92 Percent of the people that lost their jobs since 09 were women

Team Romney Charges Obama Is Bad for Working Women - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)

Personally, I'm annoyed how Obama has pandered to his phony women narrative; pretending that the GOP is against them. But since he is pulling those dirty tricks, I'm glad that Romney fired back.
....But, who knew Romney would fall-back on such a poorly thought-out/amateurish response?

Wait'll the RNC hears about THIS one!!!!

"The National Women’s Law Center notes that while the recession was devastating for American working women, who continued to lose jobs at the beginning of the recovery, the vast majority of jobs lost by women were positions in the public sector, an area targeted by Republican budget cuts and austerity measures."



"My House.....My HOUSE!!!"
Why does he hate on women so?

Is it a Muslim thing he learned in his Indonesian madrassa?
By the way, this statistic will be DEVASTATING to the Leftist meme.

Works for me!

Romeny is correct...the real war on women exists courtesy of Statists policies...including welfare.
92 Percent of the people that lost their jobs since 09 were women



Romney's website said that women account for 92.3 percent of jobs lost under Obama.

By comparing job figures with January 2009 and March 2012 and weighing them against women’s job figures from the same periods, Saul came up with 92.3 percent. The numbers are accurate but quite misleading. First, Obama cannot be held entirely accountable for the employment picture on the day he took office, just as he could not be given credit if times had been booming. Second, by choosing figures from January 2009, months into the recession, the statement ignored the millions of jobs lost before then, when most of the job loss fell on men. In every recession, men are the first to take the hit, followed by women. It's a historical pattern, Stevenson told us, not an effect of Obama's policies.

There is a small amount of truth to the claim, but it ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.
Team Romney Charges Obama Is Bad for Working Women - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)

Personally, I'm annoyed how Obama has pandered to his phony women narrative; pretending that the GOP is against them. But since he is pulling those dirty tricks, I'm glad that Romney fired back.

If that's the truth, then why is it that the people showing up at the unemployment offices here in Amarillo are 90 percent MEN?

Because Texas is full of pussies. Just sayin'.
By comparing job figures with January 2009 and March 2012 and weighing them against women’s job figures from the same periods, Saul came up with 92.3 percent. The numbers are accurate .

Got it. Hell to pay!
im surprised at the numbers. you wouldnt think it would be so lopsided.
Team Romney Charges Obama Is Bad for Working Women - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)

Personally, I'm annoyed how Obama has pandered to his phony women narrative; pretending that the GOP is against them. But since he is pulling those dirty tricks, I'm glad that Romney fired back.

If that's the truth, then why is it that the people showing up at the unemployment offices here in Amarillo are 90 percent MEN?

January 2009: 133,561,000

March 2012: 132,821,000

Net loss: 740,000 jobs.

* Total Female Nonfarm Payroll Jobs

January 2009: 66,122,000

March 2012: 65,439,000

Net loss: 683,000 jobs.

Obama's contraceptive bs was not at all truthful and he gained about 12 to 14 pts from women off of it. I'm glad Romney fired this statistical reality back.
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