93% Think Neither Political Party Represents the American People

Does either democrat or republican Party Represents the American People?

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Nov 17, 2013
93% Think Neither Political Party Represents the American People, but the dumb asses who watch the establishment media bite their polls and their rigged election results and think that the two party circus is in super tight race and that it is important to vote for one of their puppets "to save the nation"

These zombies brainwashed by the MSM will quote some Rasmussen Reports, but I did my own polls on numerous forums and got BANNED just for conducting those polls, because those forums were also controlled by the establishment and they do not want you to know that VAST MAJORITY do not believe in the two party circus.
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So far the polls indicate 100% believe neither party represents American people.
Should political parties represent people? Should they not represent platforms, ideologies, and visions?

No political party has ever represented everyone; instead, people choose membership or support, or lack thereof, based on the things they believe.
Should political parties represent people?
They represent people who pay them money and allow them media time to stay popular - that's people who control the money supply, NOT people who get bread crumbs
The only representatives the people are meant to have at the national level reside in the House of Representatives. No presidents, no senators, no judges, no parties. Just their district representatives.

People who want representation every which way are nothing more than Democrats, liberals, and other malcontents who can't function on their own.
The only representatives the people are meant to have at the national level reside in the House of Representatives. No presidents, no senators, no judges, no parties. Just their district representatives.

People who want representation every which way are nothing more than Democrats, liberals, and other malcontents who can't function on their own.
So the rest of the big shots in Washington represent ____________?? please fill in the blank so we're clear.
Why Does The Nation Tolerate A Habitual Liar As President?

Public Trust: Sixty-one percent polled say President Obama lies "some of the time" or "most of the time" on matters of national importance. Americans have to ask: Why do we let him get away with it? It's no surprise that a Fox News poll of 1,012 registered voters last week found immense distrust of a president whose main domestic initiative was based on a lie. The shock is that the same poll found his disapproval level down to its lowest since last fall. Asked, "How often do you think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters?" 37% replied...

Recognition Of And Complacency Toward A Habitual Liar As President - Investors.com
The only representatives the people are meant to have at the national level reside in the House of Representatives. No presidents, no senators, no judges, no parties. Just their district representatives.

People who want representation every which way are nothing more than Democrats, liberals, and other malcontents who can't function on their own.
So the rest of the big shots in Washington represent ____________?? please fill in the blank so we're clear.
The United States, the states, the law, party platform, respectively.
Why Does The Nation Tolerate A Habitual Liar As President?

Public Trust: Sixty-one percent polled say President Obama lies "some of the time" or "most of the time" on matters of national importance. Americans have to ask: Why do we let him get away with it? It's no surprise that a Fox News poll of 1,012 registered voters last week found immense distrust of a president whose main domestic initiative was based on a lie. The shock is that the same poll found his disapproval level down to its lowest since last fall. Asked, "How often do you think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters?" 37% replied...

Recognition Of And Complacency Toward A Habitual Liar As President - Investors.com
I can tell you with complete honesty that as a person who is heavily into politics, I am WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY beyond listening to any politician on the media, I live in a different world, because I figured out their circus - if they are on the establishment media, they do not represent American people, one poster here trying to be smart, even admitted it himself. So any elections that are hosted by the establishment, any farts that come out from any puppet of the establishment, I'm not chasing them.
The only representatives the people are meant to have at the national level reside in the House of Representatives. No presidents, no senators, no judges, no parties. Just their district representatives.

People who want representation every which way are nothing more than Democrats, liberals, and other malcontents who can't function on their own.
So the rest of the big shots in Washington represent ____________?? please fill in the blank so we're clear.
The United States, the states, the law, party platform, respectively.
So why does every politician, every presidential hopeful that ever took the stage on MSM always talk about "American people this, American people that"?
Why Does The Nation Tolerate A Habitual Liar As President?

Public Trust: Sixty-one percent polled say President Obama lies "some of the time" or "most of the time" on matters of national importance. Americans have to ask: Why do we let him get away with it? It's no surprise that a Fox News poll of 1,012 registered voters last week found immense distrust of a president whose main domestic initiative was based on a lie. The shock is that the same poll found his disapproval level down to its lowest since last fall. Asked, "How often do you think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters?" 37% replied...

Recognition Of And Complacency Toward A Habitual Liar As President - Investors.com
I can tell you with complete honesty that as a person who is heavily into politics, I am WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY beyond listening to any politician on the media, I live in a different world, because I figured out their circus - if they are on the establishment media, they do not represent American people, one poster here trying to be smart, even admitted it himself. So any elections that are hosted by the establishment, any farts that come out from any puppet of the establishment, I'm not chasing them.

How do you know anything if you don't listen to everything?
It appears to be 90% again...

I've always noticed that my polls don't match the MSM narrative either. My polls are as scientifically random as they get --- the internet.
In the last 34 years, Republicans brought the middle class:

Deregulation: good for the rich, bad for middle class
S & L crisis
Eleven tax increases on the middle class
Derivatives debacle
Sub-prime monies in mortgage back securities
Minimum wage fights
Over-time pay fights
Vacation pay fights
Bernie 'Made-Off' - Why did it take so long?

Great read for middle class folks.


and another

There is absolutely NO REASON why anyone who is a small business owner or a middle class worker to vote Republican. It is their policies that have squashed the middle class and protected the wealthy who have consistently hoarded all the increases in our economy.

JP Morgan Tells Investors Why Middle Class Americans Are Screwed

and there's more!

• 61 percent of Americans “always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
• 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1 percent of all Americans.
• Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.
• The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.
• In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
• More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.
• Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.

The GOP Plot to Screw the Economy and the Middle Class | Veterans Today
So the rest of the big shots in Washington represent ____________?? please fill in the blank so we're clear.
The United States, the states, the law, party platform, respectively.
So why does every politician, every presidential hopeful that ever took the stage on MSM always talk about "American people this, American people that"?

Republicans actually mean some (rich) American people.

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