91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

We are a few million short.
Moron.....the nazis banned guns for Jews and their poltical enemies...what an idiot you are......

Uh, guy, the point was, Jews were only .5% of Germany's population. The 95.5% of Germans who could still legally buy guns didn't rise up against Hitler.

Instead they said, 'They Jew is in the basement! The Jew is in the basement!"

Moron......when the national socialist brown shirts were beating up their enemies and destroying their businesses...the police didn't stop them....and since their victims were unarmed, those acts silenced the opposition to the nazis as they rose to power........nothing stops a brown shirt beating like shooting them....but they couldn't....so those who opposed the nazis were forced to cower in fear......the nazis rose to power because they opposition was unarmed...twit....

Then you add to that the rest of Europe disarming their civilians.....the Germans had no problem keeping those countries in line because their people were unarmed.....once the Germans defeated their peace time armies, the civilians were again unable to resist the nazis....

Except for the Swiss...they had 435,000 civillians armed with rifles and pistols......and the Germans did not invade them....it was too much of a headache.....had the rest of Europe had those numbers of armed civilians.....and had the Germans themselves been armed....the national socialists could never have achieved what they did.....
Yeah...he did...and here is the study where he changed what he said....notice....it isn't 43% anymore........and he is still lying as the other link I gave shows...

Guy, it wasn't 43%. It was 43 times more likely to kill someone than a bad guy.

and frankly, that's probably accurate.

33,000 gun deaths a year, only 200 or so are ruled "Justifiable homicide". The rest are suicides, accidents and domestic murders over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

The thought that a gun in the home makes you safer is a LIE. You are more likely to be killed by that gun than to use it to kill a bad guy.

It isn't accurate....I gave you the link to the study where he changed it to 2.7.....

You do not measure the defensive use of guns by how many criminals are killed.....that is the lowest outcome for gun self defense which is why guns are so effective....criminals who face a gun run away, or surrender, or are wounded.....getting shot and killed is the lowest number of all of them because criminals are not looking for a fight....that is why the old and the extremely young are their victims......

Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year for self defense according to the Department of Justice study on gun self defense........that far outweighs gun crime and gun murder....suicides do not count...especially since last year non gun suicides were more than gun suicides.....and considering extreme gun control countries in Europe have higher suicide rates than we do...and Japan, South Korea and China......where only criminals and cops can have guns.....have a higher suicide rate than we do.....

And gun accident rates are going down, not up....as more people own and carry guns.....

In the 1990s there were 200 million guns in private hands....now, in2016 there are over 357 million guns in private hands....and the gun murder rate dropped 49%......

There were 1.5 million concealed carry permit holders in the 1980s...there are now over 14.5 million in 2016...and the gun murder rate dropped 49%......

nothing you say about guns is even remotely accurate, true or based on facts....
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.
Yeah, I know. You think every time a gun owner pulls out a gun someone dies. Your ignorance is truly astounding.

The CDC accepts the 100,000 figure. What the FBI accepts is higher, I believe. That you only accept 200 of them is of little consequence.

Actually, i'm not sure what the CDC accepts, since the CDC can't study gun issues by Congressional Decree.

The FBI's figure is actually 49,000 DGU's. And frankly, I think that's too high.

Again, listening to you gun nuts get on here and whack off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, just like your hero Zimmerman did, I truly find it impossible to believe that there were a whole lot of situations where you had a bad guy in your sights and let him live.

And again, you lie...the CDC gun studies have been linked to by myself and others...they do gun research....that is an anti gun lie......

The FBI only looks at bodies on the ground.....not cases where no arrest was made.....since most police departments don't list if a gun was used when no arrest is made and no one is taken to the morgue or the hospital you twit........

Ah....the Zimmerman deflection...since nothing else you have said is true or factual....

People are not like you joe...they are not deranged.........they want to be left alone...and do not want to take another human life.....they only do so when their is absolutely no other choice......
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

And of the accidental gun deaths in 2014.....586.....that is out of a gun owning population of 91 million homes........

And of the 8,124 gun murders.....90% of the are committed by criminals engaged in criminal activity...

So 357,000,000 guns in private hands in 91,000,000 homes.....vs... 586 accidental gun deaths....

Your point was dumb.
Funny that
you talking about bullshit studies when you keep quoting that bullshit debunked Kellerman study

Actually, simple way to solve that problem. Repeat the study and see if you get the same result.

