91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

Tell you what you mandate that every car has to have a breathalyzer ignition lock out and that everyone must retrofit all existing cars on the road because obviously if a person drives drunk the people who don't drive drunk are responsible for it

I'd have no problem making breathalizyers standard equipment on cars.

Thing is, if we banned all cars tomorrow, our economy would collapse.

If we banned all guns tomorrow.... the only people who'd know the difference are the gun nuts contending with their tiny dicks.

The only one with a tiny dick is the one that says guns should be banned yet won't do anything himself to try and take them from anyone. In fact, yours is so tiny, it can be confused for a vagina.
If someone told me people that say something should be done a certain way but won't do a damn thing themselves about it, I'd think of you.

Somehow, given the fact you are here all day and don't seem to have a job, I suspect you aren't doing anything for yourself.

Yet, you're right here at the same time.

I have people working for me. They don't have the same shitty attitude you have or they wouldn't be working FOR me.
I've already shown another one of you idiots that the guns used in the 2nd deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history weren't the kind you say people have to have in order to have mass shootings.

No, but they were used in teh 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th...

The problem is when what is the 2nd was the 1st, and it was until recently, you idiots used the same arguments you use now.
Yet, you're right here at the same time.

I have people working for me. They don't have the same shitty attitude you have or they wouldn't be working FOR me.

No, I'm here on my lunch break... you just aren't very smart, are you?

Somehow, I wouldn't be very inspired by a boss who was sitting in his office all day ranting like a crazy person on line while I was out doing the hard work.

Obviously, "Leading by example" isn't one of those things you've heard of.
The problem is when what is the 2nd was the 1st, and it was until recently, you idiots used the same arguments you use now.

Yawn, guy. Point was, yes, I guess you can find that case where someone who never, ever should have had a gun didn't use a machine gun to kill lots of unarmed people... but the fact is, he still never should have had a gun.

This is a guy whose behavior was considered so disturbing on campus that the facutly had to have him privately tutored because he scared the shit out of the coeds.

But he was able to walk into a gun store, pretty as you please and buy a bunch of guns and ammo...
No. The problem is that *you* don't think anything is reasonable

We have thousands of reasonable gun laws on the books already

well, not in all states. which is why guns come from the south up into NYC

the system of background checks should be good enough to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies, abusers and people on the terrorist watch list.

and perhaps the way to view it is this.... about 90% of the people in this country agree on the above parameters. should they be thwarted because the NRA gives money to the people responsible for the governance of our country?

You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.
Yet, you're right here at the same time.

I have people working for me. They don't have the same shitty attitude you have or they wouldn't be working FOR me.

No, I'm here on my lunch break... you just aren't very smart, are you?

Somehow, I wouldn't be very inspired by a boss who was sitting in his office all day ranting like a crazy person on line while I was out doing the hard work.

Obviously, "Leading by example" isn't one of those things you've heard of.

Since you don't work for me and never would, I don't keep up with what you do. I'm here because having others work FOR me, it gives me more time than someone like you that's on a schedule. Never crossed your mind did it?

Who says I'm in an office? Again, you speculate about things you don't know. I don't give a shit if people are inspired or not as long as they do the job I'm paying them to do. I had a FORMER employee, a smartass like you, ask me early in his time working FOR me what I did to motivate people. I told him it was easy and that it would occur every two week like clockwork. His eyes got real big until I told him that the paycheck he received is his motivation. If that wasn't good, I suggested he find somewhere else to work. He did.
We have thousands of reasonable gun laws on the books already

well, not in all states. which is why guns come from the south up into NYC

the system of background checks should be good enough to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies, abusers and people on the terrorist watch list.

and perhaps the way to view it is this.... about 90% of the people in this country agree on the above parameters. should they be thwarted because the NRA gives money to the people responsible for the governance of our country?

You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.

If I legally own one gun or one thousand it's none of your business and does not affect you
Tell you what you mandate that every car has to have a breathalyzer ignition lock out and that everyone must retrofit all existing cars on the road because obviously if a person drives drunk the people who don't drive drunk are responsible for it

I'd have no problem making breathalizyers standard equipment on cars.

