91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

The NRA does not make gun laws
The NRA does not condone crime of any kind

The NRA spends millions influencing elections. The NRA blocks even the most common sense gun laws, like, 'If you are on the No-Fly List, you can't buy a gun."

Still going with the 33k gun deaths? Funny that the FBI says only 9,500 gun murders. Where did the other 13,500 gun deaths come from? Oh yeah, suicides. Everyone knows that if people are unable to kill themselves with a gun they won't commit suicide. Idiot.

Suicides are just as dead as the murders.

Hey, were's 2TinyGuy, a gun thread is like the Bat-Signal for him.

And, of course.....non gun suicide was greater than gun suicide last year....



Gun suicide vs. non gun suicide:


Gun suicide in 2014..... 21,334 (WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports)

non gun suicide in 2014...21,359 (WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports)
Bullshit. you have been on record stating no one should own guns besides government actors. Taking gun advice from a twat like you is like asking for Brisket recipes from the President of PETA.

Hey, guy, I'm a reasonable guy.

Here's the thing. When you guys say "You can only have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers", I don't say, "Okay. The ATF will be by later to do that."

I'm all for reaching a middle ground with you guys. But you'll probalby keep up the bullshit until the day the vast majority of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks get sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of whatever the latest attrocity is and put a stop to it.

When you all could have said, "Yes, we will make an effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands."

You know, like Germany, where they have 17 million private guns and only 250 gun murders a year compared to our 11,500.

And Germany has a different criminal culture than we do.......but.....they just imported millions of people who do not share European values......their murder rate...their gun murder rate, will be going up.......and criminals in Europe prefer fully automatic rifles.....
You call your bullshit truth?

You fucking Progressive Marxists love to ban anything you disagree with.

No, we like to ban things that ACTUALLY CAUSE HARM.

Lawn Darts were banned because a couple dozen kids were killed or injured.

But clearly, the Founding Slave Rapists who shit in chamber pots didn't mention Lawn Darts in their clumsy attempts to define a militia....

oh, no, wait. What happened was that the makers of lawn darts could be held liable for the damages they caused, and they took them off the market.

You want to control how people live, because you feel those of superior intellect need to steer the dummies into a protective little coral where they will be "safe" . In doing so you end up making life very boring and limited. Its the Marxist way. While the elites themselves will do whatever they want.

Getting out of bed and walking out the front door is dangerous. You people want to control everything that happens after that point. Things get banned because of ambulance chasing attorneys, you cant outlaw dumb people who are bent on hurting themselves, they will find one way or another to do it.
91 million? Less than 1/3 of Americans own guns....we are making progress

Well 28% of the population is under 21 and can't legally own guns.

So about 38% of people over 21 own guns.
If you factor in the millions of people who are legally prevented from owning guns the percentage of adults who can legally and do own guns rises
Gun ownership used to be over 50%
Gun ownership is not as important as it used to be
91 million? Less than 1/3 of Americans own guns....we are making progress

Well 28% of the population is under 21 and can't legally own guns.

So about 38% of people over 21 own guns.
If you factor in the millions of people who are legally prevented from owning guns the percentage of adults who can legally and do own guns rises
Gun ownership used to be over 50%
Gun ownership is not as important as it used to be

50% of what? The population including kids?

There will always be people who will not relinquish their protection to the state.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an uptick in gun ownership.

And at best that number is a low ball estimate based on voluntary surveys. There really is no way to tell how many people own guns with any real degree of accuracy
91 million? Less than 1/3 of Americans own guns....we are making progress

Well 28% of the population is under 21 and can't legally own guns.

So about 38% of people over 21 own guns.
If you factor in the millions of people who are legally prevented from owning guns the percentage of adults who can legally and do own guns rises
Gun ownership used to be over 50%
Gun ownership is not as important as it used to be

50% of what? The population including kids?

There will always be people who will not relinquish their protection to the state.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an uptick in gun ownership.

And at best that number is a low ball estimate based on voluntary surveys. There really is no way to tell how many people own guns with any real degree of accuracy
91 million? Less than 1/3 of Americans own guns....we are making progress

Well 28% of the population is under 21 and can't legally own guns.

So about 38% of people over 21 own guns.
If you factor in the millions of people who are legally prevented from owning guns the percentage of adults who can legally and do own guns rises
Gun ownership used to be over 50%
Gun ownership is not as important as it used to be

50% of what? The population including kids?

There will always be people who will not relinquish their protection to the state.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an uptick in gun ownership.

