91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

So the FBI's statistics are based on case studies, but you reject that based on what you read on anonymous internet forums? Brilliant.

I reject it based on common sense. Common sense says that excited people only inflicting fatalities .1% of the time is darned unlikely.
And yet the CDC publishes gun data all the time

Look here's a study from just last year


The only thing they can't do is spend money to promote gun control

And why is it you think that only the CDC can do a study?

You mean they can't publish a study that says anything the NRA doesn't like?

That's intellectual censorship.

Sorry but no. The CDC publishes data on gun deaths all the time as does the FBI

The CDC was only prohibited from spending money on gun control advocacy not from doing any studies
Moron......when the national socialist brown shirts were beating up their enemies and destroying their businesses...the police didn't stop them....and since their victims were unarmed, those acts silenced the opposition to the nazis as they rose to power........nothing stops a brown shirt beating like shooting them....but they couldn't....so those who opposed the nazis were forced to cower in fear......the nazis rose to power because they opposition was unarmed...twit....

Actually, the brownshirts and communists beat each other up all the time... which is why Weimar Germany tightened the gun laws. Then the Rich in Germany decided Hitler could be worked with, as long as he got rid of hte Brownshirts, which he did. Obviously your ignorance of the history of Nazi Germany is vast.

Sorry but no. The CDC publishes data on gun deaths all the time as does the FBI

The CDC was only prohibited from spending money on gun control advocacy not from doing any studies

The NRA has blocked gun violence research for 20 years. Let's end its stranglehold on science.

Remarkably, that approach has continued to the present day: After theNewtown massacre of schoolchildren in 2012, President Obama issued an executive order instructing the CDC to “conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it.” But the agency has refused unless it receives a specific appropriation to cover the research. Congress played its obligatory role in acting as the NRA’s cat’s-paw by repeatedly rejecting bills to provide $10 million for the work.

“Removing the money from the budget and enacting the Dickey Amendment were the first and second shots across the bow by the NRA,” Rosenberg said. “The third shot is the idea that if you do this research, you’ll be hassled” by the NRA. “The result is that the CDC basically does nothing in gun violence research. If research on cancer were stopped for a single day, there would be a huge protest. But this research has been stopped for 20 years.”

And it's understandable. The NRA sells a lie, that a gun in your home makes you safer.

It doesn't.

Sorry but no. The CDC publishes data on gun deaths all the time as does the FBI

The CDC was only prohibited from spending money on gun control advocacy not from doing any studies

The NRA has blocked gun violence research for 20 years. Let's end its stranglehold on science.

Remarkably, that approach has continued to the present day: After theNewtown massacre of schoolchildren in 2012, President Obama issued an executive order instructing the CDC to “conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it.” But the agency has refused unless it receives a specific appropriation to cover the research. Congress played its obligatory role in acting as the NRA’s cat’s-paw by repeatedly rejecting bills to provide $10 million for the work.

“Removing the money from the budget and enacting the Dickey Amendment were the first and second shots across the bow by the NRA,” Rosenberg said. “The third shot is the idea that if you do this research, you’ll be hassled” by the NRA. “The result is that the CDC basically does nothing in gun violence research. If research on cancer were stopped for a single day, there would be a huge protest. But this research has been stopped for 20 years.”

And it's understandable. The NRA sells a lie, that a gun in your home makes you safer.

It doesn't.

Read the actual legislation

The Dickey Amendment to the omnibus spending bill does not prohibit the CDC from doing research on gun deaths

In United States politics, the Dickey Amendment is a provision first inserted as a rider into the 1996 federal government omnibus spending bill which mandated that “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”[1]

There is absolutely no prohibition on doing a study and publishing the results

From a practical perspective, this framing is unfortunate because it implies that the Dickey Amendment has to be repealed for the CDC to conduct gun violence research, which — as Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) noted in his recent letter to the CDC — is simply not the case. The CDC can and does perform firearm-related violence research. The main obstacle to more research is not the Dickey Amendment — it’s the fact that Congress no longer appropriates enough money to the CDC for these studies.

