925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

From your OP. Show us the Dimwingers you call out....

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

Mainly Obama here.
They've been funded by people buying Treasury Bills, Treasury Notes and Treasury Bonds.
With money "out of pocket".
Funding them by people buying War Bonds is still using money "out of pocket".

Heh heh. You spun that like a top, huh.

Explain open market operations for us, please. I'm curious whether your explanation woud be as thorough as how it actually works.

And what exactly do you mean by 'money"? I'm of the understanding that 'money', unlike currency (Federal Reserve Notes in this case...which happen to be nothing more than a receipt for a claim check on an IOU bond), has to be a store of value to actually be money.

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Meh....a $1 trillion interest payment made with taxpayer money does not concern those getting money and power out of fleecing the taxpayer.

Can we list the elected officials who are NOT crooks? Is it possible?
You got to love when people virtue signal with the pointless wars meme
And we argue we can't afford to address health care. All this war mongering is going to bring the country down.

Why Americans will be paying for the cost of the war in Afghanistan for decades

Interest continues to build 24 hours a day every day of the year. As the article notes we will be years trying to pay this off and that doesn't even address the fact that someone is going to want to ramp up the wars again.

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

We are asking the young to give their lives and pay for our foolish choices. History will not treat us well.

There are three areas of government. Fiscal, social and military. Unfortunately, both parties are war parties. The Democrats in particular have an issue not being behind the steering wheel, but a war party they are. We should pull out of the entire middle east and unfetter domestic energy production so we don't need energy from violent extremists
Maybe its the necons, Mitch and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey's OFFENSIVES

True, but you don't know what a neocon is.

You're right that W is a neocon, but so are Obama and Biden as were Bill and Hillary. Kerry and Gore were neocons.

Trump isn't a neocon. Sure, he spends like one but he wasn't getting us into new conflicts. Somehow this standard of yours hating neocons isn't really a standard, is it? You like all the Dem neocons and hate Trump
There are three areas of government. Fiscal, social and military. Unfortunately, both parties are war parties. The Democrats in particular have an issue not being behind the steering wheel, but a war party they are. We should pull out of the entire middle east and unfetter domestic energy production so we don't need energy from violent extremists
Well, Americans tend to be all for war when the trumpets blow, as was seen in Afghan and Iraq, but the will to stay for immearsurable gains is not there.

It takes a pol with strong defense creds to lay out a plan for not getting into dubious wars without end. We don't have one right now.

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