925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

True, but you don't know what a neocon is.

You're right that W is a neocon, but so are Obama and Biden as were Bill and Hillary. Kerry and Gore were neocons.

Trump isn't a neocon. Sure, he spends like one but he wasn't getting us into new conflicts. Somehow this standard of yours hating neocons isn't really a standard, is it? You like all the Dem neocons and hate Trump

The definition does not mean just "getting us into new wars". It just as much means continuing old ones. Was it good that Trump didn't? Absolutely, it's just too bad he didn't actually do what he said.
True, but you don't know what a neocon is.

You're right that W is a neocon, but so are Obama and Biden as were Bill and Hillary. Kerry and Gore were neocons.

Trump isn't a neocon. Sure, he spends like one but he wasn't getting us into new conflicts. Somehow this standard of yours hating neocons isn't really a standard, is it? You like all the Dem neocons and hate Trump
Slick was not a neocon and neither was Obama. A neocon will use force, and dead American children and deficits, to get oil. Even Reagan was not a neocon.
The definition does not mean just "getting us into new wars". It just as much means continuing old ones. Was it good that Trump didn't? Absolutely, it's just too bad he didn't actually do what he said.
but getting out of wars is harder than getting in. Trump did take on McConnell and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey. And as last week showed, there's not artful way to get out of a war when we had not achievable objective going in. It's just .... not a bad as keeping a war going.

We always pay for wars with deficts, beginning with vietnam. And the only way to stop paying is to ..... get the fokc out.
The way he did it let ISIS run amok.

Biden is repeating that mistake.

Yep, and then the caliphate emerged. The grown-up named Donald Trump then wiped out the caliphate, ISIS/ISIL, in Syria and Iraq.

But is either one a mistake by Øbama and Biden? Or is it what the deep state wants? They hated how Trump took care of business in Syria and Iraq.
Slick was not a neocon and neither was Obama. A neocon will use force, and dead American children and deficits, to get oil. Even Reagan was not a neocon.
That is not necessarily true. We seem to put the petal to the metal in alternating ways with administrations. Trump was different.
but getting out of wars is harder than getting in. Trump did take on McConnell and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey. And as last week showed, there's not artful way to get out of a war when we had not achievable objective going in. It's just .... not a bad as keeping a war going.

We always pay for wars with deficts, beginning with vietnam. And the only way to stop paying is to ..... get the fokc out.

Yes, getting out is much harder which is why Bush, Obama and Trump didn't do it.
That is not necessarily true. We seem to put the petal to the metal in alternating ways with administrations. Trump was different.
Neither Slick nor Obama started a war. They are hard to end, when there's no objective. Korea and Vietnam didn't end with parades and cheering babes.

Technically, only W was both a neocon and a president. Korea began with a geopolitical mistake and Truman's admin and Vietnam started because LBJ didn't want to be seen as soft on communism.

W explicitly said Afghan was about building a democracy, and so was Iraq, but oil was an objective too.
Yes, getting out is much harder which is why Bush, Obama and Trump didn't do it.
Time will tell if those who sacraficed while Obama was president helped alter the Taliban's willingness to give succor to terrorists. I'm just thankful my family didn't have casualties. God bless those poor men and women.
Explain open market operations for us, please.

The Fed buys or sells securities if it wants to increase or decrease the money supply.

And what exactly do you mean by 'money"?

What ever you want it to be.

I'm of the understanding that 'money', unlike currency (Federal Reserve Notes in this case...which happen to be nothing more than a receipt for a claim check on an IOU bond), has to be a store of value to actually be money.

You definitely shouldn't use any FRNs in that case.
How does gold and silver work for you at the gas station?
The Fed buys or sells securities if it wants to increase or decrease the money supply.

I didn't think your explanation of open market operations would be thorough. Heh heh. Do I know you or what?

What does the Fed buy them with? You didn't mention that. Why not?

Anyway. I'll do it. To borrow a quote from the Boston Federal Reserve's ''Putting it Simply", they say that ''When you or I write a check, there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a hot check, it is creating ''money.”

The Federal Reserve then hands those checks to the banks and at this point ''currency'' springs into existence. The banks then take that ''currency'' and buy more bonds at the next Treasury auction.
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And we argue we can't afford to address health care. All this war mongering is going to bring the country down.

Why Americans will be paying for the cost of the war in Afghanistan for decades

Interest continues to build 24 hours a day every day of the year. As the article notes we will be years trying to pay this off and that doesn't even address the fact that someone is going to want to ramp up the wars again.

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

We are asking the young to give their lives and pay for our foolish choices. History will not treat us well.
Loaned to us by China through The Federal Reserve.

We are a nation of slaves who will never be able to work off or pay back debt of that magnitude.
Actually, Toddster, you just reminded me, I've meaning to talk about the setup we're seeing for the coming crack-up boom.

I may start a thread about that. Particularly given that the market knows what's going on.

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