The AMA Should Forget the Dickey Amendment — For Now | Bill of Health
Read the actual legislation

The Dickey Amendment to the omnibus spending bill does not prohibit the CDC from doing research on gun deaths

Obviously, no one ever explained the law of unintended consequences to you.

But these consequences were totally intended.

If the CDC says anything the NRA doesn't like, they get their funding cut.

Imagine if the tobacco industry did this about cigarettes... or the Oil Companies did this about Global Warming to NASA and the EPA.
Read the actual legislation

The Dickey Amendment to the omnibus spending bill does not prohibit the CDC from doing research on gun deaths

Obviously, no one ever explained the law of unintended consequences to you.

But these consequences were totally intended.

If the CDC says anything the NRA doesn't like, they get their funding cut.

Imagine if the tobacco industry did this about cigarettes... or the Oil Companies did this about Global Warming to NASA and the EPA.

The FACT is that the Dickey Amendment does NOT prohibit the CDC from doing any research at all no matter how much you want to say it does
So the FBI's statistics are based on case studies, but you reject that based on what you read on anonymous internet forums? Brilliant.

I reject it based on common sense. Common sense says that excited people only inflicting fatalities .1% of the time is darned unlikely.

Common sense says most people do not want to kill anyone. Common sense says that an excited person is likely to be less accurate, and either miss or only wound. You using the posts on internet forums as the basis for your theory is so far from "common sense" as to be laughable.
The FACT is that the Dickey Amendment does NOT prohibit the CDC from doing any research at all no matter how much you want to say it does

No, but that's the net effect... They can do research, and risk getting funding cut if the research says anything the NRA doesn't like.

Or they can just not do the research, which is what they are doing.
Common sense says most people do not want to kill anyone.

What are you fucking kidding me?

Hey, stupid, read some of the threads about Zimmerman, where your fellow gun nuts spend PAGES fantasizing about all the darkies they want to shoot.
The FACT is that the Dickey Amendment does NOT prohibit the CDC from doing any research at all no matter how much you want to say it does

No, but that's the net effect... They can do research, and risk getting funding cut if the research says anything the NRA doesn't like.

Or they can just not do the research, which is what they are doing.

Bullshit. They have done research and continue to do research. But when the number of gun murders drops steadily over the last 30 years, while the number of gun owners has grown, the research is not as pressing as other areas under the CDC.
The FACT is that the Dickey Amendment does NOT prohibit the CDC from doing any research at all no matter how much you want to say it does

No, but that's the net effect... They can do research, and risk getting funding cut if the research says anything the NRA doesn't like.

Or they can just not do the research, which is what they are doing.

So the fuck what

You keep saying that the CDC is barred from doing gun research and it is not and never has been

Why do you keep insisting it is barred when it is proven that you are WRONG again?
So the fuck what

You keep saying that the CDC is barred from doing gun research and it is not and never has been

Why do you keep insisting it is barred when it is proven that you are WRONG again?

Because it hasn't been proven wrong. They said guns are dangerous to their owners, and the NRA shit themselves and got their funding cut.

Trying to argue a technicality that flies in the face of reality is stupid.

But that's gun nuts. Don't let any reality threaten their need to compensate.
Common sense says most people do not want to kill anyone.

What are you fucking kidding me?

Hey, stupid, read some of the threads about Zimmerman, where your fellow gun nuts spend PAGES fantasizing about all the darkies they want to shoot.

Hey dumbass, if you think these internet forums constitute even a tiny percentage of actual gun owners, you are a total moron. What is the actual number of people who fantasized about shooting someone? 5? 6? A dozen? 12 people would constitute 0.000004% of the population. It amounts to 0.000013% of the 91 million gun owners. If you have 75 people fantasizing about killing someone, you are still only dealing with 0.000024% of the population or 0.000082% of the gun owners. And yet, this is what you insist is the truth about gun owners?
So the fuck what

You keep saying that the CDC is barred from doing gun research and it is not and never has been

Why do you keep insisting it is barred when it is proven that you are WRONG again?

Because it hasn't been proven wrong. They said guns are dangerous to their owners, and the NRA shit themselves and got their funding cut.

