9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

We do not consider queers as anything but deviants and therefore no different that pyromanics or nymphomaniacs.
They are mentally ill and have no place as protected minorities.

I'm glad to be a straight blue state Dad doing my best to queer up your twisted little world :eusa_dance:

Sure ya are, Loretta. :badgrin:

He's got some unfulfilled fantasies he wants to experience and he needs some homo's to do it.
That's where the American black people come from.
And where the Right lives.
You mean like Austin, Atlanta, Ferguson...
“We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down.”

Which was a ridiculous and ignorant thing to do given the fact voters aren't authorized to decide who will or who will not have his civil rights.

Gay Americans living in Arizona are first and foremost American citizens, where they do not forfeit their civil liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence.

Arizona has only itself to blame.
Good to Arizona that it realizes that civil rights pursuant to Constitutional protection are not up for a vote.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....
You do get that the Constitution doesn't have an "out" clause, right? Southern States tried to forge one, once before. We all see how well that worked out for them...

So?..The constitution doesn't forbid (or even mention) secession, either..so it's legal.
Besides, when it happens no one is going to be asking the government's "permission" anyway.

but yes.. I know. the south tried to legally and peacefully secede and got invaded for it.

This is what this nation was founded on;

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It's coming.
To which I say, by all means, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way our. After all, let’s not forget by and large, it’s self-identifying Republicans in red states that are most often to threatening leaving the union. I wonder why that is? Could it be that they are scared of the changing times and the widening of freedoms for those who don’t look like them or worship the same deity they do? Could it be that they look at secession as being the culmination of all their whining and bitching about how the "libtards are ruining this once-proud nation"? Yes. That’s exactly how they see it; well, they might not see it as sophomoric whinging, but they also don’t see marriage equality happening either, so who cares what they do or don’t acknowledge?

So let’s just let them go, I’m thinking. Give them Texas. Give them America’s Dong. Let’s give them all the states that refused the Medicaid expansion and that didn’t open their own exchange. Let’s give them all the states with stupidly excessive sales taxes that soak the poor, who still by and large make up most of their states’ populaces. Let’s see how long they’d survive in the farmlands without the government subsidies that they bitch about so much. After all, we’ll still have big agricultural producers like California in our back pocket. Yeah, they get all the oil. But, then again, they also get all of the headaches that go with it - spills, pollution, etc.

Good luck with that. Let us know how that works out for ya...
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....
You do get that the Constitution doesn't have an "out" clause, right? Southern States tried to forge one, once before. We all see how well that worked out for them...

So?..The constitution doesn't forbid (or even mention) secession, either..so it's legal.
Besides, when it happens no one is going to be asking the government's "permission" anyway.

but yes.. I know. the south tried to legally and peacefully secede and got invaded for it.

This is what this nation was founded on;

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It's coming.
To which I say, by all means, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way our. After all, let’s not forget by and large, it’s self-identifying Republicans in red states that are most often to threatening leaving the union. I wonder why that is? Could it be that they are scared of the changing times and the widening of freedoms for those who don’t look like them or worship the same deity they do? Could it be that they look at secession as being the culmination of all their whining and bitching about how the "libtards are ruining this once-proud nation"? Yes. That’s exactly how they see it; well, they might not see it as sophomoric whinging, but they also don’t see marriage equality happening either, so who cares what they do or don’t acknowledge?

So let’s just let them go, I’m thinking. Give them Texas. Give them America’s Dong. Let’s give them all the states that refused the Medicaid expansion and that didn’t open their own exchange. Let’s give them all the states with stupidly excessive sales taxes that soak the poor, who still by and large make up most of their states’ populaces. Let’s see how long they’d survive in the farmlands without the government subsidies that they bitch about so much. After all, we’ll still have big agricultural producers like California in our back pocket. Yeah, they get all the oil. But,. then again, they also get all of the headaches that go with it - spills, pollution, etc.

Good luck with that. Let us know how that works out for ya...
No problem. Will do.
See ya in the field.
That's as far as I needed to read right there. Birthers have no credibility.

What, you think my goal is to convince you of something? You were free to leave after reading the OP. Calling me a "birther" is a tired tactic....it only shows you are willing to ignore substantial evidence he was born in Kenya, while gulping the whole gorebal warming baloney down without a napkin handy. The leftists in this thread can taunt and name-call...it's all they have...most aren't bright enough to resist authority. You might want to remember that when they flood to our side when we start cutting off their welfare and requiring them to actually work 8 hours a day.
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“We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down.”

Which was a ridiculous and ignorant thing to do given the fact voters aren't authorized to decide who will or who will not have his civil rights.

Gay Americans living in Arizona are first and foremost American citizens, where they do not forfeit their civil liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence.

Arizona has only itself to blame.

How many languages can you sing "Kum ba yah" in ? Can you sign it too ?
“We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down.”

Which was a ridiculous and ignorant thing to do given the fact voters aren't authorized to decide who will or who will not have his civil rights.

Gay Americans living in Arizona are first and foremost American citizens, where they do not forfeit their civil liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence.

Arizona has only itself to blame.

How many languages can you sing "Kum ba yah" in ? Can you sign it too ?

Does jive count? :biggrin:
Good to Arizona that it realizes that civil rights pursuant to Constitutional protection are not up for a vote.

Good ol Jake....once claimed to be my instructor at Nha Trang RECONDO school but didn't know he'd had to have been 5th Special Forces for that. :laugh:
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Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.

People wanting to be free from a corrupt government that didn't represent them is how this nation was founded.
the british called them "traitors", too.

I doubt that they cared either.

I have no doubt that traitors to America don't care that they are traitors to America and the Constitution.

Not familiar with the declaration of independence or the revolutionary war??

Not familiar with the United States Constitution?

Or just despise it?

Either way- Americans who want to wage war on other Americans and who want to shred the Constitution as you are suggesting are traitors.

Simple as that.
Get used to the idea of living in a degenerate country and don't be a degenerate yourself. You don't have to have gays over for dinner. You don't have to let your children in your home or let your children go to theirs. If you must do business with them and can't figure a way out you don't have to give them good customer service.

You learn how to live in a country that isn't acceptable any longer. You don't owe it any loyalty. These might be your neighbors. It's entirety up to you if they will be friends.
Good to Arizona that it realizes that civil rights pursuant to Constitutional protection are not up for a vote.

Good ol Jake....once claimed to be my instructor at Nha Trang RECONDO school but didn't know he'd had to have been 5th Special Forces for that. :laugh:

Claimed what you had to be doing to make that claim: you were wrong, run off, came back and whine, were run off, and you were back whining again.


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