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911 WTC Demolition! The Final Nail in the Debunker/Posers Coffin!

based on a purely commonsense analysis, was confirmed by a technical analysis of the North Tower collapse by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross. Far from failing to retard the downward movement of the buildingā€™s upper portion, his analysis showed, the lower portion would have quickly and completely stopped the top portionā€™s descent. Having made the necessary calculations (which NIST failed to do), Ross concluded that the ā€œvertical movement of the falling section would [have been] arrested . . . within 0.02 seconds after impact. A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.ā€70

If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).

David Ray Griffin Miracles

Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
based on a purely commonsense analysis, was confirmed by a technical analysis of the North Tower collapse by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross. Far from failing to retard the downward movement of the buildingā€™s upper portion, his analysis showed, the lower portion would have quickly and completely stopped the top portionā€™s descent. Having made the necessary calculations (which NIST failed to do), Ross concluded that the ā€œvertical movement of the falling section would [have been] arrested . . . within 0.02 seconds after impact. A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.ā€70

If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).

David Ray Griffin Miracles

Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition
based on a purely commonsense analysis, was confirmed by a technical analysis of the North Tower collapse by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross. Far from failing to retard the downward movement of the buildingā€™s upper portion, his analysis showed, the lower portion would have quickly and completely stopped the top portionā€™s descent. Having made the necessary calculations (which NIST failed to do), Ross concluded that the ā€œvertical movement of the falling section would [have been] arrested . . . within 0.02 seconds after impact. A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.ā€70

If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).

David Ray Griffin Miracles

The enormous miracle would be for you twoofers to make a credible case for the multiple parties, agencies, governments, groups, associations, etc., who conspired to make the events of 9/11 possible.

But of course, you twoofers consistently dodge, sidestep and backslide when you're tasked with making a credible case for your conspiracy theories.
based on a purely commonsense analysis, was confirmed by a technical analysis of the North Tower collapse by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross. Far from failing to retard the downward movement of the buildingā€™s upper portion, his analysis showed, the lower portion would have quickly and completely stopped the top portionā€™s descent. Having made the necessary calculations (which NIST failed to do), Ross concluded that the ā€œvertical movement of the falling section would [have been] arrested . . . within 0.02 seconds after impact. A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.ā€70

If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).

David Ray Griffin Miracles

Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition

That's your conspiracy theory. How unremarkable that you twoofers still can't make a credible case for that. Of course, that why you're twoofers and something of a laughable joke.
this is eots way of rationalizing the freefall fallacy
fact wtc 7 free fall was 2.5 sec not significant
the towers did not even come close to free fall
see video

Really because NIST stated the twin towers fell at virtual free -fall...so was NIST wrong ?

[ ĖˆvərCHoĶžoəl ]
adjective: virtual

  1. almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition:

    stop using words you don't know.

that is correct NIST states that wtc 7 fell for 100 ft of free fall...and the twin towers fell at almost, nearly but not completely by strictly definition at freefall speed....
whereas daws says "the towers did not even come close to free fall"...so you are wrong or NIST IS wrong

".......nearly but not completely by strictly definition at freefall speed....."

Sheesh, Bunky. You're so befuddled you're reduced to stuttering and mumbling.

Virtual free fall is NISTs description of the collapses


Go on.....

And how does that make you feel?
If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).
Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition

Your fundamental claim that the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fallā€ is not science but rather just a LIE that you have repeated, in some form or another, despite having your nose regularly rubbed in it like a bad puppy. With that claim removed the rest of your CT silliness collapses under its own weight like ... well, like the Towers. No CD charges necessary, none found.
If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).
Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition

Your fundamental claim that the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fallā€ is not science but rather just a LIE that you have repeated, in some form or another, despite having your nose regularly rubbed in it like a bad puppy. With that claim removed the rest of your CT silliness collapses under its own weight like ... well, like the Towers. No CD charges necessary, none found.

the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos." "In other words, the momentum... falling on the supporting structure below ... so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it... was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass."
FAQs - NIST WTC Investigation
If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).
Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition

Your fundamental claim that the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fallā€ is not science but rather just a LIE that you have repeated, in some form or another, despite having your nose regularly rubbed in it like a bad puppy. With that claim removed the rest of your CT silliness collapses under its own weight like ... well, like the Towers. No CD charges necessary, none found.

the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos." "In other words, the momentum... falling on the supporting structure below ... so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it... was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass."
FAQs - NIST WTC Investigation

Nothing there to get your panties in a conspiratorial bunch.

