91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

The No-Fly list has people on it that only have a similar name. The No-Fly list requires no evidence, no ability to defend yourself, and covers anyone with a name sufficiently similar. In fact, even if you prove you are not the person that was meant to be on the No-Fly list, you still cannot fly. So no, the No-Fly list is not worth its salt.

And how many hijackings have we had since it was put into place? Oh, that's right... ZERO!!!!

And, as I have asked over and over, did he claim to be The Joker in the gun store? Did is display signs of obvious psychosis in front of the clerk? Or did he seem reasonable and normal? Unless you can show any evidence that there was behavior that showed he was crazy, this line of argument is worthless. But his therapist knew he was nuts. And the therapist is required by law to report such insanity.

His therapist didn't give him a machine gun and a 100 round clip. The gun store did that.

Yes I am. But that is not what the 2nd says. It does not say "the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". It is a right of the people.

The people collectively, not a person individually. If it was so clear, why didn't anyone see it that way until 2008?

The therapist KNEW he was crazy and ignored the law that requires he report him. The gun store clerk did NOT know he was crazy, and since his name was not in the database (due to the therapist violating the law), he sold a customer a gun.

And the phrase "the people" appears in the 1st and 4th amendments as well. Are those collective rights too?
It's about both, moron.

In your opinion. Mine is different. And when Hillary appoints Scalia's replacement, my opinion will be the one that prevails.

Keep arguing that tripe, son. Until you're willing to man up and try to take mine, which we both know you aren't, I'll own one. You'll post something about the government doing it while you laugh. We laugh at you now for hiding like a fucking coward.

Hey, guy, I think it will be hilarious to watch the government frog march you out when you lose your shit.

I thinks it's hilarious that a pussy like you says something shouldn't happen then will do nothing about it himself. I've told you that if I didn't think you should have something, I'd take it and laugh at you while you thought you could actually do something about it.
More lies? You can't play it straight even if you wanted to, can you?

We tried to put terrorists on the NO-Fly list on a No-buy list...

and who stopped that? The gun nuts.

So let me get this straight, just so I can understand Gun Nut logic.

A guy the government is so worried about that they won't let him fly on a plane even after he's gone through a strip search and a scanner should STILL be allowed to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.

That's just as crazy as someone who thinks he's the Joker being able to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.
Gee imagine that some of us think that people who have not committed any crimes should not have their rights restricted

But, but that would be a violation of that person's rights.

People like Joe are idiots. He refuses to acknowledge something WRITTEN in the Constitution as a right but supports something not close to being implied in it as gospel.

NO, dumbass, I don't really care what the constitution says.

The constitution says that black people are 3/5th of white people... but anyone with common sense knows that's not true. (well, except racists like you, maybe.)

I ask myself what makes common sense NOW.

Does it make sense NOW to let crazy people be able to buy automatic weapons?

"well, yes, because the founding fathers said gun ownership was a right"... when they never actually used the word "gun".

Bullshit. Show me where the US Constitution says blacks are 3/5 of a person. Come on, show me. I'm willing to bet you can't.
But, but that would be a violation of that person's rights.

People like Joe are idiots. He refuses to acknowledge something WRITTEN in the Constitution as a right but supports something not close to being implied in it as gospel.

NO, dumbass, I don't really care what the constitution says.

The constitution says that black people are 3/5th of white people... but anyone with common sense knows that's not true. (well, except racists like you, maybe.)

I ask myself what makes common sense NOW.

Does it make sense NOW to let crazy people be able to buy automatic weapons?

"well, yes, because the founding fathers said gun ownership was a right"... when they never actually used the word "gun".

Bullshit. Show me where the US Constitution says blacks are 3/5 of a person. Come on, show me. I'm willing to bet you can't.

Joe quite often misrepresents information.
We have arrested and prosecuted people for taking pictures of someone's kids to use as threats too. But you claimed the union did nothing wrong and the mother "got what she deserved".

Again, working people need to beat the crap out of scabs. that'll teach them.

You are so violent. No wonder you want to disarm people it's the projection of your own violent tendencies onto others that scares you

Oh JoeyB is a spiteful, violent sort of fellow.