Trying to argue a technicality that flies in the face of reality is stupid.

But that's gun nuts. Don't let any reality threaten their need to compensate.

Yes it has been proven wrong. The figures you insist on a based on a debunked claim and on the ravings of a few internet trolls. Hardly sound research.

There are 91 million gun owners. There were 9,500 gun murders. That is the tiniest portion of a single percentage point. The overwhelming majority of gun owners never kill anyone.
Hey dumbass, if you think these internet forums constitute even a tiny percentage of actual gun owners, you are a total moron. What is the actual number of people who fantasized about shooting someone? 5? 6? A dozen? 12 people would constitute 0.000004% of the population. It amounts to 0.000013% of the 91 million gun owners. If you have 75 people fantasizing about killing someone, you are still only dealing with 0.000024% of the population or 0.000082% of the gun owners. And yet, this is what you insist is the truth about gun owners?

No, not gun owners.

The gun nuts. The NRA members. The scary people who own 20 guns and complain about that day they want to fight the government.

Yet these guys never seem to encounter the criminals who they never, ever seem to shoot. (most of the 200 "Self-defense homicides' are in fact domestic violence where the victim wins, as opposed to the thousands where she loses because there was a gun in the house.)

But don't worry. We'll just cut f unding to gun studies so we don't know how bad the problem is. and some clown like Kleck can come along and claim there are millions of DGU's and no one will contradict him because no one is applying, you know, science.
There are 91 million gun owners. There were 9,500 gun murders. That is the tiniest portion of a single percentage point. The overwhelming majority of gun owners never kill anyone.

there probably aren't 91 million gun owners. Probably more like 50 million. But the point is, DGU's are a fantasy. they don't happen that often.
Hey dumbass, if you think these internet forums constitute even a tiny percentage of actual gun owners, you are a total moron. What is the actual number of people who fantasized about shooting someone? 5? 6? A dozen? 12 people would constitute 0.000004% of the population. It amounts to 0.000013% of the 91 million gun owners. If you have 75 people fantasizing about killing someone, you are still only dealing with 0.000024% of the population or 0.000082% of the gun owners. And yet, this is what you insist is the truth about gun owners?

No, not gun owners.

The gun nuts. The NRA members. The scary people who own 20 guns and complain about that day they want to fight the government.

Yet these guys never seem to encounter the criminals who they never, ever seem to shoot. (most of the 200 "Self-defense homicides' are in fact domestic violence where the victim wins, as opposed to the thousands where she loses because there was a gun in the house.)

But don't worry. We'll just cut f unding to gun studies so we don't know how bad the problem is. and some clown like Kleck can come along and claim there are millions of DGU's and no one will contradict him because no one is applying, you know, science.

LMAO!! You insist on using your personal experiences on an anonymous political forum as the basis for your argument, and then have the audacity to ridicule anyone else about science??? TOO funny!!
There are 91 million gun owners. There were 9,500 gun murders. That is the tiniest portion of a single percentage point. The overwhelming majority of gun owners never kill anyone.

there probably aren't 91 million gun owners. Probably more like 50 million. But the point is, DGU's are a fantasy. they don't happen that often.

And you base this on what?? What sort of science is involved in your claim?

33,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses a year

We know you guys are violent. Why we put up with your nonsense is the real question.
So now suicide is a violent crime?

When did that law pass?

And legal gun owners are not responsible for anything done by people who illegally, sell ,buy or use guns.

Unless of course you want to hold every person with a penis responsible for every rape that happens as well
In Chicago, only 15% of the guns used in crimes were legally owned. The guns had been stolen (though not reported to police), traded or sold at a gun show, or sold to someone else--all transfers not including background checks. Eventually, it got into the hands of someone who used it in a crime. If the person who DID initially buy the gun legally and had the background check, was held responsible for the crime if he/she had transferred the gun without another background check or did not report it stolen, then...illegal guns on the streets would go way down.

Are you saying that someone possessing a gun he/she stole legally has it in their possession?

Prove what you say about illegal guns on the streets going down. You Liberals sure have a knack about saying things WILL happen as if they had already occurred.

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