91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

The NRA does not make gun laws
The NRA does not condone crime of any kind

The NRA spends millions influencing elections. The NRA blocks even the most common sense gun laws, like, 'If you are on the No-Fly List, you can't buy a gun."

Still going with the 33k gun deaths? Funny that the FBI says only 9,500 gun murders. Where did the other 13,500 gun deaths come from? Oh yeah, suicides. Everyone knows that if people are unable to kill themselves with a gun they won't commit suicide. Idiot.

Suicides are just as dead as the murders.

Hey, were's 2TinyGuy, a gun thread is like the Bat-Signal for him.
The NRA does not make gun laws
The NRA does not condone crime of any kind

The NRA spends millions influencing elections. The NRA blocks even the most common sense gun laws, like, 'If you are on the No-Fly List, you can't buy a gun."

Still going with the 33k gun deaths? Funny that the FBI says only 9,500 gun murders. Where did the other 13,500 gun deaths come from? Oh yeah, suicides. Everyone knows that if people are unable to kill themselves with a gun they won't commit suicide. Idiot.

Suicides are just as dead as the murders.

Hey, were's 2TinyGuy, a gun thread is like the Bat-Signal for him.

So does big pharma
so does big oil
so does George Soros

So the fuck what?
And legal gun owners are not responsible for anything done by people who illegally, sell ,buy or use guns.

Unless of course you want to hold every person with a penis responsible for every rape that happens as well

If men had an organizatoin out there like the NRA that made it impossible for the cops to stop rapists, then maybe you'd have a point...

but you don't.

Lawn darts were dangerous. When you throw them at someone.

A steak knife is dangerous too.


Swimming pools?


Plastic bags?

Shall I continue?

Keep wiping your ass with the Constitution.

You still won't get our firearms.

all of those things are necessary. And honestly, I've never heard of anyone going on a rampage and killing dozens of people with a plastic bag or a steak knife.

Guns aren't. Other countries don't have guns, they are just fine.

Now, I'd have no problem with sensible gun laws like Germany has where you only get a gun if you are responsible... but the NRA doesn't want that.

The NRA wants criminals and crazy people to have guns, so people like you want them, too.

God are you an idiot.

Cops are reactive, not proactive. They can't respond till that rape has been committed.

They can't respond till that tool of a weapon has been used.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon and no one can control who picks up a tool.
The NRA does not make gun laws
The NRA does not condone crime of any kind

The NRA spends millions influencing elections. The NRA blocks even the most common sense gun laws, like, 'If you are on the No-Fly List, you can't buy a gun."

Still going with the 33k gun deaths? Funny that the FBI says only 9,500 gun murders. Where did the other 13,500 gun deaths come from? Oh yeah, suicides. Everyone knows that if people are unable to kill themselves with a gun they won't commit suicide. Idiot.

Suicides are just as dead as the murders.

Hey, were's 2TinyGuy, a gun thread is like the Bat-Signal for him.

So are suicides who hang themselves.

And spare us the "If we only had reasonable gun laws". That you claim that is what you want is a lie.

You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.
The NRA does not make gun laws
The NRA does not condone crime of any kind

The NRA spends millions influencing elections. The NRA blocks even the most common sense gun laws, like, 'If you are on the No-Fly List, you can't buy a gun."

Still going with the 33k gun deaths? Funny that the FBI says only 9,500 gun murders. Where did the other 13,500 gun deaths come from? Oh yeah, suicides. Everyone knows that if people are unable to kill themselves with a gun they won't commit suicide. Idiot.

Suicides are just as dead as the murders.

Hey, were's 2TinyGuy, a gun thread is like the Bat-Signal for him.

So are suicides who hang themselves.

And spare us the "If we only had reasonable gun laws". That you claim that is what you want is a lie.

You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

I think Joe should get arrested for the next rape after all everyone with a dick is responsible for the crimes every other person with a dick commits

Oh wait maybe that doesn't apply here
And legal gun owners are not responsible for anything done by people who illegally, sell ,buy or use guns.

Unless of course you want to hold every person with a penis responsible for every rape that happens as well

If men had an organizatoin out there like the NRA that made it impossible for the cops to stop rapists, then maybe you'd have a point...

but you don't.

Lawn darts were dangerous. When you throw them at someone.

A steak knife is dangerous too.


Swimming pools?


Plastic bags?

Shall I continue?

Keep wiping your ass with the Constitution.

You still won't get our firearms.

all of those things are necessary. And honestly, I've never heard of anyone going on a rampage and killing dozens of people with a plastic bag or a steak knife.

Guns aren't. Other countries don't have guns, they are just fine.

Now, I'd have no problem with sensible gun laws like Germany has where you only get a gun if you are responsible... but the NRA doesn't want that.

