91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

Right, because the regulations on pharmaceuticals have accomplished so much.

With all those regulations, over 22k die from prescription overdoses. Maybe you think those regulations fix the problem. But they don't.

Those people would probably die without those prescriptions, and so would the millions who take them the right way.

Meanwhile, you'd be jsut fine without a gun.

No. Really. No one is judging how tiny it is in the locker room.
Your obsession with tiny penis's makes me wonder if Joey is sporting a twig, rather than wood.
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


35 percent seems low for out here

everyone i know has at least one firearm per household

You in South Dakota? I dont know, but everywhere there is a town or bigger urban area you will find white cowards who are incapable of rational thought, aka liberals, who will piss their pants if they find themselves near a gun.
Except for the 100,000 to 1,000,000 (depending on the study) people who use a gun in self defense or to stop a crime.

You mean the bullshit studies?

Here's the thing... out of 33,000 gun deaths we have every year, the FBI rules only 200 of them are 'Justifiable" homicides. IN short, someone had to use deadly force with a gun to protect their own life.

so if you believe even the conservative "100,000" DGU number (I don't), then you have to believe that for every 500 times a gun whackadoodle pulls out his Penis compensator to defend himself, he only shoots once.

Simply not credible when you listen to all the gun nuts fantasize about the people they can't wait to shoot.
Funny that
you talking about bullshit studies when you keep quoting that bullshit debunked Kellerman study
The problem is YOU want to define reasonable.

so you think it's a great idea that suspected terrorists and crazy people can buy guns? this is reasonable to you?

The problem is YOU want to define crazy.

I don't want terrorists or truly crazy people to get guns. What I know is the type things you propose won't stop them. What you propose will affect those that aren't either one while doing little to nothing to stop the terrorists or truly crazy people.
If you were reasonable, when you say you think I shouldn't own a gun, you'd be man enough to try to take it from me. That's what reasonable people do. They say something should be done then do it themselves. You, however, hide when that challenge is issued.

Reasonable people do nothing of the sort. Reasonable people pass laws and let officers of the law enforce it.

Kind of like when we passed a law telling assholes not to text and drive, I didn't go around telling people to not do that.

I let the cops hand out big tickets.

Cowards say things should happen then do nothing themselves to back it up.
Bullshit. The clerk at the gun store has no way of knowing whether someone is insane. If the clerk followed all applicable rules, he is not punished. We put people in prison for breaking laws, not following them.

But the medical professional that is trained to know, treats the patient, and does not submit his name to the system should be in prison.

So punish the caregivers and reward the people who enable violence? Yup, must be some of that "Compassionate Conservatism" we heard about.

When Doctors start reporting their patients to the state, that's when people stop seeing doctors.

If the caregivers do not follow the law and report someone who fits the parameters, then THEY are liable. THEY knew he was dangerous and failed to take steps. The people who are actually trained, licensed, and in a position to DO something based on facts, are the very ones you are giving a pass? That is lunacy.

The gun store clerk is not trained to make a diagnosis of someone's mental health based on a few minutes at a sales counter. To claim otherwise is an absolute lie. And, as I have said many times, we put people in prison for breaking laws. The clerk broke no law.
Except for the 100,000 to 1,000,000 (depending on the study) people who use a gun in self defense or to stop a crime.

You mean the bullshit studies?

Here's the thing... out of 33,000 gun deaths we have every year, the FBI rules only 200 of them are 'Justifiable" homicides. IN short, someone had to use deadly force with a gun to protect their own life.

so if you believe even the conservative "100,000" DGU number (I don't), then you have to believe that for every 500 times a gun whackadoodle pulls out his Penis compensator to defend himself, he only shoots once.

Simply not credible when you listen to all the gun nuts fantasize about the people they can't wait to shoot.

Yeah, I know. You think every time a gun owner pulls out a gun someone dies. Your ignorance is truly astounding.

The CDC accepts the 100,000 figure. What the FBI accepts is higher, I believe. That you only accept 200 of them is of little consequence.