Still nothing on that credible case you twoofers have yet to make for the multiple parties, agencies, governments, groups, associations, etc., who conspired to make the events of 9/11 possible.
David chandler a high school physics teacher forced NIST to change the final report to admit free-fall...a high school physics teacher with simple calculations found the huge gaping flaw in their 22 million dollar explanation..
If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fall,ā€ even though they were not professionally demolished - implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).
Except that the towers did not come down "essentially at freefall," however the planning, prepping, and perpetration of so massive an undertaking - which for some reason included slamming those passenger jets into the Towers and setting chaotic fires an hour or more before tripping the undetectable charges that somehow survived the fires, all without detection or exposure - would not only have amounted to "enormous miracles" but complete and utter impossibilities. As always your 9/11 CT silliness is dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You claim the logistics make it an impossibility but this is not science..there is no scientific explanation for the nature of all three collapses occurring without some kind of controlled demolition

Your fundamental claim that the Twin Towers came down ā€œessentially in free fallā€ is not science but rather just a LIE that you have repeated, in some form or another, despite having your nose regularly rubbed in it like a bad puppy. With that claim removed the rest of your CT silliness collapses under its own weight like ... well, like the Towers. No CD charges necessary, none found.

the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos." "In other words, the momentum... falling on the supporting structure below ... so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it... was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass."
FAQs - NIST WTC Investigation

You are backsliding again, Princess. That was not what you said just a couple of hours ago in this thread (and I quote) "If Rossā€™s calculations are even close to accurate, then NISTā€™s account ā€“ according to which the Twin Towers came down 'essentially in free fall,' even though they were not professionally demolished...ā€ You willfully lie time and again because the truth just doesn't support your 9/11 silliness. The towers did not, as already noted, come down essentially in free fall.
criticism of the above you tube piece

The reality of the Bush administration and its ineptness simply doesnā€™t gel with the massive, absurd and physically impossible conspiracy that 9/11 ā€œtruthersā€ would have us believe they orchestrated.

The biggest issue for ā€œtruthersā€ is depending on which one you engage with, they have their own angle on the conspiracy and usually its mutually incompatible with the truther next to them. Some of them think controlled demolition, some thermite, some military planes painted in civilian livery, some suitcase nukes and orbiting space platforms, some missiles etc. etc. What they all have in common is a lack of evidence and helpings and helpings of unbridled paranoia.

An interesting question to put to any truther is to ask them what happened, exactly and what evidence they have to support that. You will never get a direct answer. If youā€™re ā€œluckyā€ youā€™ll be on the receiving end of the usual truther tropes ā€“ quote mining, cherry picking of facts, pseudo science by the shovelful and wishful thinking.
this is daws way of explaining the free fall collapse of the WTC buildings
this is eots way of rationalizing the freefall fallacy
fact wtc 7 free fall was 2.5 sec not significant
the towers did not even come close to free fall
see video

Really because NIST stated the twin towers fell at virtual free -fall...so was NIST wrong ?

[ ĖˆvərCHoĶžoəl ]
adjective: virtual

  1. almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition:

    stop using words you don't know.

that is correct NIST states that wtc 7 fell for 100 ft of free fall...and the twin towers fell at almost, nearly but not completely by strictly definition at freefall speed....
whereas daws says "the towers did not even come close to free fall"...so you are wrong or NIST IS wrong
neither is wrong it's freefall or it's not. there is no kind of sort of freefall.
the numbers for you to be correct (and you're not no matter how much you bitch)both towers would have to have fallen in 9.22seconds (freefall)
they did not south tower 15.29sec
north tower 22.22 sec.
this is eots way of rationalizing the freefall fallacy
fact wtc 7 free fall was 2.5 sec not significant
the towers did not even come close to free fall
see video

Really because NIST stated the twin towers fell at virtual free -fall...so was NIST wrong ?

[ ĖˆvərCHoĶžoəl ]
adjective: virtual

  1. almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition:

    stop using words you don't know.

that is correct NIST states that wtc 7 fell for 100 ft of free fall...and the twin towers fell at almost, nearly but not completely by strictly definition at freefall speed....
whereas daws says "the towers did not even come close to free fall"...so you are wrong or NIST IS wrong

".......nearly but not completely by strictly definition at freefall speed....."

Sheesh, Bunky. You're so befuddled you're reduced to stuttering and mumbling.

Virtual free fall is NISTs description of the collapses
what you want it to mean and what it really means are to separate things.
The Illuminati Conspiracy

Yes hollie we all know about unwarranted influence..military industrial complex secret society what ever you wish to call it..presidents warned us them...

agents dawgshit and hollie gets their asses handed to him on a platter from eots as always.lol

they he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.hee hee.

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