9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Alright ladies and gents....I started this thread to point out what's been done to Arizona law by a leftist asswipe 9th Circuit. One might remember we Cons are considerably more "tolerant" of queers than the leftists who use them for political advantage behind their backs. This thread wasn't to argue what's happening.....it was intended to point out that the 9th Circuit judge who pulled this crap, is now known as a fascist bitch who we do not recognize as having authority to judge our right to stay free of their agenda. Nothing was settled and nothing can be settled with the left. We can only take back the power they have stolen by one means or another and by any means necessary. I suggest all USMB Cons now leave this thread with their heads held high. Thank you my brothers.
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

The legalization of same sex marriage nationwide leaves no alternative but to take your toys and go home. There is nothing in the law that forces an individual to befriend gays or treat them as equals. Don't be surprised when it doesn't happen.
No one is seeking to compel private citizens to befriend gays or treat them as equals, and government in fact has no authority to do so. You and others on the social right remain at liberty to wallow in your ignorance and hate, a tiny minority growing smaller with each passing year.
A tiny minority? Let's put the issue to a vote then.
“We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down.”

Which was a ridiculous and ignorant thing to do given the fact voters aren't authorized to decide who will or who will not have his civil rights.

Gay Americans living in Arizona are first and foremost American citizens, where they do not forfeit their civil liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence.

Arizona has only itself to blame.

How many languages can you sing "Kum ba yah" in ? Can you sign it too ?

Does jive count? :biggrin:

Sure, let's sit around the campfire an jive up some Kum Ba yah !!
Alright ladies and gents....I started this thread to point out what's been done to Arizona law by a leftist asswipe 9th Circuit. One might remember we Cons are considerably more "tolerant" of queers than the leftists who use them for political advantage behind their backs. This thread wasn't to argue what's happening.....it was intended to point out that the 9th Circuit judge who pulled this crap, is now known as a fascist bitch who we do not recognize as having authority to judge our right to stay free of their agenda. Nothing was settled and nothing can be settled with the left. We can only take back the power they have stolen by one means or another and by any means necessary. I suggest all USMB Cons now leave this thread with their heads held high. Thank you my brothers.

By any means necessary? That includes finding a more acceptable, if foreign, power. One already hostile to this degenerate regime and join them. A state like Texas with a border on both land and sea would be ideal for opening a massive door to an invasion. Mexicans have been doing it for years.
“We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down.”

Which was a ridiculous and ignorant thing to do given the fact voters aren't authorized to decide who will or who will not have his civil rights.

Gay Americans living in Arizona are first and foremost American citizens, where they do not forfeit their civil liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence.

Arizona has only itself to blame.

How many languages can you sing "Kum ba yah" in ? Can you sign it too ?

Does jive count? :biggrin:

Sure, let's sit around the campfire an jive up some Kum Ba yah !!

Barbara Billingsley would be proud. Let's do it for her! lol
I am glad to see that we can discuss this issue like rational adults. :lol:
As soon as someone stomps their feet, and screams, "Well, then, I'm gonna take my toys, and go home!!!" the chance for "rational adult conversation" has pretty much left the building...

The legalization of same sex marriage nationwide leaves no alternative but to take your toys and go home. There is nothing in the law that forces an individual to befriend gays or treat them as equals. Don't be surprised when it doesn't happen.
No one is seeking to compel private citizens to befriend gays or treat them as equals, and government in fact has no authority to do so. You and others on the social right remain at liberty to wallow in your ignorance and hate, a tiny minority growing smaller with each passing year.
A tiny minority? Let's put the issue to a vote then.

No thanks. We don't; or at least shouldn't, put civil rights up to a vote. I am fine with the current trend of watching your arguments get laughed out of almost every court room.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

Nobody is going to give up the advantages of being in the US of A because a few gays can get married.

You guys need to seriously get over yourselves.
We didn't ring up $17T in debt....the potlickers in New England and California did that....so let THEM pay it off. And pay us off as a parting gift.

Um, sorry, guy, actually, YOU did do your part to run up the national debt.


For every dollar people in Arizona send to Washington, they get back $1.60 in benefits like roads, dams, infrastructure, etc. I mean, shit, you all would be a fucking desert without all that spending.

Last time people tried to peacefully and legally secede they got invaded for it and the fed gvmt waged scorched earth war on fellow american citizens.


Was that what those cannon shots at Fort Sumter were?

lincoln sent troops and ships to reinforce and resupply a forth that was no longer in the united states.
The south had paid the north for other federal properties and peacefully evacuated the troops that might have been there...but lincoln knew that a fort in charleston harbor would be a provocation to the south and he hoped to create a casus belli so he could go to war.
The south even offered to pay it's share of the national debt at the time...all they wanted was to withdraw peacefully.

