another example of the lack of integrity in the right wing leadership. Some day the MAGA cult might realize they are nothing more than a source of income for their leaders, but I doubt it wll be any time soon.
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NBC eh? Shouldn’t this be in the CT forum?
Serioiusly? Says the person that claims Mitch McConnel controls the spending of Trump's PAC. Or hell, even the spending of the Republican Senatorial Campaign committee. For that entity it is Rick Scott. Which is absolutely comical, I wouldn't leave Rick Scott in charge of the local cub scouts treasury. He was CEO of a company that was convicted, and paid millions of dollars, to the government for Medicare fraud. I mean what is it with you stupid shits?

I mean come on dumbass. Trump took donations to "Save America", and then spent almost three quarters of a million dollars of the funds raised, FOR A FAWKING PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF, Either crawl under a damn rock, where you probably flippin live, or justify that as "Saving America". I mean you are beyond stupid and are entering the brain damaged realm.
Goober doober duh uh bub ba duh

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