Remember the crazy guy who was running for president in this election? Vermin Supreme or something? Wears a boot on his head. Do you think Trump or Hillary adjusted their strategy because of him? No? Yeah well, that is about the way what you want to happen concerning guns. No one is ever going to seriously accept sending gun store clerks to jail after they followed every law and guideline. They are certainly not going to do it while giving medical professionals a pass on laws that are already on the books and designed to prevent crazy people from buying guns.
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


35 percent seems low for out here

everyone i know has at least one firearm per household

You in South Dakota? I dont know, but everywhere there is a town or bigger urban area you will find white cowards who are incapable of rational thought, aka liberals, who will piss their pants if they find themselves near a gun.

maybe not many out this way

even less these days
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


35 percent seems low for out here

everyone i know has at least one firearm per household

You in South Dakota? I dont know, but everywhere there is a town or bigger urban area you will find white cowards who are incapable of rational thought, aka liberals, who will piss their pants if they find themselves near a gun.

maybe not many out this way

even less these days
hope your right
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


35 percent seems low for out here

everyone i know has at least one firearm per household

You in South Dakota? I dont know, but everywhere there is a town or bigger urban area you will find white cowards who are incapable of rational thought, aka liberals, who will piss their pants if they find themselves near a gun.

maybe not many out this way

even less these days
hope your right

our neighbors a gay couple

never dreamed of being armed a year ago

have now went to classes

obtained CC permits

and have successfully purchased their very own firearms
Moron.....the nazis banned guns for Jews and their poltical enemies...what an idiot you are......

Uh, guy, the point was, Jews were only .5% of Germany's population. The 95.5% of Germans who could still legally buy guns didn't rise up against Hitler.

Instead they said, 'They Jew is in the basement! The Jew is in the basement!"
Yeah...he did...and here is the study where he changed what he said....notice....it isn't 43% anymore........and he is still lying as the other link I gave shows...

Guy, it wasn't 43%. It was 43 times more likely to kill someone than a bad guy.

and frankly, that's probably accurate.

33,000 gun deaths a year, only 200 or so are ruled "Justifiable homicide". The rest are suicides, accidents and domestic murders over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

The thought that a gun in the home makes you safer is a LIE. You are more likely to be killed by that gun than to use it to kill a bad guy.
Funny that
you talking about bullshit studies when you keep quoting that bullshit debunked Kellerman study

Actually, simple way to solve that problem. Repeat the study and see if you get the same result.

Oh. Wait. No. The NRA didn't do that. The NRA went to congress and demanded the CDC NEVER LOOK INTO THIS, EVER AGAIN!!!!
Yeah, I know. You think every time a gun owner pulls out a gun someone dies. Your ignorance is truly astounding.

The CDC accepts the 100,000 figure. What the FBI accepts is higher, I believe. That you only accept 200 of them is of little consequence.

Actually, i'm not sure what the CDC accepts, since the CDC can't study gun issues by Congressional Decree.

The FBI's figure is actually 49,000 DGU's. And frankly, I think that's too high.

Again, listening to you gun nuts get on here and whack off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, just like your hero Zimmerman did, I truly find it impossible to believe that there were a whole lot of situations where you had a bad guy in your sights and let him live.
Funny that
you talking about bullshit studies when you keep quoting that bullshit debunked Kellerman study

Actually, simple way to solve that problem. Repeat the study and see if you get the same result.

Oh. Wait. No. The NRA didn't do that. The NRA went to congress and demanded the CDC NEVER LOOK INTO THIS, EVER AGAIN!!!!

And yet the CDC publishes gun data all the time

Look here's a study from just last year


The only thing they can't do is spend money to promote gun control

And why is it you think that only the CDC can do a study?
Yeah, I know. You think every time a gun owner pulls out a gun someone dies. Your ignorance is truly astounding.

The CDC accepts the 100,000 figure. What the FBI accepts is higher, I believe. That you only accept 200 of them is of little consequence.

Actually, i'm not sure what the CDC accepts, since the CDC can't study gun issues by Congressional Decree.

The FBI's figure is actually 49,000 DGU's. And frankly, I think that's too high.

Again, listening to you gun nuts get on here and whack off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, just like your hero Zimmerman did, I truly find it impossible to believe that there were a whole lot of situations where you had a bad guy in your sights and let him live.

So the FBI's statistics are based on case studies, but you reject that based on what you read on anonymous internet forums? Brilliant.

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