91 Million Armed American Civilians Makes Me Feel Damned Good

Reasonable people do nothing of the sort. Reasonable people pass laws and let officers of the law enforce it.

Kind of like when we passed a law telling assholes not to text and drive, I didn't go around telling people to not do that.

I let the cops hand out big tickets.
No, knuckle dragging worshipers of the almighty state, and its cement headed aggression, do those things.
Bullshit. You certainly want gun dealers put in jail based on what customers do with their guns.

absolutely. If you sold a gun to Joker Holmes or Omar Mateen, you should go to jail.

Bullshit. The clerk at the gun store has no way of knowing whether someone is insane. If the clerk followed all applicable rules, he is not punished. We put people in prison for breaking laws, not following them.

But the medical professional that is trained to know, treats the patient, and does not submit his name to the system should be in prison.
Right, because the regulations on pharmaceuticals have accomplished so much.

With all those regulations, over 22k die from prescription overdoses. Maybe you think those regulations fix the problem. But they don't.

Those people would probably die without those prescriptions, and so would the millions who take them the right way.

Meanwhile, you'd be jsut fine without a gun.

No. Really. No one is judging how tiny it is in the locker room.
I'm glad we don't have to deal with people bobbing and weaving while they are texting and driving, because they know they'll get a ticket if they do it.

Aren't you?
Because everyone immediately ceased texting and driving because there is a law against it.


Bullshit. The clerk at the gun store has no way of knowing whether someone is insane. If the clerk followed all applicable rules, he is not punished. We put people in prison for breaking laws, not following them.

But the medical professional that is trained to know, treats the patient, and does not submit his name to the system should be in prison.

So punish the caregivers and reward the people who enable violence? Yup, must be some of that "Compassionate Conservatism" we heard about.

When Doctors start reporting their patients to the state, that's when people stop seeing doctors.
If you were reasonable, when you say you think I shouldn't own a gun, you'd be man enough to try to take it from me. That's what reasonable people do. They say something should be done then do it themselves. You, however, hide when that challenge is issued.

Reasonable people do nothing of the sort. Reasonable people pass laws and let officers of the law enforce it.

Kind of like when we passed a law telling assholes not to text and drive, I didn't go around telling people to not do that.

I let the cops hand out big tickets.

And yet people still text and drive
shit the fucking cops text and drive

so yeah those laws really work

Right, because the regulations on pharmaceuticals have accomplished so much.

With all those regulations, over 22k die from prescription overdoses. Maybe you think those regulations fix the problem. But they don't.

Those people would probably die without those prescriptions, and so would the millions who take them the right way.

Meanwhile, you'd be jsut fine without a gun.

No. Really. No one is judging how tiny it is in the locker room.

Except for the 100,000 to 1,000,000 (depending on the study) people who use a gun in self defense or to stop a crime.

I see you have gone from the laughable to the ridiculous with the penis line. Typical.
Anyone who tries to argue that the mere existence of laws is a deterrent to criminal activity, is really too stupid to deal with any further. I'm out.
Except for the 100,000 to 1,000,000 (depending on the study) people who use a gun in self defense or to stop a crime.

You mean the bullshit studies?

Here's the thing... out of 33,000 gun deaths we have every year, the FBI rules only 200 of them are 'Justifiable" homicides. IN short, someone had to use deadly force with a gun to protect their own life.

so if you believe even the conservative "100,000" DGU number (I don't), then you have to believe that for every 500 times a gun whackadoodle pulls out his Penis compensator to defend himself, he only shoots once.

Simply not credible when you listen to all the gun nuts fantasize about the people they can't wait to shoot.

Why? Nazi Germany didn't have gun control. Hitler repealed the Wiemar/Imperial gun laws.

You see, the delusion that you can fight people with tanks and bombers with your little gun is what is silly. The reverse is true. The very fact you get on here every day and defend cops who shoot black children in the back tells me that most people will go along with government oppression whether they have guns or not.

Moron.....the nazis banned guns for Jews and their poltical enemies...what an idiot you are......
Wow.....another lie.......the guy you keep quoting changed that number...you know it...you keep posting it....you are a liar....

Here....this is how the 43% lie was debunked, and then changed by the guy who made the original lie....

2Tiny G uy, Kellerman said no such thing.

Yeah...he did...and here is the study where he changed what he said....notice....it isn't 43% anymore........and he is still lying as the other link I gave shows...

You have seen this link before, you keep pretending it doesn't exist......

MMS: Error

After controlling for these characteristics, we found that keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide (adjusted odds ratio, 2.7;
State...........# Gun Owners........population.....% gun owners
Texas ........"9,623,634.01".. "26,956,958" .... 35.7
California .."7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" .... 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" .... 32.5
Pennsyl.... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" .... 27.1
Illinois ...... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" ..... 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" ..... 31.6
Michigan .. "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" ....... 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" ....... 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" ....... 39.4
Virginia ...."2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" .......29.3
Alabama .. "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" ........ 48.9
Ohio ........"2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" ...... 19.6
Indiana .... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" ........33.8
Arizona ... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" ........ 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" ......44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" .......44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" ..... 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" ...... 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" ...... 34.7
Washington "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" ..... 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" ....... 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" ........ 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" ........ 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" .........27.1
Massa... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" ....... 22.6
Missis... "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" ....... 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" ....... 20.7
Oklahoma "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" ...... 31.2
Nevada ....."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" ....... 37.5
Oregon ......"1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" ..... 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" ..... 33.8
Nw Mex . "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" ....... 49.9
Nw Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" ....... 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" ...... 54.2
Utah ... "938,785.74" "2,942,902" ........ 31.9
Kansas "935,094.76" "2,904,021" ....... 32.2
Idaho .. "930,010.02" "1,634,464" ........ 56.9
Hawaii "640,222.01" "1,419,561" ........ 45.1
Conn..... "597,048.38" "3,596,677" ........ 16.6
Montana "535,331.82" "1,023,579" ........ 52.3
Alaska "454,563.64" "736,732" ......... 61.7
Nebraska "372,537.59" "1,881,503" ..... 19.8
N Dakota "354,211.88" "739,482" ........ 47.9
Wyoming "314,274.31" "584,153" ........ 53.8
Maine "300,600.11" "1,330,089" ...... 22.6
S Dakota "298,611.25" "853,175" ........ 35
Nw Ham "191,061.07" "1,326,813" ..... 14.4
Vermont "180,449.86" "626,562" ......... 28.8
DC....... "170,653.29" "658,893" ........ 25.9
R Island "61,200.03" "1,055,173" ........ 5.8
Delaware "48,651.93" "935,614" .......... 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"


35 percent seems low for out here

everyone i know has at least one firearm per household

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