918 days and counting since Democrats passed a budget


I guess only flame baiting threads full of gossip get any attention these days. Screw the real problems, they don't get trolls the attention they seek.
I am looking forward to the 2012 SOTUA. Obama will be praising all of his historical accomplishments. I heard Obama even invited Abe Lincoln and John F Kennedy to be there for the historic speech. I hope he also invited the 287 Fallen Heroes he praised in 2008.
grandpa....the budget the house passed on partisan lines.....not a democratic vote for it....the Ryan budget turns medicare in to a voucher program....

there is no way in hell or heaven, the ''people'' of the United States Of America, agrees with this supposed budget of the Republican lead House of Representatives....the Ryan budget....they went in to an uproar when they heard some of the crud he was proposing and the republicans passed....

I'm sorry....but the Ryan budget is and was a bust from the get go....and the republicans in the house KNEW THIS from the moment they created it and put it up for a vote... grandpa....so why did they even take a vote on it gramps? Just political posturing....so you can blame Democrats or good ol Harry for not passing it or bringing it up....no???

honestly, if you think the crud of the Republicans in the House don't stink, while the Democrat's crud does, then you have blinders on.

At least the President has done his duty and given the House/senate his budget proposal, on time and according to the rules/law.


Ryans plan carried wide American support at the time. As did cut cap and balance. Besides that the house has passed many pieces of legislation that are doa in the senate. How bout instead of throwing a tantrum about what's in them instead do their jobs and bring the bills up, debate and amend them then send them back? That's how its supposed to work. That's how compromise is reached. It's not reached by crying about the bill without attempting to alter it to your liking.

And yes, Obama did submit a budget. It didn't get a single vote it was so ridiculous.
instead of just saying "besides the house has passed ....''(this and that and harry is crap) stuff, why don't you TELL US, what they specifically passed in the House that is good for us Americans and that you support, with specifics, so we all can have a REAL debate on the real items that you are so proud of the republicans in the House for passing. Just rattling off some generic statement on what they've done, TELL US what they have done and passed that is good for us....?

I don't mean to single you out on this, because it does happen on both sides of the aisle continually...both sides blame "the other" with some sort of generic proof...(and you know what, they are both right...our elected officials, are failing us.)....but neither side really gives specifics...

so again, what is it that you like and think will help our economy etc. that the republicans passed in the house and Harry won't bring up....?

Let's argue about that, or agree on that... ;)
Trust Me: Poll Shows Americans Have More Confidence In Obama Than GOP To Create Jobs | TPMDC
President Obama has not had the greatest run in the polls on handling the economy. But new data from ABC News and the Washington Post shows that if Americans have to chose between him and congressional GOP on creating new jobs, then it’s not really a contest.

Obama has jumped fifteen points ahead of congressional Republicans on who Americans trust more the create jobs following a Presidential push for his jobs bill and deficit reduction passage. The poll shows that 49 percent of Americans trust Obama more on the issue, while 34 percent go for the congressional GOP. Just a month ago that number was locked at 40 for each, after a summer of downward markets and an almost-default, which was quickly followed up with palatable disgust toward policymakers in Washington.

Florida Poll: Nearly half say Republicans sabotaging the economy to hurt Obama - The Hill's Ballot Box
In what could be the first statistical data to indicate that a liberal talking point is catching on, nearly half of Florida voters said Republicans were deliberately sabotaging the economy in an attempt to weaken President Obama’s re-election efforts.

In a Suffolk University-WSVN poll conducted between Oct. 26 and Oct. 30, 49 percent said Republicans were “intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected.” Only 39 percent said they disagreed with that assessment, and 12 percent were undecided

The GOP still has time to cut the shit before the next election cycle kicks into high gear. But something tells me they just can't help themselves.

A few tidbits you left out:

1. The poll oversampled Democrats. (41% vs. 35%)
2. In the poll that oversampled Democrats, 48% had an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama.
3. In the poll that oversampled Democrats, 50% disapprove of the job of Barack Obama is doing as President (same for Rick Scott).
4. In the poll that oversampled Democrats, 45% vs. 42% prefer cutting state spending to maintaining state services.


So it appears the factor you cite doesn't help your side anyway.
grandpa....the budget the house passed on partisan lines.....not a democratic vote for it....the Ryan budget turns medicare in to a voucher program....

there is no way in hell or heaven, the ''people'' of the United States Of America, agrees with this supposed budget of the Republican lead House of Representatives....the Ryan budget....they went in to an uproar when they heard some of the crud he was proposing and the republicans passed....

I'm sorry....but the Ryan budget is and was a bust from the get go....and the republicans in the house KNEW THIS from the moment they created it and put it up for a vote... grandpa....so why did they even take a vote on it gramps? Just political posturing....so you can blame Democrats or good ol Harry for not passing it or bringing it up....no???

honestly, if you think the crud of the Republicans in the House don't stink, while the Democrat's crud does, then you have blinders on.

At least the President has done his duty and given the House/senate his budget proposal, on time and according to the rules/law.


Ryans plan carried wide American support at the time. As did cut cap and balance. Besides that the house has passed many pieces of legislation that are doa in the senate. How bout instead of throwing a tantrum about what's in them instead do their jobs and bring the bills up, debate and amend them then send them back? That's how its supposed to work. That's how compromise is reached. It's not reached by crying about the bill without attempting to alter it to your liking.

And yes, Obama did submit a budget. It didn't get a single vote it was so ridiculous.

Ryans plan never carried wide American support.