In a discussion of unions and their tactics, it came up that some union thugs, in order to pressure a woman who was in mgmt of a construction company, took pics of her children at a school bus stop. The threat was serious. His view? Even if the kids were kidnapped or hurt, the woman got what she deserved.

Yeah, his claims about being concerned for teh welfare of others is nonsense.
If I legally own one gun or one thousand it's none of your business and does not affect you

Until that day you flip out and go on a shooting spree, yeah.

Guns are no more dangerous than thousands of other tool in existence today

Uh, they are specifically designed to KILL people. They really have no other function. So, um, yeah, that makes them more dangerous.

Yeah..they do...they save the lives of the owners and those the owner protects.....more times than not without even firing a shot.....
Yeah, he was batshit crazy. And no one at the college, at the facility where he received therapy, or around his neighborhood reported him so that he would have been unable to buy a gun. And you expect the gun store clerk to be able to diagnose his mental illness after talking 10 mins and then watching him fill out the forms. Complete insanity there too.

If 10 minutes is an inadequate amount of time to ascertain if someone is too crazy to have a gun, then it should take longer than 10 minutes.

Again- throw the gun sellers in jail, make the manufacturers pay out huge damages, and I promise you, they WILL find out who the nuts are before they sell them guns.

So....punish the people who did nothing illegal, and did not use the gun to commit a crime....got it.....
Oh JoeyB is a spiteful, violent sort of fellow.

In a discussion of unions and their tactics, it came up that some union thugs, in order to pressure a woman who was in mgmt of a construction company, took pics of her children at a school bus stop. The threat was serious. His view? Even if the kids were kidnapped or hurt, the woman got what she deserved.

Yeah, his claims about being concerned for teh welfare of others is nonsense.
Which is why unions have historically been against gun ownership rights. It is too easy for marks to shoot their leg breakers.
Because they couldn't see the future?

Because it was obvious to everyone else what this guy was.

Come on, we found out within 24 hours everything we wanted to know about Mateen.

The FBI interviewed the Orlando Shooter 3 times with trained FBI interrogators and did a 10 month investigation....with an under cover agent involved...moron......and on top of that his own job did a background check, and he had to do a background check for the guns he bought.....

The FBI let him go moron...blame them.......vs. the guy at the gun store counter who runs the mandatory background check and it comes back clean....
LMAO!! Too funny. You seem to enjoy telling us what we want, enjoy and would do. And yet, there is no evidence that the shootings you reference were anything but extremely rare events.

The guy was gay (or at least bi) and was horrified by it. He went nuts.

And he was able to buy a machine gun and hundreds of rounds of ammo...

What's wrong with that picture?

He didn't have a machine gun oh dumb one......

357,000,000 guns in this country....this guy used his gun illegally...

357,000,000 to 1.......I guess you can't count.....
Joe says he knows about guns because he was in the service yet he does not know the difference between a full auto and a semi auto

I know Mateen killed 49 people with one and Lanza killed 26 people with one. (including 20 children).

What else is there to know?

That there are 5,000,000 million AR-15 rifles in private hands right now.......and 2 guys used theirs illegally, in gun free zones to murder people you helped to make unarmed and defenseless.....

5,000,000 to 2....again...please do the math.....
It's not the gun it's the person so we should ban people who have gone over the edge and you are first in line

No, guy, it's the gun. Europe and Japan probably have as many crazy people as we do, but they don't have a lot of thee incidents.

No...they don't.....Japanese people do not commit crime because of cultural factors...group shame and respect for central authority....and for their criminals...they have now made illegal gun possession a 30 year sentence...because their criminals were still using guns and grenades when they wanted to kill each other.....

Europe...again....they don't commit murder as much as our urban criminals do....our non gun murder rate is higher than the total murder rate of most European countries..so you are wrong on that point....

And in France, and the rest of Europe, criminals get actual...fully automatic weapons easily...as reported by French and European police...they just don't use them to commit murder...so you are wrong again.
Suicides are part of your argument to ban guns, but irrelevant when used to show differences between cultures? Okey dokey.

Then tell us more about how you know so much about "machine guns".

The Japanese have a culture where suicide is acceptable. We don't.

Yeah..it isn't just Japan......these countries...like France, have every single gun control measure you want...and France made semi auto and fully auto rifles completely illegal....and their non-asian culture suicide rates are higher than ours....

