925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

He continued every war that the fools before him started. You can use your definition "of not starting new wars" but that is just excuse making.
I thought he pulled out of Turkey. Lefties have used that to excuse the Biden Afghanistan clusterfuck.
He continued every war that the fools before him started. You can use your definition "of not starting new wars" but that is just excuse making.

You're full of shit. You know it too, which is why you gave me a formula instead of listing them.

Name the wars that makes Trump reasonably a military neocon.

Keep in mind a military neocon wants to use American military strength to form governments of our choosing
you couldn't define neocon if it was tattooed on you

Right, which is why I let the dictionary do it.

So you don't even know what a neocon is? You don't know that a neocon is a big military supporter who wants to use the US military to shape other governments and is a big government lib? Seriously? Do you have a T-Shirt that says I'm with stupid and points down?

Here's the worlds shortest neocon quiz. If you can pass this, you get the gist of it.

W is a neocon, Rush wasn't, why?
Obama is a neocon, Bernie isn't, why?

Look at the definition above. You still don't know, do you? Be honest
Staidhup .

What you wrote is true, but please don't write things that I didn't say and put them in a quote box as if I did.

Thank you
Well, then it's a good thing this wasn't in an "other post" and was in the one you quoted: "The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders."

Clearly Trump wasn't a big war guy, though he was a big spender. Trump isn't a conservative, either neo or regular con.

Here's the trick with neocon. It's both. You use the military to further your view of how countries should be run AND you're a big government guy. Like HW, Slick, W and Obama.

I realize that's pretty complicated. Large government AND big military. I mean how can anyone keep track of something that complex? Both? At the same time? Wow.

One other thought. Note it's "neo" con. Which means "new" con. That means actually different from a con. Whoa, mind blast. Sorry I didn't give you a heads up on that

Dude, knock your stupid shit off.

You're not telling me anything I don't already know.

I tend to put you in the same mix as the rest of the wingers on here.
Dude, knock your stupid shit off.

You're not telling me anything I don't already know.

I tend to put you in the same mix as the rest of the wingers on here.

If you know what a neocon is, use the term correctly. Thanks
You're full of shit. You know it too, which is why you gave me a formula instead of listing them.

Name the wars that makes Trump reasonably a military neocon.

Keep in mind a military neocon wants to use American military strength to form governments of our choosing

I never gave you a formula. These are your made up, convoluted definitions.
And we argue we can't afford to address health care. All this war mongering is going to bring the country down.

Why Americans will be paying for the cost of the war in Afghanistan for decades

Interest continues to build 24 hours a day every day of the year. As the article notes we will be years trying to pay this off and that doesn't even address the fact that someone is going to want to ramp up the wars again.

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

We are asking the young to give their lives and pay for our foolish choices. History will not treat us well.
It doesn't matter at this point---they are trying to crash the US $$$ to replace it with likely chinese cybercoins.....Soros will make a killing as he always does after killing currencies as well. Screw the middle and poor class that will suffer.

I read an article long long ago about them wanting to kill the $$$ and replace it with a Euro type currency between the US, Canada, and MEXICO (remember that Nafta bs---they have been working on this a long time). This is also likely one of the reasons why they are flooding our border with illegal mexicans----because they will want an easier way to send money to Mexico....

Once this stage is complete....they will be looking for a worldwide currency--which I think will be Chinese based cyber money.
The communists who have infiltrated the government do not give a FUUUUUUUUUUCK about our economy. They WANT it to crash because they want the USA to fail.
It doesn't matter at this point---they are trying to crash the US $$$ to replace it with likely chinese cybercoins.....Soros will make a killing as he always does after killing currencies as well. Screw the middle and poor class that will suffer.

I read an article long long ago about them wanting to kill the $$$ and replace it with a Euro type currency between the US, Canada, and MEXICO (remember that Nafta bs---they have been working on this a long time). This is also likely one of the reasons why they are flooding our border with illegal mexicans----because they will want an easier way to send money to Mexico....

Once this stage is complete....they will be looking for a worldwide currency--which I think will be Chinese based cyber money.

It's going to happen. Our greed is going to allow it to happen. It's only a matter of when.
I never gave you a formula. These are your made up, convoluted definitions.

You run into a lot of 'television conservatives' on places like this who think they know more than they actually do.

I think anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of middle eastern afffairs knows that the appointees of the likes of Pompeo and Abrams were just cogs in the war machine, pursuing deep state objectives. They've been foaming at the mouth for war with Iran for years and their policies have only escalated tension which only serves to drive the region toward war. It's a growing friction. And it's by design.

US arms sales to the UAE, for instance, was publicized as a positive development, as was the treaty between the UAE and Israel which really only aggravated friction.

Again, you're dealing with tv wingers who think they know more than they do.

Their focus is always on a 'face' rather than the actual intricates of goings-on. And it always will be. That's why they call it programming, after all.

As time goes on, everything is revealed. Always.

Have a chuckle and move along.
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I never gave you a formula. These are your made up, convoluted definitions.

So no, you still can't name the wars that Trump started or expanded showing he's a military neocon. You are a racist and a liar, exactly what I said.

The starting war was a hurdle you made up, not me. But he has to have increased military involvement to be a neocon and he didn't. You're a liar. He reduced it. But you know that, which is why you are lying. The chief leftist weapon, lies
My mistake, apologies, technically handicapped. Not to clear on how that happened.

Thanks! I have no issue with what you said. I just want it to always be clear what I actually wrote. We're good. I never took it as ill intended

You want ME to grow up?

You said Trump is a military neocon. I said name them, name the wars that Trump expanded that make Trump meet the definition of the word.

You are still running away, hiding and evading the question, little girl. You grow up and name them.

You're full of shit. You know it too, which is why you gave me a formula instead of listing them.

Name the wars that makes Trump reasonably a military neocon.

Keep in mind a military neocon wants to use American military strength to form governments of our choosing
imo Trump was unable to carry out what he probably wanted to do because of ....


What a playground response. Cut the entire post except one totally out of context comment.

You were challenged to name the countries that made Trump a neocon. If Trump had been a neocon, you'd have LOVED to shove it in my face. But he wasn't, so I'm shoving it in yours. By refusing to do that, clearly even you know that you lied. You're a Democrat, a liar. It's what you do, it's who you are, totally dishonest and without working genitalia.

Go slink off now, coward

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