9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.

People wanting to be free from a corrupt government that didn't represent them is how this nation was founded.
the british called them "traitors", too.

I doubt that they cared either.

I have no doubt that traitors to America don't care that they are traitors to America and the Constitution.

Not familiar with the declaration of independence or the revolutionary war??

Not familiar with the United States Constitution?

Very familiar.

Or just despise it?
No..it was a great plan. Now after 250 years of slick lawyers looking for loopholes and ways to evade, it has been twisted and warped to the point that we need to re set.

Either way- Americans who want to wage war on other Americans and who want to shred the Constitution as you are suggesting are traitors.
No one wants to "wage war"...where did you get that?

Last time people tried to peacefully and legally secede they got invaded for it and the fed gvmt waged scorched earth war on fellow american citizens.

You kids still gleefully recount the burning of southerners homes, wrecking the infrastructure, destroying their businesses, stealing their livestock and illegally seizing and redistributing their land. No we aren't over it yet...and no we don't feel the love for the fed gvmt that you do...
Shred the constitution? you need to look to your party and their antics..not me.
There is "no substantial evidence" of anything of the sort, other than that you believe it is evidence of your delusions.
#1, Man+Women=correct

#2, Man+Woman=correct

#3, Man+Man=incorrect
And the fact that that is all you got out of that proves what a hypocritical fuck you are, with no interest in the "sanctity" of marriage whatsoever.
Good to Arizona that it realizes that civil rights pursuant to Constitutional protection are not up for a vote.

Good ol Jake....once claimed to be my instructor at Nha Trang RECONDO school but didn't know he'd had to have been 5th Special Forces for that. :laugh:

Claimed what you had to be doing to make that claim: you were wrong, run off, came back and whine, were run off, and you were back whining again.


Wanna try that in English, fake-fuck? :rolleyes-41:
You put up the challenge so where and when? I'm know for being a heavyweight "chatter". :popcorn:

Given that I already told you Indianapolis and that any time after work was okay, I'm just wondering why you keep asking a question that was already answered.

If you really intend to fly over, we can narrow it down. And if you're absolutely demanding more than a friendly chat, I'll challenge you to a manly half-marathon run. I'm not a great runner, but I will run the whole way, and we can chat as we run.
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

likewise when you exaggerate wildly and resort to hyperbole like this.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How, exactly is homo marriage forced on you? How does it affect your marriage? How does it affect your family? How does it affect your faith?

Federalizing it by taking it to court and shopping for leftist judges to rule favorably does and end run around the will of the people who voted against it fair and square.
You put up the challenge so where and when? I'm know for being a heavyweight "chatter". :popcorn:

Given that I already told you Indianapolis and that any time after work was okay, I'm just wondering why you keep asking a question that was already answered.

If you really intend to fly over, we can narrow it down. And if you're absolutely demanding more than a friendly chat, I'll challenge you to a manly half-marathon run. I'm not a great runner, but I will run the whole way, and we can chat as we run.

Hey, you asked for the meeting not me.....I ain't flying into Indianapolis to find an empty park bench. I run two miles a day but could run 5 if a bear was chasing me. Suffice to say this "chat" will never happen and knock off the phony challenges...in my 12 years in chat rooms, there's been ONE fight that actually happened and neither side ever returned to claim victory. Now if you want to join an invasion force to keep Arizona in your depraved Union, then we won't have much to discuss other than who's the best shot.
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

The legalization of same sex marriage nationwide leaves no alternative but to take your toys and go home. There is nothing in the law that forces an individual to befriend gays or treat them as equals. Don't be surprised when it doesn't happen.
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

likewise when you exaggerate wildly and resort to hyperbole like this.
"Wildly exaggerate"?
Next time you want a good argument for secession from this decaying and bankrupt Union, consider Arizona at the top of the list.
Translation: We don't like your rules, so we're gonna take our toys, and go play in our own sandbox! :funnyface:

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....
And, again, you may have worded it with a bit more eloquence, but it's still acry for secession. "We don't like your rules, so we're gonna take our toys, and go play in our own sandbox! :funnyface:"

What were you saying about "wildly exaggerated", again?
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How, exactly is homo marriage forced on you? How does it affect your marriage? How does it affect your family? How does it affect your faith?

Federalizing it by taking it to court and shopping for leftist judges to rule favorably does and end run around the will of the people who voted against it fair and square.
None of which happened, but thanks. You do get that 16 of the last 19 cases were appealed to the federal courts because the state last, right? So, it wasn't "the homos" that federalized it; it was the states. Ironically, now that they don't like the response they are getting from the Federal Courts, they all want to scream about how this is supposed to be a state issue, and the Federal Courts shouldn't even be involved. Well, then...You should't have appealed to them!
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How, exactly is homo marriage forced on you? How does it affect your marriage? How does it affect your family? How does it affect your faith?

Federalizing it by taking it to court and shopping for leftist judges to rule favorably does and end run around the will of the people who voted against it fair and square.

One, you are not the judge on marriage equality.

Two, the issue is federal court.

Three, SCOTUS is conservative.
No one wants to "wage war"...where did you get that?.

Quote from one of your fellow travellers:

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California.

Just more Conservative blow hards, who fantasize about war because they aren't getting their way.

I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

The legalization of same sex marriage nationwide leaves no alternative but to take your toys and go home. There is nothing in the law that forces an individual to befriend gays or treat them as equals. Don't be surprised when it doesn't happen.
Yeah...I don't think anyone is telling you that you have to be "their friend". Nor is anyone making any demands on what individuals have to do; only business, and government agencies - and there very much are laws, and Constitutional amendments that dictate that.
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

The legalization of same sex marriage nationwide leaves no alternative but to take your toys and go home. There is nothing in the law that forces an individual to befriend gays or treat them as equals. Don't be surprised when it doesn't happen.
No one is seeking to compel private citizens to befriend gays or treat them as equals, and government in fact has no authority to do so. You and others on the social right remain at liberty to wallow in your ignorance and hate, a tiny minority growing smaller with each passing year.
Federalizing it by taking it to court and shopping for leftist judges to rule favorably does and end run around the will of the people who voted against it fair and square.
What do you not understand about the fact that the "Will of the People" only extends, in the United States, as far as the Constitution? You do not get to pass laws that violate the Constitutional rights of other people, I don't care how many people you convince to agree with you.

Incidentally, while amusing, your reply did not really answer the question I asked RoshawnMarkwees. He claimed that "homo marriages were being forced on others", implying that it was directly affecting the lives of people other than the "homos getting married". Thus, I am still looking for how anyone is being personally affected.
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Federalizing it by taking it to court and shopping for leftist judges to rule favorably does and end run around the will of the people who voted against it fair and square.

I think we have identified what the fringe far right consider a 'leftist judge'

Any judge that they disagree with.

Regardless how conservative that the judge is.

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