911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man

Osama was a much taller man.

Pictures from various ages and stages of his adult life prove tht

Then, by all means Jake, show us all these photos, especially those of "young" Osama growing up in Saudi.... except there aren't any such photos, since "Osama" never set foot in Saudi...

Osama bin Laden was Saudi. I'm pretty certain that implies he stepped for in Saudi Arabia at some point.

And check this out.... Osama bin Laden's Judo coach, holding up a photo of a young bin Laden, he says was taken in Saudi Arabia...


An undated photograph provided by Taiwanese judo coach Jimmy Wu shows Osama Bin Laden as a Judo student in Riyadh

Rare photos of a young Osama bin Laden - the 'Karate Kid'


An undated photograph provided by Taiwanese judo coach Jimmy Wu (2nd R) shows what Wu says is Osama Bin Laden (C, top) having a meal with fellow judo members in Riyadh.

Hey, ya know what? Maybe I am Mossad, but Mossad is so smart, I don't know it. I mean, how else could I have dug up those rare photos of a young bin Laden in Saudi Arabia?? :dunno:


Osama was taught by a TAIWANESE judo coach... in Saudi.....


Not even close. Osama's nose is wider. The kid on the left's face is rounder and not as long.

Bugsy, you are not even close.
You Zionist Liars do not have a photo or any evidence at all linking Osama to Saudi, as is the "official" story....


"The papers also allege the Saudis hampered US efforts to investigate al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden"

Now that is something that puts a big smile on Jake's face....

Those "muslim" Saudis covering up for Israel....

Of course, like Gaddafi, the Saudi Royal family is not islamic....

saudi ruling family jewish - Google Search
Some confuse the Cold War support for anti-Soviet groups with "supporting terror."

In reality, one grew out of the other....and there is still no credible evidence of islamic terror hitting the US, as all of it is Jew terror false flagged by traitors....
Following is the translation Muslims and their liberal friends don't want you to pay any attention to.
This translation is simple plain English and to the point. Also has many compilations of particularly pertinent verses.

If there is any doubt about the accuracy of a particular verse, it can be cross-checked against other more convoluted translations.

Koran is a purveyor of a mental disease that causes people to become criminally insane.
Like all diseases one does not become full blown immediately.

KILLERS are acting in harmony with Koran and example of Mohammed
KILLERS are acting in contradiction to NT and example of Christ

Koran is plainly contradictory to the US constitution and
Koran demands the believer to wage war on non-Muslims.

If current law were enforced, Muslims could not legally enter the USA

Skeptic's Annotated Quran
Following is the translation Muslims and their liberal friends don't want you to pay any attention to.
This translation is simple plain English and to the point. Also has many compilations of particularly pertinent verses.

If there is any doubt about the accuracy of a particular verse, it can be cross-checked against other more convoluted translations.

Koran is a purveyor of a mental disease that causes people to become criminally insane.
Like all diseases one does not become full blown immediately.

KILLERS are acting in harmony with Koran and example of Mohammed
KILLERS are acting in contradiction to NT and example of Christ

Koran is plainly contradictory to the US constitution and
Koran demands the believer to wage war on non-Muslims.

If current law were enforced, Muslims could not legally enter the USA

Skeptic's Annotated Quran

Israeli citizens are the ones that SHOULD not be allowed in,fucking murderers.

The 100% lack of any real evidence that "Osama" was ever in Saudi is something our resident MOSSADs do not want to talk about...
John Prewett is a classic sub-human.

The only demographic that observed "Jesus" when he was alive was the Jewish one, and they still believe he was a total fraud.

John Prewett did not observe Jesus, yet is 100% certain he knows more about "Jesus" than those who did...
Final score....

ZERO photos of bin Laden in Saudi
ZERO photos of the phantom "bin Laden family"
ZERO cooperation from Saudi Arabia post 911

THREE KGB photos of Col Osman

Terror Score

911 - Col Osman = Jew
Pan Am 103 - Gaddafi = Jew

time for America to wake up and get a clue...

How tall is Ziggy?

Osama, for the record, is supposed to be 6'5", but Dark Fury doesn't care about truth, he cares about ISRAEL....

So everyone in this picture is at least 6’5.


Your evidence doesn’t back your claims about 911.
That's Zionism's only argument here - how tall is Col Osman???


Meanwhile, WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS OF "bin Laden" in Saudi???
That's Zionism's only argument here - how tall is Col Osman???


Meanwhile, WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS OF "bin Laden" in Saudi???
You were already shown those photos. And what’s wrong with pointing out the guy you claim is OBL is in fact, too short to be him?
and these photos prove it....

Those who trained Osama have already admitted to doing so. He was trained by our CIA and military industrial complex to fight the Soviets. This strategy help bring down the Soviet Union. This is not exactly the smoking gun on 911. This would circumstantial evidence at best. It does how ever establish a relationship with US military. Just about every dictator we have ever put into power turned on us eventually. If it were an inside job we should look at who benifited the most. Mercenary companies were big winners. Also big winners arms, survailence, privatized prisons, companies. I would also say that Russia and china are big winners we are so busy in the middle east Russia takes over the Ukrane. China been taking over see shipping lanes and Europe is being tuned upside down with imigration problems from the Arab spring. All the while China and Russia are making deals to usurp the US dolar as the international trade standard. You want to figure out if there was inside help figure out who made the money and look at them first.
And what’s wrong with pointing out the guy you claim is OBL is in fact, too short to be him?

You don't have an official height. You are guessing about the height. You have no evidence to support your story. You are just a sorry assed Zionist Liar grasping at whatever to protect the truth of Israel doing 911.
This is not exactly the smoking gun on 911. This would circumstantial evidence at best.


There are two theories on "bin Laden's" origin.

The official one never has him with the CIA, it has him in SAUDI.

The truther version is that he is Col Osman....

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