95-year-old woman using walking frame tasered by police at care home in Australia

Oldlady GIFs | Tenor
My son is a pokice officer and has just had tazer training. He cant wait for some old dear to get uppity with him so he can try it out.
You brits do love your police state. Gat to tase all those people saying mean things on Farcebook right? Or some kid might be reading the "wrong" book and needs to be zapped for it.

These geriatrics think that they can get away with anything. The smack of firm policing has shown her that isnt the case. Lets hope that she learns from this and doesnt cause the authorities any more problems.
this is what happens when you disarm the people,, the cops become gods and leash holders to a beaten dog,,

These geriatrics think that they can get away with anything. The smack of firm policing has shown her that isnt the case. Lets hope that she learns from this and doesnt cause the authorities any more problems.

This is the authoritarian state you want. Enjoy.
OK, I get she was holding a knife and walking slowly towards the police but she's 95-years-old with dementia. Something tells me you can disarm a 95-year-old without having to taser her. Maybe I'm wrong on this. Regardless it's going to be controversial and something police need to study and decide what the proper response should have been. One way or the other it's sad.

Sorry to hear, but the tragic victim who was tased has died.

>>CANBERRA, Australia — A 95-year-old Australian woman died Wednesday, a week after a police officer shot her with a stun gun in a nursing home as she moved toward him using a walker and carrying a steak knife, in a tragedy that has outraged many Australians. A coroner will determine the cause of death. Police say her injuries resulted from falling to the floor, not from the electric charge from the Taser-brand stun gun.<<

Sorry to hear, but the tragic victim who was tased has died.

>>CANBERRA, Australia — A 95-year-old Australian woman died Wednesday, a week after a police officer shot her with a stun gun in a nursing home as she moved toward him using a walker and carrying a steak knife, in a tragedy that has outraged many Australians. A coroner will determine the cause of death. Police say her injuries resulted from falling to the floor, not from the electric charge from the Taser-brand stun gun.<<

I wonder if the tazing had any relationship to her demise. But she was old anyway.
She was crabbing towards him with a knife in her hand. She had to be taken out.

She should have been put in one of their covid camps, or given the option of euthanasia like in Canada....that is how Europe, Canada, and likely Australia will handle their too many old people problem....
She just wasnt viable. Like all those old people trump killed with covid.

You mean all the people the Chinese killed with their man made flu virus...........while the democrats in the U.S. used the Chinese flu to wreck the economy to win an election....and to kill old people....like the Governors in New York and California..........

Biden has been the Chinese Communist Party employee of the year since he entered public office.
Australia? Meh... What do you expect? They're all descended from criminals...
Old people's lives don't matter. That's what the right wing in the US kept on telling me during the pandemic. We only care about 2 week old embryos.

No, thats what the democrats did when thwy put rhe sick in the retirememt homes....

These geriatrics think that they can get away with anything. The smack of firm policing has shown her that isnt the case. Lets hope that she learns from this and doesnt cause the authorities any more problems.
Have you had your account hacked?

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