925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

Loaned to us by China through The Federal Reserve.

We are a nation of slaves who will never be able to work off or pay back debt of that magnitude.
If we just stopped increasing spending faster than gnp increased, we'd lessen the impact. Ya know 10 billion here, 25 billion there. LOL
9-11 was a reason to commit to literally generations of nation building? W said it was. He also said Saddam's weather balloons were womd
No and that is NOT what it started out as. The Democrats and their kinder, gentler, war committed us to nation building. All we had to do was go in, kill the terrorists, put a total sanction on Pakistan when they decided to harbour the Taliban and then just set up kill zones all along the Pakistan border.

We should have left Afghanistan by 2006. And we could have done it without the democrat fuckups we see today.
Well, Americans tend to be all for war when the trumpets blow, as was seen in Afghan and Iraq, but the will to stay for immearsurable gains is not there.

It takes a pol with strong defense creds to lay out a plan for not getting into dubious wars without end. We don't have one right now.

Right, because Trump didn't get us into any wars. W and Obama were war presidents. And they were big government. Note that's the definition of "neocon."

Biden is a long time neocon. Well, before he lost his mind he was
The definition does not mean just "getting us into new wars". It just as much means continuing old ones. Was it good that Trump didn't? Absolutely, it's just too bad he didn't actually do what he said.

The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders. Didn't know that, did you? You just said you didn't. Be honest

HW neocon? Check
Slick neocon? Check
W neocon? Check
Obama necon? Check
Trump neocon? No
Biden neocon? He was for four decades, now he's literally brainless
Yeah, it's important to acknowledge the
The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders. Didn't know that, did you? You just said you didn't. Be honest

HW neocon? Check
Slick neocon? Check
W neocon? Check
Obama necon? Check
Trump neocon? No
Biden neocon? He was for four decades, now he's literally brainless
Are you saying that Trump wasn't a big government spender? He was one of the highest in history.

Surely you jest. Heh heh.

I agree with you about neoconservatism being thick in both sides of the party-of-one, but at least be intellectually honest about it.
Yeah, it's important to acknowledge the

Are you saying that Trump wasn't a big government spender? He was one of the highest in history.

I already directly answered this. NO I am NOT saying Trump isn't a big government spender. I said he wasn't out starting wars. My God, how did you miss that even if I hadn't already addressed it? Where were you for the four years Trump was President? Or you just hate him so much you didn't notice the ebbing of our involvement in wars?

Surely you jest. Heh heh.

I agree with you about neoconservatism being thick in both sides of the party-of-one, but at least be intellectually honest about it.

It's pretty funny that the guy who just noticed that Trump spent like a Democrat but didn't notice that he was the least warlike President since Carter is telling me to be "intellectually honest." Classic.

Dude, be intellectually honest. Seriously
I already directly answered this. NO I am NOT saying Trump isn't a big government spender. I said he wasn't out starting wars. My God, how did you miss that even if I hadn't already addressed it? Where were you for the four years Trump was President? Or you just hate him so much you didn't notice the ebbing of our involvement in wars?

Actually, I didn't even read your other post.

I usually just click on new posts and respond ot them if I feel like it.

As far as hating Trump, I really don't. I don't care about him that much at all.

As far as where I was during the last four years, I kept rather consistent track of spending bills and I'd put the depth of substance of my thread content up against anyone elses on this entire board. Anyone's...
The problem with the electorate is a collective is that they only seem to want to look at the issues through a red/blue lens.

Pretty much every discussion devolves into finger-pointing back and forth. It's trivial repetition.
And we argue we can't afford to address health care. All this war mongering is going to bring the country down.

Why Americans will be paying for the cost of the war in Afghanistan for decades

Interest continues to build 24 hours a day every day of the year. As the article notes we will be years trying to pay this off and that doesn't even address the fact that someone is going to want to ramp up the wars again.

