95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote
58,000 Have Actually Voted...

By Timothy Meads -- On Friday January 25, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that 95,000 individuals registered to vote in the Lone Star State have been identified as "Non-US Citizens," meaning they are illegally registered to vote. Further evidence brought forth by Texas Secretary of State David Whitely confirms that 58,000 of these individuals have broken the law and voted in "one or more" recent elections.... “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," AG Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed." According to a press release issued by the Attorney General's office, while non-US citizens are legally allowed to obtain driver's licenses and other forms of ID, "only citizens are eligible to vote." Furthermore, the Sec. of State's office notes that "Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. "
"Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections," AG Paxton added.

Why isn't this breaking news by the biased MSM? Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftist media wont cover for one simple reason.... they are Democrats.
The Texas investigation is just scratching the surface. What are the odds that 100% of them voted Democratic? And how many are in the States of CA, NY, IL, FL, WA and OR?
The PMS Dem Left want wide Open Border without protection while They Fortify heir Own Mansions with Tall Walls. Others probably are Drug and Human Trafficking for Profits. Like Hillary they`ll do anything for Profits Their Sole motivation to be in Politics, even Importation of Violent Criminals are big Money Makers for Attorneys in every Specialty.

If they know of these many people, can you imagine the actual true number? California? Other states that ENCOURAGE this sort of thing? There's your 2 million votes that supposedly gave Hillary her popular vote edge, and probably beat Romney, McCain, and put Obama in office.

Lying and cheating are the only tools for success the Left has.
You have to prove they all voted blue and not red in low population red States.

I don't need to prove anything, son! You democrats are the ones always claiming no proof of illegals voting, no proof of illegitimate votes all the while protecting and fending their every right to come here, sanctuary cities, driver's licenses, government benefits, letting them out of jail free of serious crimes when ICE is on the way to pick them up! And every tally of such known instances has always been in a predominantly blue area, even if it was a red state. Why the hell would you vote for the people that are trying to deport you?

Further, all the Left ever touts is Hillary's worthless "popular vote" tally and the need to do away with the Electoral College. If proof of anything is needed, show me one illegal, one study where it has ever been documented where the GOP gained votes on any illegals!
if, Any illegals voted You have to prove they voted Blue and not Red.

only the right wing, never gets it.
Yep, been going on forever. They used to pick juries from registered voter lists here but one of the most common excuses for getting out of jury duty in many counties here, dominated by Guess Which Party, was ' I'm not a citizen'. Some media guy , most likely who got fired for it and has never worked again in media, wrote an article on it, and magically there was a big drive to change over to driver's licenses for jury pools. lol

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter ...
In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey ( ...


That's probably a low ball number.
I'm just supporting the facts released by the Texas Secretary of State, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and a legitimate ABC affiliate news source.

You're the one trying to spread the lie that it's not true. That makes me honest, and you a lying puke.
Youre spreading a lie now. I never said the OP wasnt true. I just pointed out that repubs run the state. :rolleyes:

So how was it some "Republicans" who lobbied to hook them up with driver's licenses and voter registration?

Especially since that's been an ongoing campaign led by Democrats in several other states. This is common knowledge.
Who said repubs lobbied? They just signed them up according to the article. :rolleyes:

Where did the article say that "Republicans" signed them up? Have you even been to a driver's license bureau? Do you have any idea how the majority of them are completely staffed with Democrats?
Republican assfucks always try to make voter registration as difficult as possible.

How hard is it to get a driver's license, government-issued ID card, sign up for welfare, SNAP benefits, or Social security?

If they can do those things, they can sure as hell go register to vote.
I'm just supporting the facts released by the Texas Secretary of State, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and a legitimate ABC affiliate news source.

You're the one trying to spread the lie that it's not true. That makes me honest, and you a lying puke.
Youre spreading a lie now. I never said the OP wasnt true. I just pointed out that repubs run the state. :rolleyes:

So how was it some "Republicans" who lobbied to hook them up with driver's licenses and voter registration?

Especially since that's been an ongoing campaign led by Democrats in several other states. This is common knowledge.
Who said repubs lobbied? They just signed them up according to the article. :rolleyes:

Where did the article say that "Republicans" signed them up? Have you even been to a driver's license bureau? Do you have any idea how the majority of them are completely staffed with Democrats?
In a Republican state???????????

Please don't tell me that you're ignorant enough to believe there are no Democrats in red states.

Do they all just go "poof" and disappear when a state goes red? :laughing0301:
Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote
58,000 Have Actually Voted...

