925 Billion spent just on interest payments for the wars.

The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders. Didn't know that, did you? You just said you didn't. Be honest

HW neocon? Check
Slick neocon? Check
W neocon? Check
Obama necon? Check
Trump neocon? No
Biden neocon? He was for four decades, now he's literally brainless

We were speaking about the wars.
What’s going to happen with interest if the democrats spend another 3.5 trillion on their “human infrastructure” fiasco? Or does that not count.

I’m happy to see you concerned about debt and interest. I’m just wondering if that concern only applies to certain kinds of spending.

I've already addressed this.
Neither Slick nor Obama started a war. They are hard to end, when there's no objective. Korea and Vietnam didn't end with parades and cheering babes.

Technically, only W was both a neocon and a president. Korea began with a geopolitical mistake and Truman's admin and Vietnam started because LBJ didn't want to be seen as soft on communism.

W explicitly said Afghan was about building a democracy, and so was Iraq, but oil was an objective too.
So, exactly how much oil did we get out of Iraq?
Why wasn't this interesting tidbit available during Hussein/Biden's 8 year administration?
Your source's author confuses a lot of history and ignores other events completely in his desperate search to support his conjecture. I have seen high school students with a better grasp on world events than your obviously self-serving author.

So what they say happened never happened?
Actually, I didn't even read your other post.

Well, then it's a good thing this wasn't in an "other post" and was in the one you quoted: "The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders."

Clearly Trump wasn't a big war guy, though he was a big spender. Trump isn't a conservative, either neo or regular con.

Here's the trick with neocon. It's both. You use the military to further your view of how countries should be run AND you're a big government guy. Like HW, Slick, W and Obama.

I realize that's pretty complicated. Large government AND big military. I mean how can anyone keep track of something that complex? Both? At the same time? Wow.

One other thought. Note it's "neo" con. Which means "new" con. That means actually different from a con. Whoa, mind blast. Sorry I didn't give you a heads up on that
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Well, then it's a good thing this wasn't in an "other post" and was in the one you quoted: "The definition of neocon isn't just about wars. Neocons are also big government spenders"

So with $8 trillion in new debt I guess Trump is a neocon also so it would seem you are fighting an uphill battle.
So with $8 trillion in new debt I guess Trump is a neocon also so it would seem you are fighting an uphill battle.


List these wars Trump started and expanded, fucking liar.

pknopp: I don't like Trump
pknopp: I don't like neocons (except you actually worship a bunch of them)
pknopp: Therefore Trump is a neocon

You're one stupid chick
But then you added a description that would make him one.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid. Nowhere did I do that. I said Trump is not a neocon from a military standpoint.

Does that much stupid hurt or is it more of a numbness in your head? Do you get a buzz from that much stupid?

pknopp: Whoa, neocons are big military AND big spending? OMG, my mind is fucking blown. Both? At the same time? No, I can't handle it, that's too complicated ...

List these wars Trump started and expanded, fucking liar.

I never said he did but don't let that stop you. My argument is you have nowhere to go. If Trump wasn't it there is little hope for what you want.
I never said he did but don't let that stop you. My argument is you have nowhere to go. If Trump wasn't it there is little hope for what you want.

kaz: Trump is a big government spender, he was not a military neocon
pknopp: Ah, so now you're saying Trump IS a neocon
kaz: Trump is a big government spender, he was not a military neocon
pknopp: Yes, now you say TrumpIS a neocon, before you said he wasn't

You are stupid as shit, you just are
kaz: Trump is a big government spender, he was not a military neocon
pknopp: Ah, so now you're saying Trump IS a neocon
kaz: Trump is a big government spender, he was not a military neocon
pknopp: Yes, now you say TrumpIS a neocon, before you said he wasn't

You are stupid as shit, you just are

He continued every war that the fools before him started. You can use your definition "of not starting new wars" but that is just excuse making.
And we argue we can't afford to address health care. All this war mongering is going to bring the country down.

Why Americans will be paying for the cost of the war in Afghanistan for decades

Interest continues to build 24 hours a day every day of the year. As the article notes we will be years trying to pay this off and that doesn't even address the fact that someone is going to want to ramp up the wars again.

That we’re paying interest on our war spending is a political choice. The bulk of the wars over the last century were funded in large part by tax increases and war bonds, the analysis notes. But as the U.S. entered these wars in the early 2000s, the Bush administration actually cut taxes. That meant funding for the wars had to come from another source, in this case financing.

This approach shields “the public from knowing what the true cost of the war is because they’re not feeling the pinch now,” Peltier said. “That displaces the cost to future taxpayers.”

We are asking the young to give their lives and pay for our foolish choices. History will not treat us well.
Thread win in one & done.
There are three areas of government. Fiscal, social and military. Unfortunately, both parties are war parties. The Democrats in particular have an issue not being behind the steering wheel, but a war party they are. We should pull out of the entire middle east and unfetter domestic energy production so we don't need energy from violent extremists

Mr Cabbage patch man signed executive orders pounding the death nail into the coffin of energy independence.
I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid. Nowhere did I do that. I said Trump is not a neocon from a military standpoint.

Does that much stupid hurt or is it more of a numbness in your head? Do you get a buzz from that much stupid?

pknopp: Whoa, neocons are big military AND big spending? OMG, my mind is fucking blown. Both? At the same time? No, I can't handle it, that's too complicated ...
That one talks in circles.
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