91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

LMAO!! Too funny. You seem to enjoy telling us what we want, enjoy and would do. And yet, there is no evidence that the shootings you reference were anything but extremely rare events.

The guy was gay (or at least bi) and was horrified by it. He went nuts.

And he was able to buy a machine gun and hundreds of rounds of ammo...

What's wrong with that picture?

That is an outright lie. He did not buy a machine gun.
Joe says he knows about guns because he was in the service yet he does not know the difference between a full auto and a semi auto

But he "considers" the AR to be a machine gun. If you write your own definitions, you don't have to worry about those pesky facts.
Yeah like less than one one hundredth of a percent

We've banned other products for less...

Wait. Wait, this is the part where you say something about the Constitution or some such shit.

We have arrested and prosecuted people for taking pictures of someone's kids to use as threats too. But you claimed the union did nothing wrong and the mother "got what she deserved".
Joe says he knows about guns because he was in the service yet he does not know the difference between a full auto and a semi auto

I know Mateen killed 49 people with one and Lanza killed 26 people with one. (including 20 children).

What else is there to know?

The difference between a full and semi auto.

You say you supposedly served in the military and yet you don't know the most elementary differences in weapons

So I'll just chalk your military service up as another of your lies
Joe says he knows about guns because he was in the service yet he does not know the difference between a full auto and a semi auto

I know Mateen killed 49 people with one and Lanza killed 26 people with one. (including 20 children).

What else is there to know?

That a "machine gun" is capable of firing full auto. If the gun does not do that, it is not a machine gun. Period.

You claim to have such deep knowledge of weapons from your stint in the service. Remember that lever on the side of the M16 that took it from semiauto to full auto? Yeah, the rifle he bought didn't have that.
Joe says he knows about guns because he was in the service yet he does not know the difference between a full auto and a semi auto

I know Mateen killed 49 people with one and Lanza killed 26 people with one. (including 20 children).

What else is there to know?

How about that 99.99% of the gun owners (that you want disarmed) in the USA did not kill anyone?
We have arrested and prosecuted people for taking pictures of someone's kids to use as threats too. But you claimed the union did nothing wrong and the mother "got what she deserved".

Again, working people need to beat the crap out of scabs. that'll teach them.

So you are only concerned about the union people's welfare. Good you can admit that.
How about that 99.99% of the gun owners (that you want disarmed) in the USA did not kill anyone?

If you tell me how you can disarm that .o1% while keeping your guns, I'd be all for it.

But we can't even get you nuts to agree that terrorists and crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy guns.


More lies? You can't play it straight even if you wanted to, can you?
Suicides are part of your argument to ban guns, but irrelevant when used to show differences between cultures? Okey dokey.

Then tell us more about how you know so much about "machine guns".

The Japanese have a culture where suicide is acceptable. We don't.

So their suicides are ok, but ours require the removal of a constitutionally guaranteed right? And the removal of possessions of tens of millions of people? All because we don't find suicide "acceptable"? Learn to accept that a person may want to die. Learn to be more like the japanese you idolize.
More lies? You can't play it straight even if you wanted to, can you?

We tried to put terrorists on the NO-Fly list on a No-buy list...

and who stopped that? The gun nuts.

So let me get this straight, just so I can understand Gun Nut logic.

A guy the government is so worried about that they won't let him fly on a plane even after he's gone through a strip search and a scanner should STILL be allowed to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.

That's just as crazy as someone who thinks he's the Joker being able to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.

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