By Timothy Meads -- On Friday January 25, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that 95,000 individuals registered to vote in the Lone Star State have been identified as "Non-US Citizens," meaning they are illegally registered to vote. Further evidence brought forth by Texas Secretary of State David Whitely confirms that 58,000 of these individuals have broken the law and voted in "one or more" recent elections.... “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," AG Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed." According to a press release issued by the Attorney General's office, while non-US citizens are legally allowed to obtain driver's licenses and other forms of ID, "only citizens are eligible to vote." Furthermore, the Sec. of State's office notes that "Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. "
"Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections," AG Paxton added.

Why isn't this breaking news by the biased MSM? Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftist media wont cover for one simple reason.... they are Democrats.
The Texas investigation is just scratching the surface. What are the odds that 100% of them voted Democratic? And how many are in the States of CA, NY, IL, FL, WA and OR?
The PMS Dem Left want wide Open Border without protection while They Fortify heir Own Mansions with Tall Walls. Others probably are Drug and Human Trafficking for Profits. Like Hillary they`ll do anything for Profits Their Sole motivation to be in Politics, even Importation of Violent Criminals are big Money Makers for Attorneys in every Specialty.

Third thread on this.

The GOP has run Texas wall to wall at the State level for almost 20 years.

I thought they were anti-voter fraud?
Yep, been going on forever. They used to pick juries from registered voter lists here but one of the most common excuses for getting out of jury duty in many counties here, dominated by Guess Which Party, was ' I'm not a citizen'. Some media guy , most likely who got fired for it and has never worked again in media, wrote an article on it, and magically there was a big drive to change over to driver's licenses for jury pools. lol
Texas tried to exempt the Rich from illegal hiring laws.

Then the Libs are hiring them because liberals average 6% higher wealth than do conservatives.
better capitalists?

How do people always promoting socialism, class warfare, income inequality, income redistribution, and high taxes and regulations on business and the affluent become better capitalists?
Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote
58,000 Have Actually Voted...

By Timothy Meads -- On Friday January 25, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that 95,000 individuals registered to vote in the Lone Star State have been identified as "Non-US Citizens," meaning they are illegally registered to vote. Further evidence brought forth by Texas Secretary of State David Whitely confirms that 58,000 of these individuals have broken the law and voted in "one or more" recent elections.... “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," AG Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed." According to a press release issued by the Attorney General's office, while non-US citizens are legally allowed to obtain driver's licenses and other forms of ID, "only citizens are eligible to vote." Furthermore, the Sec. of State's office notes that "Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. "
"Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections," AG Paxton added.

Why isn't this breaking news by the biased MSM? Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftist media wont cover for one simple reason.... they are Democrats.
The Texas investigation is just scratching the surface. What are the odds that 100% of them voted Democratic? And how many are in the States of CA, NY, IL, FL, WA and OR?
The PMS Dem Left want wide Open Border without protection while They Fortify heir Own Mansions with Tall Walls. Others probably are Drug and Human Trafficking for Profits. Like Hillary they`ll do anything for Profits Their Sole motivation to be in Politics, even Importation of Violent Criminals are big Money Makers for Attorneys in every Specialty.

Third thread on this.

The GOP has run Texas wall to wall at the State level for almost 20 years.

I thought they were anti-voter fraud?

Now you're starting to get why the rank and file voted for Trump instead of the GOP establishment.

Too bad the Democrats' base are happy with parroting polices favored by the American Chamber of Commerce, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, the Red Chinese, and the 'globalist' labor racketeers. Fascists do flock together, though.
only the right wing, never gets it.

What, that you are an illiterate libtard that makes up impossible shithead scenarios thinking to win arguments? Obviously you can't prove shit showing where ANYWHERE it has EVER been shown that these people did anything other than vote predominantly blue and have been supported by blue states, city and people! Now prove to us that air has always been clear or that the Sun has never risen in the West!

The effects of turning a blind eye to this felonious voter fraud? Virginia was once a solid red state. Once the illegal alien invasion hit the state in full flood after 2004, (thanks in part to Republican amnesty advocate George Bush's indifference to the tsunami) it became a blue state.

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | HuffPost

San Francisco to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote

Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans.

Are unauthorized immigrants overwhelmingly Democrats?
How hard is it to get a driver's license, government-issued ID card, sign up for welfare, SNAP benefits, or Social security?

As noted earlier...that particular form of voter disenfranchisement is becoming less effective as legal voters "of a certain age" without IDs die off.