Thing is, if we banned all cars tomorrow, our economy would collapse.

If we banned all guns tomorrow.... the only people who'd know the difference are the gun nuts contending with their tiny dicks.

I never said anything about banning cars.

SO try again.

Guns are no more dangerous than thousands of other tool in existence today
The problem is when what is the 2nd was the 1st, and it was until recently, you idiots used the same arguments you use now.

Yawn, guy. Point was, yes, I guess you can find that case where someone who never, ever should have had a gun didn't use a machine gun to kill lots of unarmed people... but the fact is, he still never should have had a gun.

This is a guy whose behavior was considered so disturbing on campus that the facutly had to have him privately tutored because he scared the shit out of the coeds.

But he was able to walk into a gun store, pretty as you please and buy a bunch of guns and ammo...

Funny how when your viewpoint is shown as faulty, you come up with more excuses.

Are you saying Seung-Hui Cho didn't go through a background check?
It was not a badly written anything. It was a guarantee that the people could always have a means to reject a tyrannical gov't.

Again, by that logic, then, Mateen was expressing his "rights". I mean, right. If your purpose is to use violence to acheive an end, Mateen was a hero by you guys.

Not even your logic can make that stretch. He was a murderer.
First show me anyone who walked out of a gun store with a machine gun and 100 round clip.

Second, did he seem "clearly disturbed" in the gun store? Or was that just later?

Third, as I have asked before, is this what he looked like in the gun store?

Good point. We should have all gun sales videotaped. If you can't produce a videotape of the gun sale, it's assumed you did something wrong when you sold it to him, and OFF TO PRISON YOU GO, BUDDY!!!!

Ok, you get that law passed and I'm sure it will be followed. But what you have whined for is to send people to prison even though they followed the laws. And allow others to ignore the laws and skate free.
Tell you what you mandate that every car has to have a breathalyzer ignition lock out and that everyone must retrofit all existing cars on the road because obviously if a person drives drunk the people who don't drive drunk are responsible for it

I'd have no problem making breathalizyers standard equipment on cars.

Thing is, if we banned all cars tomorrow, our economy would collapse.

If we banned all guns tomorrow.... the only people who'd know the difference are the gun nuts contending with their tiny dicks.

And the victims of crimes who were unable to protect themselves.
You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Then those FBI agents should be fired. Tomorrow. GROSS INCOMPETENCE should be stamped on their files.

And we keep firing people until they do it right.

Because they couldn't see the future?
well, not in all states. which is why guns come from the south up into NYC

the system of background checks should be good enough to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies, abusers and people on the terrorist watch list.

and perhaps the way to view it is this.... about 90% of the people in this country agree on the above parameters. should they be thwarted because the NRA gives money to the people responsible for the governance of our country?

You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.

If I legally own one gun or one thousand it's none of your business and does not affect you

not if you aren't a criminal, an abuser, a crazy or on the terrorist watch list.

did I say I wanted to limit your ability to buy a gun? unless you are one of the above, then I don't think anyone said any such thing.
Let's clarify things a bit. By definition, a "machine gun" continues to fire as long as you hold the trigger back and have ammo.

If the gun cannot do that, it is not a machine gun. You could say "as far as I am concerned, a horse is a fish". But it doesn't change the facts of what a horse is.

Yawn, guy, Mateen was able to kill 49 people with his machine gun. Joker holmes killed 17 and wounded another 50 before his jammed.

Looks like that horse is a pretty good swimmer.

So you define a "machine gun" by the number of people you can kill with it, even when used against unarmed victims??

I guess if you get to create your own definitions, debating gets easier for you.

Neither of those assholes used a machine gun. Period.
We have thousands of reasonable gun laws on the books already

well, not in all states. which is why guns come from the south up into NYC

the system of background checks should be good enough to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies, abusers and people on the terrorist watch list.

and perhaps the way to view it is this.... about 90% of the people in this country agree on the above parameters. should they be thwarted because the NRA gives money to the people responsible for the governance of our country?

You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.

If I choose to legally own one gun or 100 guns, it doesn't affect you and none of your business. Therefore, your double standard proves you're a hypocrite.