The NRA wants criminals and crazy people to have guns, so people like you want them, too.

Bullshit. you have been on record stating no one should own guns besides government actors. Taking gun advice from a twat like you is like asking for Brisket recipes from the President of PETA.
Bullshit. you have been on record stating no one should own guns besides government actors. Taking gun advice from a twat like you is like asking for Brisket recipes from the President of PETA.

Hey, guy, I'm a reasonable guy.

Here's the thing. When you guys say "You can only have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers", I don't say, "Okay. The ATF will be by later to do that."

I'm all for reaching a middle ground with you guys. But you'll probalby keep up the bullshit until the day the vast majority of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks get sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of whatever the latest attrocity is and put a stop to it.

When you all could have said, "Yes, we will make an effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands."

You know, like Germany, where they have 17 million private guns and only 250 gun murders a year compared to our 11,500.
You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

Yes, that's what I'd like to see. I'd also like to see all the Mormons sent to a Cult Deprogramming Camp, but heck, I'm willing to be reasonable, unlike you guys.

You know, guys who apparently think that someone who can't get on an airliner because the FBI thinks he might be a terrorist, but he's totally free to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip like Joker Holmes and Omar Mateen did.
Bullshit. you have been on record stating no one should own guns besides government actors. Taking gun advice from a twat like you is like asking for Brisket recipes from the President of PETA.

Hey, guy, I'm a reasonable guy.

Here's the thing. When you guys say "You can only have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers", I don't say, "Okay. The ATF will be by later to do that."

I'm all for reaching a middle ground with you guys. But you'll probalby keep up the bullshit until the day the vast majority of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks get sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of whatever the latest attrocity is and put a stop to it.

When you all could have said, "Yes, we will make an effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands."

You know, like Germany, where they have 17 million private guns and only 250 gun murders a year compared to our 11,500.

Figures, you fascist.

And I call bullshit on your willingess to find a "middle ground". Your post history shows no concept of any compromise.

You wan't to keep guns out of ANYONE's hands, using criminals as the excuse to disarm the rest of us.

Go pound sand.
You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

Yes, that's what I'd like to see. I'd also like to see all the Mormons sent to a Cult Deprogramming Camp, but heck, I'm willing to be reasonable, unlike you guys.

You know, guys who apparently think that someone who can't get on an airliner because the FBI thinks he might be a terrorist, but he's totally free to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip like Joker Holmes and Omar Mateen did.


You just can't deal with other people living life in a way you don't like. That makes you a narcissistic twat.
Figures, you fascist.

And I call bullshit on your willingess to find a "middle ground". Your post history shows no concept of any compromise.

You wan't to keep guns out of ANYONE's hands, using criminals as the excuse to disarm the rest of us.

Go pound sand.

Well, true, you haven't given me a good reason why you should have a gun yet. That's usually the part of a comprimise.

You state your good reasons, I state my good reasons... and we meet somewhere in the middle.
Figures, you fascist.

And I call bullshit on your willingess to find a "middle ground". Your post history shows no concept of any compromise.

You wan't to keep guns out of ANYONE's hands, using criminals as the excuse to disarm the rest of us.

Go pound sand.

Well, true, you haven't given me a good reason why you should have a gun yet. That's usually the part of a comprimise.

You state your good reasons, I state my good reasons... and we meet somewhere in the middle.

you don't get to decide that, and neither does the government, unless I am a convicted felon, or mentally adjudicated.

I want a handgun in my apartment for my own protection. I should not have to pay $1000 and wait 3-6 months for it, nor should I have to ask anyone's permission.

You just can't deal with other people living life in a way you don't like. That makes you a narcissistic twat.

Hey, when you belong to a cult that was started by a child-molesting con man (read a biography of Joseph Smith some time) we are probably doing you a favor rescuing you from that.

But, heck, we can make room for the Scientologists and Jehovah's Witlesses...

You just can't deal with other people living life in a way you don't like. That makes you a narcissistic twat.

Hey, when you belong to a cult that was started by a child-molesting con man (read a biography of Joseph Smith some time) we are probably doing you a favor rescuing you from that.

But, heck, we can make room for the Scientologists and Jehovah's Witlesses...

You are a fucking bastard.
you don't get to decide that, and neither does the government, unless I am a convicted felon, or mentally adjudicated.

Again, buddy, Scalia's taking a dirt nap... The Second Amendment is going to be about Militias again.

And only one of us has been part of one of them thar well-regulated militias....

I want a handgun in my apartment for my own protection. I should not have to pay $1000 and wait 3-6 months for it, nor should I have to ask anyone's permission.

Except that handgun is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy. Makign you wait 3-6 months would probably be prudent so we don't know that you are the type who is likely to shoot someone.

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