So now we have voter "purges" that kick legal voters off the voter rolls
The article is about legal immigrants. Not illegals.

I will wait and see what further developments arise in the days ahead.

Non-citizens voting...illegals voting...you make a distinction huh?
Of course there is a distinction. A legal immigrant has an ID, thus making it easier to vote if they are registered.

I will wait for more information.

I've always said the problem is with voter registration, not a lack of Voter ID at the polls. That's where we need to focus our time and energy.
They shouldn't be registered, you fucking idiot.
Then bitch at the Republicans who allowed them to register.
Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote
58,000 Have Actually Voted...

By Timothy Meads -- On Friday January 25, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that 95,000 individuals registered to vote in the Lone Star State have been identified as "Non-US Citizens," meaning they are illegally registered to vote. Further evidence brought forth by Texas Secretary of State David Whitely confirms that 58,000 of these individuals have broken the law and voted in "one or more" recent elections.... “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," AG Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed." According to a press release issued by the Attorney General's office, while non-US citizens are legally allowed to obtain driver's licenses and other forms of ID, "only citizens are eligible to vote." Furthermore, the Sec. of State's office notes that "Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. "
"Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections," AG Paxton added.

Why isn't this breaking news by the biased MSM? Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftist media wont cover for one simple reason.... they are Democrats.
The Texas investigation is just scratching the surface. What are the odds that 100% of them voted Democratic? And how many are in the States of CA, NY, IL, FL, WA and OR?
The PMS Dem Left want wide Open Border without protection while They Fortify heir Own Mansions with Tall Walls. Others probably are Drug and Human Trafficking for Profits. Like Hillary they`ll do anything for Profits Their Sole motivation to be in Politics, even Importation of Violent Criminals are big Money Makers for Attorneys in every Specialty.

If they know of these many people, can you imagine the actual true number? California? Other states that ENCOURAGE this sort of thing? There's your 2 million votes that supposedly gave Hillary her popular vote edge, and probably beat Romney, McCain, and put Obama in office.

Lying and cheating are the only tools for success the Left has.

One estimate was 13% of voters in heavily Hispanic districts like those around San Antonio and parts of Houston and Dallas. In California it's an easy assumption they number in the million + numbers, probably 2-3 million. Illinois is a big illegal alien meccas, as is New York City and now New Orleans and Atlanta, and of course Florida, so we all four of the largest states with significant numbers of criminal illegal voters and a criminal syndicate active in getting them to the polls.
If those folks have a green card, then they are paying taxes. Maybe if they are paying taxes, they should have a say in who represents them in the government that sets the taxes and makes the laws they live under.
Just a thought.

Gee, you mean like dope dealers, serial killers, and kidnappers who pay sales taxes on stuff they buy should be exempt from obeying laws, cuz, they 'pay taxes'??

Quit smoking the meth and get help soon. Maybe you need to deport yourself and go 'bless' some other country with your retarded lack of principles and morals.

The only criminal group you left out are the politicians. Hmm...., what names can I start with, HRC, BHO?
That's why they are here...to save the democrat party from extinction....
Texas sounds rather dysfunctional, one would think they would be on top of this, did they just relocate next to Mexico?
And the hedging begins...

"Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the secretary of state, said the announcement on Friday did not mean that the authorities had discovered 95,000 registered voters who it knew for a fact were noncitizens." - NYT

The strategy in the messaging is very clear... this hedging was not included in the SoS's statement, because that would weaken the breathless right wing coverage.
Texas has yet to prove they are not citizens

Just that different databases are in conflict
Texas sounds rather dysfunctional, one would think they would be on top of this, did they just relocate next to Mexico?

Is there ANY aspect of America that actually meets your satisfaction?

Is there any aspect of american society that has ever lived up to america's own lofty rhetoric? I can't pretend to believe in untruths for the comfort of others.
Texas sounds rather dysfunctional, one would think they would be on top of this, did they just relocate next to Mexico?

Is there ANY aspect of America that actually meets your satisfaction?

Is there any aspect of american society that has ever lived up to america's own lofty rhetoric? I can't pretend to believe in untruths for the comfort of others.

Rationalization / cop out. Expected of you. How could your own beliefs POSSIBLY bring any comfort to any other? That is the height of hubris. Name me ANY country that has ever lived up to its own lofty rhetoric? NONE I can think of unless their ideals are pretty low. But I prefer a country which sets it goals higher than it can reach, so long as it is always reaching, and the American people are, that is, the ones that actually contribute and seek self-actualization rather than just sit around mewling like a baby blaming the world for their own inadequacies.

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