925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

The American government has no problem spending money they don't have, so long as they really want it.

Once health care is socialized, then they will begin to defund it and the US population will get treated like veterans do.

Problem is, veterans who pay out of pocket to escape the VA won't have that option anymore.
I would dread to think how many trillions the US would need to nationalise health care
Why do people act like the U.S. had any choice as to whether to go into Afghanistan or not?

We should never leave.
Sure. But the question of whether to stay or leave Afghanistan was never put to a direct vote by American voters.

No, when we take over Afghanistan and never leave, do the people get to vote in our elections?
No, when we take over Afghanistan and never leave, do the people get to vote in our elections?

Of course not. Only American citizens get to vote in our elections.

Who gives a damn about a conquered people?
Of course not. Only American citizens get to vote in our elections.

Who gives a damn about a conquered people?

After all that's what America is all about. Conquering and subjugating them.
The American government has no problem spending money they don't have, so long as they really want it.

Once health care is socialized, then they will begin to defund it and the US population will get treated like veterans do.

Problem is, veterans who pay out of pocket to escape the VA won't have that option anymore.
While it's true our country has a lot of debt, I wouldn't look at it as being like debt you or I would have if we took out loans etc. It's not necessarily bad for countries to have debts provided the GDP is strong.

Large debt owned by individuals is a bad thing because we can't easily raise our incomes to pay it off and we only have just a small bit of wiggle room when it comes to decreasing our expenses.

On the other hand, large debt by countries can be paid off in the form of raising taxes (which is sort of like a country's government giving itself a pay raise) and decreasing expenditures.

Also countries are allowed to take centuries to pay off debt... whereas you or I, we're stuck with paying off loans that last only a few months or years.
Again with the cowardly reply. I rarely start threads and what exactly do you think this thread is doing?
Not cowardly, factual.

You claim you call out fiscal irresponsibility on both sides equally, but have never started a thread calling out any Dimwinger for it.

Face it, you are a lefty hack pretending he isn't a lefty hack.
Not cowardly, factual.

You claim you call out fiscal irresponsibility on both sides equally, but have never started a thread calling out any Dimwinger for it.

Face it, you are a lefty hack pretending he isn't a lefty hack.

This thread does call out the Democrats.......also.
We have forces stationed in Europe, Japan, South Korea…insuring peace, furthermore fund the largest share of the UN, and NATO, so is this wrong? Why?
The American people desire free open commerce, trade, and peace, we, via proxy de facto, evolved into the free words last hope toward a sustainable peace and freedom. The cost of freedom and peace is paid for in blood not with hallow rhetoric from the mouths of vein politicians. It’s time you realize it. Recent events make me sick to my stomach. The old narrative of the end justifies the means has repeated itself once again. We betrayed our allies, we betrayed the fundamental core beliefs of what we once stood for and were, so what are we now!
This thread does call out the Democrats.......also.
From your OP. Show us the Dimwingers you call out....

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

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