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

We are asking the young to give their lives and pay for our foolish choices. History will not treat us well.
What’s going to happen with interest if the democrats spend another 3.5 trillion on their “human infrastructure” fiasco? Or does that not count.

I’m happy to see you concerned about debt and interest. I’m just wondering if that concern only applies to certain kinds of spending.
I didn't think your explanation of open market operations would be thorough. Heh heh. Do I know you or what?

What does the Fed buy them with? You didn't mention that. Why not?

Anyway. I'll do it. To borrow a quote from the Boston Federal Reserve's ''Putting it Simply", they say that ''When you or I write a check, there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a hot check, it is creating ''money.”

The Federal Reserve then hands those checks to the banks and at this point ''currency'' springs into existence. The banks then take that ''currency'' and buy more bonds at the next Treasury auction.

I didn't think your explanation of open market operations would be thorough.

It was all you deserved.

What does the Fed buy them with?

What does the Fed buy with the bonds they bought?
Are you drunk already?

but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a hot check, it is creating ''money.”

Creating the shit out of it!!!!!
Printing like a mother fucker!!!

The Federal Reserve then hands those checks to the banks and at this point ''currency'' springs into existence.

You betcha, Jethro!!

The banks then take that ''currency'' and buy more bonds at the next Treasury auction.

Or they leave it in their Fed account.
Actually, Toddster, you just reminded me, I've meaning to talk about the setup we're seeing for the coming crack-up boom.

I may start a thread about that. Particularly given that the market knows what's going on.

You never said, how does your gold or silver "money" work at the gas station?
You never said, how does your gold or silver "money" work at the gas station?

The same way it worked before 1971.

This is actually a store of value...


This is a receipt for a claim check on an IOU bond...


Which one has more purchasing power, Toddster? Which one is actually backed by something of value, Toddster?
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I didn't think your explanation of open market operations would be thorough.

It was all you deserved.

What does the Fed buy them with?

What does the Fed buy with the bonds they bought?
Are you drunk already?

but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a hot check, it is creating ''money.”

Creating the shit out of it!!!!!
Printing like a mother fucker!!!

The Federal Reserve then hands those checks to the banks and at this point ''currency'' springs into existence.

You betcha, Jethro!!

The banks then take that ''currency'' and buy more bonds at the next Treasury auction.

Or they leave it in their Fed account.

I explained, and correctly, how open market operations actually work.

I'll accept your surrender, Toddster. Heh heh...

When are you going to learn that you can't spin and dumb down the terms of controversy when Natty C's in the thread? You'll never get away with it like you do when he's not in the thread.

Thank your lucky stars that's as far as I cared to go with it. Because you know I can take it further. Then you'd really look like an info shyster.
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The same way it worked before 1971.

This is actually a store of value...


This is a receipt for a claim check on an IOU bond...


Which one has more purchasing power, Toddster? Which one is actually backed by something of value, Toddster?

The same way it worked before 1971.


How many gallons of gas does your gold or silver buy?
You don't have to turn them into FRNs first, do you?
That would make me sad.

Which one has more purchasing power, Toddster?

If I hand them over to a store clerk, they have the identical buying power.

Are you buying stuff with your silver dimes?
How does that work? Be specific.
I explained, and correctly how open marlet operations actually work.

I'll accept your surrender, Toddster. Heh heh...

When are you going to learn that you can't spin and dumb down the terms of controversy when Natty C's in the thread? You'll never get away with it like you do when he's not in the thread.

Thank your lucky stars that's as far as I cared to go with it. Because you know I can take it further. Then you'd really look like an info shyster.

I explained, and correctly how open marlet operations actually work.

Yeah, that was cool. Where did your explanation refute mine?

Thank your lucky stars that's as far as I cared to go with it. Because you know I can take it further.

Saddam never attacked the continental us. Neither did Iran nor the Taliban.
Your point is?

Japan and Germany never attacked the continental US in WWII, although during the war they tried.

The Taliban sheltered Al Qaeda allowing 9/11 to happen. When was out war against Iran?

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