Oh. Wait. No. The NRA didn't do that. The NRA went to congress and demanded the CDC NEVER LOOK INTO THIS, EVER AGAIN!!!!

And again you lie.....we have actual gun research by the CDC.....just last year...and the years before............you just can't help yourself joe....lying is the only way you can get through the day.....
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......

33,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses a year

We know you guys are violent. Why we put up with your nonsense is the real question.
So now suicide is a violent crime?

When did that law pass?

And legal gun owners are not responsible for anything done by people who illegally, sell ,buy or use guns.

Unless of course you want to hold every person with a penis responsible for every rape that happens as well
In Chicago, only 15% of the guns used in crimes were legally owned. The guns had been stolen (though not reported to police), traded or sold at a gun show, or sold to someone else--all transfers not including background checks. Eventually, it got into the hands of someone who used it in a crime. If the person who DID initially buy the gun legally and had the background check, was held responsible for the crime if he/she had transferred the gun without another background check or did not report it stolen, then...illegal guns on the streets would go way down.

33,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses a year

We know you guys are violent. Why we put up with your nonsense is the real question.
So now suicide is a violent crime?

When did that law pass?

And legal gun owners are not responsible for anything done by people who illegally, sell ,buy or use guns.

Unless of course you want to hold every person with a penis responsible for every rape that happens as well
In Chicago, only 15% of the guns used in crimes were legally owned. The guns had been stolen (though not reported to police), traded or sold at a gun show, or sold to someone else--all transfers not including background checks. Eventually, it got into the hands of someone who used it in a crime. If the person who DID initially buy the gun legally and had the background check, was held responsible for the crime if he/she had transferred the gun without another background check or did not report it stolen, then...illegal guns on the streets would go way down.

Oldlady....we can already do this.....when you catch the criminal with the gun, you do as you do with drug crimes, you get them to snitch on the gun seller.....you don't need background checks on private sales...since even if you do put background checks on private sales...criminal gun sellers will still sell the guns, the criminals will use people with clean records to buy the guns, making the background check pointless, or they will steal the guns......

Right now....the problem is simply this....prosecutors and judges do not hand out long sentences on straw buyers....I have linked to the articles on this....there is no career enhancement, and it is difficult to get a jury to convict, a baby momma of a criminal who has been told to buy the gun.......

There is a bright note here in Illinois....Republican Governor Rauner signed a law giving a 20 year sentence for gun trafficking in this state........you don't need a universal background to do this.....

Long sentences for criminals who use guns will lower gun crime.......background checks don't do that....anymore than current, federally mandated background checks keep guns out of the hands of current felons.
If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.
There is no truly safe space except to crawl into a hole and pull the dirt in over you; aka a grave.
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......
A gun instructor once told you something? How gullible are you?
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......
A gun instructor once told you something? How gullible are you?

Hearing something from an expert makes him gullible? Any evidence that what the instructor said was inaccurate? Or is it just time to take a cheap shot at 2A?
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......
A gun instructor once told you something? How gullible are you?

Moron....he was a police officer, member of a tactical team and a state police trained sniper.....
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......
A gun instructor once told you something? How gullible are you?

Here moron.....this is another Firearm instructor and a professional witness who testifies in shooting cases.......this is what he has to say about getting shot and fighting back....

Massad Ayoob: Gunfighting Fact vs. Fiction

Even severe wounds may not seriously disable a committed combatant. I have had the privilege of meeting many hero cops who have survived hellacious gunfight injuries and gone on to prevail.

One is Stacy Lim of the LAPD. She was shot in the heart with a .357 Mag revolver at the opening of her encounter.

She returned fire with her Beretta 9mm, killing her antagonist with four solid hits out of the four she fired. She recovered to return to full duty, and today is one of the nation’s most respected police firearms instructors.

Another is Officer Jared Reston of Jacksonville, Florida. He was shot in the face at point-blank range by a gunman armed with a .45 ACP who then fired six more bullets into Reston when he fell. Jared returned fire from the ground with his Glock .40. He killed the assailant and recovered to return to patrol and SWAT duty.

These were the good guys and gals. But the bad guys can be just as resilient, and we would all do well to remember that it took Stacy four dead-on hits to drop her opponent, and Jared had to shoot his would-be murderer seven times before the guy stopped trying to kill him.