World suicide rates by country

World suicide rates by country

Per 100,000

Hungary ... 21.0
Belgium .... 18.4
Finland... 16.5
France... 14.6
Poland... 13.8
Austria... 13.8
Czech Republic... 12.7
New Zealand.... 11.9
Denmark... 11.3

United States.......10.1
More lies? You can't play it straight even if you wanted to, can you?

We tried to put terrorists on the NO-Fly list on a No-buy list...

and who stopped that? The gun nuts.

So let me get this straight, just so I can understand Gun Nut logic.

A guy the government is so worried about that they won't let him fly on a plane even after he's gone through a strip search and a scanner should STILL be allowed to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.

That's just as crazy as someone who thinks he's the Joker being able to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip.

No...the ACLU said no......the NRA joined them.......you statist thugs like to put citizens on secret lists...but we have a Bill of Rights here....

A guy they are so worried about they won't let him fly on a plane...but they let him walk around free.......answer that moron....
The No-Fly list has people on it that only have a similar name. The No-Fly list requires no evidence, no ability to defend yourself, and covers anyone with a name sufficiently similar. In fact, even if you prove you are not the person that was meant to be on the No-Fly list, you still cannot fly. So no, the No-Fly list is not worth its salt.

And how many hijackings have we had since it was put into place? Oh, that's right... ZERO!!!!

And, as I have asked over and over, did he claim to be The Joker in the gun store? Did is display signs of obvious psychosis in front of the clerk? Or did he seem reasonable and normal? Unless you can show any evidence that there was behavior that showed he was crazy, this line of argument is worthless. But his therapist knew he was nuts. And the therapist is required by law to report such insanity.

His therapist didn't give him a machine gun and a 100 round clip. The gun store did that.

Yes I am. But that is not what the 2nd says. It does not say "the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". It is a right of the people.

The people collectively, not a person individually. If it was so clear, why didn't anyone see it that way until 2008?

Moron....we haven't had more high jackings because the people will attack whoever does it...since the last ones flew the planes into buildings.....moron...
No, it isn't. It's only purpose is to make it hard on law abiding people so they give up and don't get a gun.

How about we add a $200 fee and a 1 week waiting period to abortions?

You guys have already tried that... and in some states that is the case.

Here's the thing... fetuses aren't people. So, um, no, you really can't tell a woman she has to carry a pregnancy to term.

On the other hand,t here's no good reason for you to own a gun. So if we let you have the privilege of owning a gun, we should be able to demand certain assurances that you aren't going to flip out and think you're the Joker one morning or Jesus told you to shoot up a pre-school.

Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,00 times a year according to the United States Department of Justice.....they think that their lives and the lives of their families are an excellent reason to own and carry a gun.....

And in the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and 1.5 million concealed carry permit holders....we now have 357 million guns in private hands and 14.5 million permit holders...and the gun murder rate dropped 49%....

You are wrong...again and again....
Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,00 times a year according to the United States Department of Justice.....they think that their lives and the lives of their families are an excellent reason to own and carry a gun.....

And in the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and 1.5 million concealed carry permit holders....we now have 357 million guns in private hands and 14.5 million permit holders...and the gun murder rate dropped 49%....

You are wrong...again and again....
JoeBitch is not a real person. He is a computer app that posts random stupid shit to build up his post count.
But, but that would be a violation of that person's rights.

People like Joe are idiots. He refuses to acknowledge something WRITTEN in the Constitution as a right but supports something not close to being implied in it as gospel.

NO, dumbass, I don't really care what the constitution says.

The constitution says that black people are 3/5th of white people... but anyone with common sense knows that's not true. (well, except racists like you, maybe.)

I ask myself what makes common sense NOW.

Does it make sense NOW to let crazy people be able to buy automatic weapons?

"well, yes, because the founding fathers said gun ownership was a right"... when they never actually used the word "gun".

Let me help you out. Blacks were never called 3/5 of a person. Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person for census purposes only. Free blacks were always a full person.

But feel free to continue to lie.
Let me help you out. Blacks were never called 3/5 of a person. Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person for census purposes only. Free blacks were always a full person.

But feel free to continue to lie.
Lol, as if Joe Bitch didnt know that already.

He isnt ignorant, he just doesnt give a fuck about what is the truth of the matter.

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