91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

91 million? Less than 1/3 of Americans own guns....we are making progress

Well 28% of the population is under 21 and can't legally own guns.

So about 38% of people over 21 own guns.
If you factor in the millions of people who are legally prevented from owning guns the percentage of adults who can legally and do own guns rises
What they fail to realize is the number of firearms that have not and never will be accounted for. Owned and operated by law abiding citizens.
You call your bullshit truth?

You fucking Progressive Marxists love to ban anything you disagree with.

No, we like to ban things that ACTUALLY CAUSE HARM.

Lawn Darts were banned because a couple dozen kids were killed or injured.

But clearly, the Founding Slave Rapists who shit in chamber pots didn't mention Lawn Darts in their clumsy attempts to define a militia....

oh, no, wait. What happened was that the makers of lawn darts could be held liable for the damages they caused, and they took them off the market.

You want to control how people live, because you feel those of superior intellect need to steer the dummies into a protective little coral where they will be "safe" . In doing so you end up making life very boring and limited. Its the Marxist way. While the elites themselves will do whatever they want.

Getting out of bed and walking out the front door is dangerous. You people want to control everything that happens after that point. Things get banned because of ambulance chasing attorneys, you cant outlaw dumb people who are bent on hurting themselves, they will find one way or another to do it.

Respectfully. You cede " authority" to those who demand control.

The Joe's of the world "feel" and "demand" superiority.

To refer to those who disagree and refuse to accept the Progressive Marxist ideology as dummies who need to be corralled and protected, to have their " safe space," free from criticism, provides these subversives with the superiority that they claim.

Give them no respect. Give the " nothing!"
You call your bullshit truth?

You fucking Progressive Marxists love to ban anything you disagree with.

No, we like to ban things that ACTUALLY CAUSE HARM.

Lawn Darts were banned because a couple dozen kids were killed or injured.

But clearly, the Founding Slave Rapists who shit in chamber pots didn't mention Lawn Darts in their clumsy attempts to define a militia....

oh, no, wait. What happened was that the makers of lawn darts could be held liable for the damages they caused, and they took them off the market.

Great. Ban evil people. You all seem to love letting them out of prison over and over and over. How many second chances are you going to give these animals?
So does big pharma
so does big oil
so does George Soros

So the fuck what?

None of them make a product that kills 33,000 people a year.

The NRA doesn't make guns so what's your point?
There is none.

Joe claims he has voted for Republicans and has had remorse for his decisions throughout his entire life.

He then blames the same individuals for that which he has supported.



Lacking insight.

No responsibility for his decisions.

Demands authority.

Demands respect he offers to no one.

Time for you to grow a pair and get a sock. If you don't already have one.

Your shit is old and stale.

Like your fucking race card.

Fuck you Joe.

Fuck You and your sanctimonious, ass kissing associates.
You call your bullshit truth?

You fucking Progressive Marxists love to ban anything you disagree with.

No, we like to ban things that ACTUALLY CAUSE HARM.

Lawn Darts were banned because a couple dozen kids were killed or injured.

But clearly, the Founding Slave Rapists who shit in chamber pots didn't mention Lawn Darts in their clumsy attempts to define a militia....

oh, no, wait. What happened was that the makers of lawn darts could be held liable for the damages they caused, and they took them off the market.
The operative word! "WE."

The operative phrase "WE BAN!"

The first time!

The first fucking time I got one of you. One! To admit that you are Progressive Marxists.

Fuck you Joe.
What they fail to realize is the number of firearms that have not and never will be accounted for. Owned and operated by law abiding citizens.
Many states like Texas do not require gun registration, so they estimates of gun ownership are based on gun purchases since about 1965, and their are still a great many M-14s and M-1s fully operational that are not counted.

Why? Nazi Germany didn't have gun control. Hitler repealed the Wiemar/Imperial gun laws.

You see, the delusion that you can fight people with tanks and bombers with your little gun is what is silly. The reverse is true. The very fact you get on here every day and defend cops who shoot black children in the back tells me that most people will go along with government oppression whether they have guns or not.
Again, the States can form militias if they choose, the PEOPLE keep the right to arms.

That happens to be your interpretation. The courts interpreted differently from 1787-2008, and probably will interpret it that way again now that Scalia is being ass-raped by Satan like he deserves.

Stop quoting that debunked and trashed study from decades ago. It makes you look stupider than you actually are.

Yawn, guy, stomping your little feet and saying "I don't want Kellerman to be right" doesn't debunk anything.

No, but Big Pharma makes products that fuck up more than 33,000 a year.

Hey, if you want to regulate guns like we regulate big pharma, I'm all for that.
I think Joe should get arrested for the next rape after all everyone with a dick is responsible for the crimes every other person with a dick commits

Oh wait maybe that doesn't apply here

NObody suggested arresting you gun whacks for other people's crimes...

But I do love when you guys get hysterical...

You want those of us that have never done nor will ever do a crime with a gun to be subject to things because of what others that misuse them have done. No difference.
You have repeatedly said you want gun store clerks in prison based on what their customers do with a gun, despite the clerk following all the federal, state and local laws, and despite the clerk having no way of knowing what the customer plans to do. That is not "reasonable". You want guns banned. At least have the balls to be honest about it.

Yes, that's what I'd like to see. I'd also like to see all the Mormons sent to a Cult Deprogramming Camp, but heck, I'm willing to be reasonable, unlike you guys.

You know, guys who apparently think that someone who can't get on an airliner because the FBI thinks he might be a terrorist, but he's totally free to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round clip like Joker Holmes and Omar Mateen did.

The problem is YOU want to define reasonable.
Bullshit. you have been on record stating no one should own guns besides government actors. Taking gun advice from a twat like you is like asking for Brisket recipes from the President of PETA.

Hey, guy, I'm a reasonable guy.

Here's the thing. When you guys say "You can only have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers", I don't say, "Okay. The ATF will be by later to do that."

I'm all for reaching a middle ground with you guys. But you'll probalby keep up the bullshit until the day the vast majority of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks get sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of whatever the latest attrocity is and put a stop to it.

When you all could have said, "Yes, we will make an effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands."

You know, like Germany, where they have 17 million private guns and only 250 gun murders a year compared to our 11,500.

If you were reasonable, when you say you think I shouldn't own a gun, you'd be man enough to try to take it from me. That's what reasonable people do. They say something should be done then do it themselves. You, however, hide when that challenge is issued.
If you were reasonable, when you say you think I shouldn't own a gun, you'd be man enough to try to take it from me. That's what reasonable people do. They say something should be done then do it themselves. You, however, hide when that challenge is issued.

Reasonable people do nothing of the sort. Reasonable people pass laws and let officers of the law enforce it.

Kind of like when we passed a law telling assholes not to text and drive, I didn't go around telling people to not do that.

I let the cops hand out big tickets.
Again, the States can form militias if they choose, the PEOPLE keep the right to arms.

That happens to be your interpretation. The courts interpreted differently from 1787-2008, and probably will interpret it that way again now that Scalia is being ass-raped by Satan like he deserves.

Stop quoting that debunked and trashed study from decades ago. It makes you look stupider than you actually are.

Yawn, guy, stomping your little feet and saying "I don't want Kellerman to be right" doesn't debunk anything.

No, but Big Pharma makes products that fuck up more than 33,000 a year.

Hey, if you want to regulate guns like we regulate big pharma, I'm all for that.

Right, because the regulations on pharmaceuticals have accomplished so much.

With all those regulations, over 22k die from prescription overdoses. Maybe you think those regulations fix the problem. But they don't.

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