It happens to armed citizens, too. I’ve lost count of the shootings I’ve reviewed over the years where the good guys ran out of ammunition. Rich Davis fired all of the six shots he had and hit all three of the armed robbers he faced while delivering pizzas, but one of them was still up and running and able to shoot and wound him twice. That night in the emergency room, it occurred to him that there had to be something better than one’s own body to stop bullets with, and he was inspired to invent the soft body armor that has since saved thousands of lives.

I spoke at two trials, one criminal and one civil, for an attorney who had to shoot a man who pulled a gun on him in his law office. His nine-shot 9mm was at slide-lock, having delivered nine solid hits, before his opponent slumped and died. He survived both the gunfight and the trials, but it had been terribly close because he had no more ammunition at all when the gun duel ended.

There are other reasons to carry spare ammunition. With a semi-automatic pistol, as many firearms instructors will tell you, a cardinal cause of malfunctions is a magazine problem. Often, this can only be rectified by ripping the bad magazine out of the gun and replacing it with a fresh one. This naturally requires a fresh magazine to be right there on your person.

So......one individual is shot in the heart....at the start of the fight and goes on to win the fight....the other is shot in the face...you know...the head......just like your example...goes on to win......

if you anti gun morons would actually care to research the topic of guns and self defense, you would post much more intelligently on the subject....
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

Will you feel the same if you take a bullet in the back while watching a movie? Being armed won`t do a damn thing for you.

If you are the first one shot, nothing will do anything for you except hiding at home. A free society is never a safe place.

At the same time...as an instructor once told me.....a gun is not a death ray.......many people are shot, and still manage to draw their weapon and stop the attacker, wounding them or killing them......there is that too......
A gun instructor once told you something? How gullible are you?

Here you go....details on how getting shot doesn't mean you are dead........guns are not death rays.....

"I knew I wasn't going to die:" Sgt. Stacy Lim’s story of survival

At 0145 hours, she was off duty. She had driven home from a get-together following a softball game and was tired — she didn’t notice she’d been followed for 30 miles.

A vehicle with five members of the “The Highland Park Crazies” street gang was behind her as she pulled over across the street from her home

As she stopped, a 15-year-old male exited the stalking vehicle and managed to approach unseen behind her. He intended to murder her and steal her car to impress his 14-year-old girlfriend and fellow gang members.

Even though Lim had slipped into an off duty reverie, she followed a procedure she’d practiced every night upon returning home. As she came to a stop, she took her pistol, which was tucked beneath her right thigh and secured it under her left arm, and exited her vehicle.

“As I stepped out I saw the barrel of .357 Magnum — it looked like the size of a cannon.”

Stacy still had grip of her weapon so she drew it quickly and went into a combat firing stance. She shouted, “Police officer! Drop the gun!”

Stacy and her assailant fired almost simultaneously.

The suspect’s first round hit her square in the left center of her chest. Stacy’s round hit the suspect in the shoulder.

Stunned, the “crazy” turned and ran around the back end of Stacy’s car.

The .357 round entered Stacy’s chest, nicked the base of her heart, her diaphragm, liver, intestine, and shattered her spleen before exiting through a tennis ball-size hole in her back. The impact caused her to take one step back, but somehow she maintained a good stance and proper grip of her weapon.

Stacy described the pain of that bullet traveling through her body: “If you take a javelin, heat it up about 1,000 degrees, shove the thing through your chest, that’s about what it feels like — a real burning sensation.”

In the moment, she thought to herself, No time for pain right now. I’ll take time to feel it later.

She sensed the suspect had friends and she was still in danger so she moved cautiously to the back corner of her car and leaned out a bit. She spotted the suspect with weapon in-hand. He fired five more times at her, but the rounds flew over her right shoulder, high.

Stacy returned fire three more times, all of which hit the suspect. He was out of business. The other “Highland Park Crazies” fled the scene.

Stacy realized she was seriously wounded. She began walking toward her home, where she had a room-mate. She was able to reach the bottom of her lighted driveway where she stopped.

She said later she remembered thinking very clearly, My blood feels warm. That’s strange.

She then rolled backward toward the ground, but said, “I wasn’t afraid because I knew it was bad, but I knew I wasn’t going to die.”

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