Are you saying that if it wasn't for me, guns wouldn't be in NY? Really?

It would disappoint me because she's smarter than to ever be a Liberal. Apparently, you're not.

Apparently he didn't teach you right from wrong or you were too stupid to learn.
You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.

If I legally own one gun or one thousand it's none of your business and does not affect you

not if you aren't a criminal, an abuser, a crazy or on the terrorist watch list.

did I say I wanted to limit your ability to buy a gun? unless you are one of the above, then I don't think anyone said any such thing.

I'm not and the vast majority of those possessing guns aren't yet you support things designed to deal with those that are affecting us. You have yet to say what type of background check will apply to the person that stole my gun.
You do realize that the Orlando Night club shooter, the guy who murdered 49 men....whose father supports hilary clinton.......went through 3 background checks....one for his work as a security guard......one, 10 month deep investigation by the FBI......and one for each gun he purchased.....plus he had 3 interviews with 3 trained FBI interrogators......and they still gave him a pass...

How much more rigorous do you want background checks to be?

Criminals can't pass background checks...so they use people who can pass background checks....right now, for federal background checks..that is how they are getting guns to New York....so what will you do to improve background checks for people who can pass them already?

the 90% are uniformed on the issue..they take people like you for their word, not realizing that what you really want is gun registration like in Germany, Britain and Australia, which will then allow you to ban and confiscate guns at a later date.......

so much stupid in that post its comical.

what on earth does who the killer's father supports have to do with anything? my father is a republican. and??? idiot.

the rest of what you said is nonsense....

I want a background check rigorous enough to know who is on the terrorist watch list so that if they get a gun, the FBI and homeland security know about it.

I want gun laws rigorous enough to keep the guns from the southern states out of our state.

I want the controls that 90% of this country asked for and support..... without the obstruction of the NRA shills.


I would be disappointed if my daughters turned out to be Liberals. They were taught better.

Mine taught me at a young age that when you want something, you have two options. Shit in one hand, want in the other, and see which one fills up quicker. All that means is you don't necessarily get what you want.

As far as that 90%, apply the if you don't want one don't get one mindset those of us that aren't women are told to apply when it comes to abortions.

then you're an idiot.

given your posts, I doubt you had anything to teach.

and your 90% analogy to reproductive choices is absurd. if a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, it's none of your business and doesn't affect you.

if because you're an NRA shill, guns come to NY, then it affects us here.

as to your purported rights, a) until Scalia polluted our body of caselaw with Heller, there was no individual rigfht of gun ownership (that whole "well-regulated militia" thing); and b) even under Heller, reasonable regulation is permissible so long as it isn't a ban.... same as with reproductive choice....which is why the heavy handed BS passed by the Texas legislature got the ax. Best decision for reproductive rights in ages.

see what happens when rightwingnuts overplay their hands.

btw, if your daughters' politics could "disappoint" you, you're disgusting. just saying. me and my dad? we've discussed issues our whole lives. we'd be bored if we agreed.

but then again, he's not an ass.

If I legally own one gun or one thousand it's none of your business and does not affect you

not if you aren't a criminal, an abuser, a crazy or on the terrorist watch list.

did I say I wanted to limit your ability to buy a gun? unless you are one of the above, then I don't think anyone said any such thing.

Drop the terror watch list thing.

The terror watch list is an arbitrary thing and people who have committed no crimes are on that list.
The problem is when what is the 2nd was the 1st, and it was until recently, you idiots used the same arguments you use now.

Yawn, guy. Point was, yes, I guess you can find that case where someone who never, ever should have had a gun didn't use a machine gun to kill lots of unarmed people... but the fact is, he still never should have had a gun.

This is a guy whose behavior was considered so disturbing on campus that the facutly had to have him privately tutored because he scared the shit out of the coeds.

But he was able to walk into a gun store, pretty as you please and buy a bunch of guns and ammo...

Yeah, he was batshit crazy. And no one at the college, at the facility where he received therapy, or around his neighborhood reported him so that he would have been unable to buy a gun. And you expect the gun store clerk to be able to diagnose his mental illness after talking 10 mins and then watching him fill out the forms. Complete insanity there too.
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