And at best that number is a low ball estimate based on voluntary surveys. There really is no way to tell how many people own guns with any real degree of accuracy

Not a good indicator.

50% of households does not necessarily mean 50% of the population and where do they get the number of households that own guns?

Through surveys most likely and there is no way to tell how many people lie.

I know I would never tell some random person on the phone that I owned guns
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


I agree. An armed society is a polite society.

Polite and violent, apparently.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find us a few spots worse than South Africa but not quite as bad as Uruguay.
You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

Yes, that's what I'd like to see. I'd also like to see all the Mormons sent to a Cult Deprogramming Camp, but heck, I'm willing to be reasonable, unlike you guys.

You know, guys who apparently think that someone who can't get on an airliner because the FBI thinks he might be a terrorist, but he's totally free to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip like Joker Holmes and Omar Mateen did.

Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Flying on a private airline is not.

Plus, your expectation that a gun store clerk be able to create an accurate psychological profile based on a short conversation is laughable. That you hold the medical professionals blameless, despite legal requirements to report their clients, shows your own hypocrisy.

Winterborn....have you tired of joe as much as the rest of us....you seem quick to call him on his stupidity today....
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


I agree. An armed society is a polite society.

Polite and violent, apparently.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find us a few spots worse than South Africa but not quite as bad as Uruguay.

You still don't understand....it isn't access to guns that is the problem...it is the culture of the criminals in the country that is the problem....

Britain banned and confiscated guns in the 1990s.....their gun crime rate did not change.....so taking guns away from people who do not commit crimes did not effect their gun crime rate...but their criminals are the most violent in Europe.......I linked to the stories in other threads where British criminals put a hot clothes iron on the back of a senior citizen and threatened to murder his granddaughter to get him to give up his cash......and another set of criminals poured boiling water over another senior citizen couple and threatened to murder their granddaughter.......yet they didn't actually cross the line into murder....

in France....guns are easily acquired by their criminals and their terrorists....I have linked to stories where the French police state how easy it is to get a fully automatic rifle in France, a country that has completely banned them and where you cannot legally own one...yet their criminals and terrorists get them easily.....

Our thugs in this country commit murder very easily....they have murdered children to get back at the gang banger father......

It isn't access to guns that is the issue...

Again......read this slowly...so it sinks in...

we had 200,000,000 guns in private hands in the 1990s.....do you understand that? We now have over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2016....do you understand the change in the number of guns owned...? During that time period, our gun murder rate went down 49%........do you understand that? That means that more law abiding people buying, owning, and actually carrying guns...did not increase the gun murder rate, the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate...

Do you understand that ?

You are wrong about everything when it comes to guns....
You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

Yes, that's what I'd like to see. I'd also like to see all the Mormons sent to a Cult Deprogramming Camp, but heck, I'm willing to be reasonable, unlike you guys.

You know, guys who apparently think that someone who can't get on an airliner because the FBI thinks he might be a terrorist, but he's totally free to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip like Joker Holmes and Omar Mateen did.

Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Flying on a private airline is not.

Plus, your expectation that a gun store clerk be able to create an accurate psychological profile based on a short conversation is laughable. That you hold the medical professionals blameless, despite legal requirements to report their clients, shows your own hypocrisy.

Winterborn....have you tired of joe as much as the rest of us....you seem quick to call him on his stupidity today....

He is a waste of skin. Funny that he seems so anti-violence, but doesn't have a problem with union goons being violent or threatening people's children. Yeah, he is a whiny little putz.
And of course...if they get congress...they will get rid of the Lawful Commerce in Arms act...and allow people who were shot by criminals to sue the gun makers.......this will shut down the American gun industry....

They can and will gut the 2nd Amendment...by boiling the Frog...
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


some Japanese admiral said one behind every blade of grass
So are suicides who hang themselves.

And spare us the "If we only had reasonable gun laws". That you claim that is what you want is a lie.

You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.
If I recall correctly, Winterborn, you are gay, right?

Of all demographic groups in this country, gays are perhaps the most in need of ARMING THEMSELVES FOR SELF DEFENSE.

Would you agree?
Yeah, I used to go at least once a month, but after I slipped my disc its only been a bout 6 times total.

Hard work walking across a parking lot, is it?

Nah, its just that my life has become filled with irregular shit that I dont easily schedule. Most of my days are spent running errands now, so I cant plan out more than a few days.

Also, shooting a 45 is weird on my back now. I dont know why ,but it is uncomfortable and several times my back has been caused to spasm or 'flare up' afterwards.

Yeah, my body's warrantee has expired; Nature is telling me to get ready to shuck this coil, lol.

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