CNN Poll: Majority gives thumbs down to Ryan plan
CNN Poll: Majority gives thumbs down to Ryan plan – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
In Ryan's budget, he cuts taxes for the wealthy and increases the taxes for the 80% and below.

Every poll shows a majority of Americans want the polar opposite of Ryan's tax plan.
And for the record I don't care what 50% of the uneducated masses think about who did what.
Ryans plan carried wide American support at the time

Aside from the irony inherent here, kiwiman is correct. The GOP's plan to dismantle Medicare, slash Medicaid, reverse the reauthorization of CHIP, and cut taxes for the wealthy is not popular. It was a joke of a budget, introduced not to be passed but to keep rabid rightwingers excited that their demented voices are being heard by those in leadership positions. It was and remains a gimmick. And yes, the public deserves better.
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grandpa....the budget the house passed on partisan lines.....not a democratic vote for it....the Ryan budget turns medicare in to a voucher program....

there is no way in hell or heaven, the ''people'' of the United States Of America, agrees with this supposed budget of the Republican lead House of Representatives....the Ryan budget....they went in to an uproar when they heard some of the crud he was proposing and the republicans passed....

I'm sorry....but the Ryan budget is and was a bust from the get go....and the republicans in the house KNEW THIS from the moment they created it and put it up for a vote... grandpa....so why did they even take a vote on it gramps? Just political posturing....so you can blame Democrats or good ol Harry for not passing it or bringing it up....no???

honestly, if you think the crud of the Republicans in the House don't stink, while the Democrat's crud does, then you have blinders on.

At least the President has done his duty and given the House/senate his budget proposal, on time and according to the rules/law.


Ryans plan carried wide American support at the time. As did cut cap and balance. Besides that the house has passed many pieces of legislation that are doa in the senate. How bout instead of throwing a tantrum about what's in them instead do their jobs and bring the bills up, debate and amend them then send them back? That's how its supposed to work. That's how compromise is reached. It's not reached by crying about the bill without attempting to alter it to your liking.

And yes, Obama did submit a budget. It didn't get a single vote it was so ridiculous.
instead of just saying "besides the house has passed ....''(this and that and harry is crap) stuff, why don't you TELL US, what they specifically passed in the House that is good for us Americans and that you support, with specifics, so we all can have a REAL debate on the real items that you are so proud of the republicans in the House for passing. Just rattling off some generic statement on what they've done, TELL US what they have done and passed that is good for us....?

I don't mean to single you out on this, because it does happen on both sides of the aisle continually...both sides blame "the other" with some sort of generic proof...(and you know what, they are both right...our elected officials, are failing us.)....but neither side really gives specifics...

so again, what is it that you like and think will help our economy etc. that the republicans passed in the house and Harry won't bring up....?

Let's argue about that, or agree on that... ;)

Of course. You want to argue about the house despite the fact that the point of the thread is about the senate.

Fine ill link you to the info but I have a feeling its for not. I've seen this info supplied to you before and there was no follow up debate.

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks
I do have to agree with Grampa, where are the Dems budget plans? And it is true the Dems haven't presented any budget plans for a long, long time. The Dems just want nothing to do with budgets. They vote against the GOP plans and Obama's plans but come up with nothing of their own.
So here we have it, the Dems have no plans and the GOP have simply terrible plans!
No wonder America can't move forward, while the rest of the world does move forward.
The House Republicans need to act without Obama and Reid. Cut Cap and Balance is the new law of the land
I do have to agree with Grampa, where are the Dems budget plans? And it is true the Dems haven't presented any budget plans for a long, long time.

The House Democratic budget was introduced by Chris Van Hollen as Amendment No. 5 to the GOP budget, but was defeated. The Progressive Caucus produced their own budget, as well. Kent Conrad came up with the Senate Dems' budget proposal but its impact was muted by the debt ceiling debacle. And of course Obama also produced a FY12 budget.
I do have to agree with Grampa, where are the Dems budget plans? And it is true the Dems haven't presented any budget plans for a long, long time.

The House Democratic budget was introduced by Chris Van Hollen as Amendment No. 5 to the GOP budget, but was defeated. The Progressive Caucus produced their own budget, as well. Kent Conrad came up with the Senate Dems' budget proposal but its impact was muted by the debt ceiling debacle. And of course Obama also produced a FY12 budget.

So nearly 3 years in and several months since the debt debate and still no budget.
No compromise, "un-American" Republicans (TIME)

Blocked real jobs bills, budgets- you name it fcs.

And obviously the 39% are the uneducated masses. Ignorant brainwashed Pub Dupes like yourself. Change the channel.
No links? Oh, yeah -- there is no URL to your warped fantasy world.
You sure believe a lot of crappe, dittoheads....

Oh, you mean the Democrats have passed a budget recently? Let's see it.

Or that their isn't wall to fucking wall coverage of Cain.

It's obsurd. Our media belongs on the damn mtv network.
Meanwhile? People like Janet Nepalitano gets grilled in front of the Congress...Solyndra Documents are subpeoned...Obama refuses...and the diversion is Herman Cain and a non-issue.

The Statist press is doing thier usual job.
I do have to agree with Grampa, where are the Dems budget plans? And it is true the Dems haven't presented any budget plans for a long, long time.

The House Democratic budget was introduced by Chris Van Hollen as Amendment No. 5 to the GOP budget, but was defeated. The Progressive Caucus produced their own budget, as well. Kent Conrad came up with the Senate Dems' budget proposal but its impact was muted by the debt ceiling debacle. And of course Obama also produced a FY12 budget.

So nearly 3 years in and several months since the debt debate and still no budget.
They will blame Republicans...try to get away with it.

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