"You and I both anticipated that the cause of the country would be advanced by making the attempt to provision Fort Sumter, even if it should fail ; and it is no small consolation now to feel that our anticipation is justified by the result. "

Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Gustavus Fox, May 1, 1861

"The affair at Fort Sumter, it seems to us, has been planned as a means by which the war feeling at the North should be intensified, and the administration thus receive popular support for its policy.... If the armament which lay outside the harbor, while the fort was being battered to pieces [the US ship The Harriet Lane, and seven other reinforcement ships], had been designed for the relief of Major Anderson, it certainly would have made a show of fulfilling its mission. But it seems plain to us that no such design was had. The administration, virtually, to use a homely illustration, stood at Sumter like a boy with a chip on his shoulder, daring his antagonist to knock it off. The Carolinians have knocked off the chip. War is inaugurated, and the design of the administration accomplished." ~ The Buffalo Daily Courier, April 16, 1861.

"We have no doubt, and all the circumstances prove, that it was a cunningly devised scheme, contrived with all due attention to scenic display and intended to arouse, and, if possible, exasperate the northern people against the South.... We venture to say a more gigantic conspiracy against the principles of human liberty and freedom has never been concocted. Who but a fiend could have thought of sacrificing the gallant Major Anderson and his little band in order to carry out a political game? Yet there he was compelled to stand for thirty-six hours amid a torrent of fire and shell, while the fleet sent to assist him, coolly looked at his flag of distress and moved not to his assistance! Why did they not? Perhaps the archives in Washington will yet tell the tale of this strange proceeding.... Pause then, and consider before you endorse these mad men who are now, under pretense of preserving the Union, doing the very thing that must forever divide it." ~ The New York Evening Day-Book, April 17, 1861.
You should know that
...the 9th Circuit judge who pulled this crap...
is none other than Justice John Sedwick, a Bush Sr. appointee, and one of the most conservative activist judges in any district. You are correct that this judge has been overturned more times than any other district. However, you should probably look at the details of those turn-overs. They are invariably rulings that supported the conservative agenda, and were considered over-reaching in attempts to do so.

But, hey! You wanna call him a "fascist, leftist" (technically, an oxymoron, I think), that's your right. However, it only serves to further demonstrate the believe that you, and those like you, are willing to eviscerate any judge who rules in any way other than your personal whims. Good luck with that. Lemme know how that works out for ya...

Last time people tried to peacefully and legally secede they got invaded for it and the fed gvmt waged scorched earth war on fellow american citizens.


Was that what those cannon shots at Fort Sumter were?

lincoln sent troops and ships to reinforce and resupply a forth that was no longer in the united states.
The south had paid the north for other federal properties and peacefully evacuated the troops that might have been there...but lincoln knew that a fort in charleston harbor would be a provocation to the south and he hoped to create a casus belli so he could go to war.
The south even offered to pay it's share of the national debt at the time...all they wanted was to withdraw peacefully.

"You and I both anticipated that the cause of the country would be advanced by making the attempt to provision Fort Sumter, even if it should fail ; and it is no small consolation now to feel that our anticipation is justified by the result. "

Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Gustavus Fox, May 1, 1861

"The affair at Fort Sumter, it seems to us, has been planned as a means by which the war feeling at the North should be intensified, and the administration thus receive popular support for its policy.... If the armament which lay outside the harbor, while the fort was being battered to pieces [the US ship The Harriet Lane, and seven other reinforcement ships], had been designed for the relief of Major Anderson, it certainly would have made a show of fulfilling its mission. But it seems plain to us that no such design was had. The administration, virtually, to use a homely illustration, stood at Sumter like a boy with a chip on his shoulder, daring his antagonist to knock it off. The Carolinians have knocked off the chip. War is inaugurated, and the design of the administration accomplished." ~ The Buffalo Daily Courier, April 16, 1861.

"We have no doubt, and all the circumstances prove, that it was a cunningly devised scheme, contrived with all due attention to scenic display and intended to arouse, and, if possible, exasperate the northern people against the South.... We venture to say a more gigantic conspiracy against the principles of human liberty and freedom has never been concocted. Who but a fiend could have thought of sacrificing the gallant Major Anderson and his little band in order to carry out a political game? Yet there he was compelled to stand for thirty-six hours amid a torrent of fire and shell, while the fleet sent to assist him, coolly looked at his flag of distress and moved not to his assistance! Why did they not? Perhaps the archives in Washington will yet tell the tale of this strange proceeding.... Pause then, and consider before you endorse these mad men who are now, under pretense of preserving the Union, doing the very thing that must forever divide it." ~ The New York Evening Day-Book, April 17, 1861.
the word context means nothing to you...
Where would you like to meet? Need busfare?

Indianapolis, my hometown. After work. I know, that's a concept alien to most conservatives. Since you all don't have jobs, it's expected that you be the ones who spend time traveling. It was much easier with the local board, since everyone lived nearby.

And I'm not sure why DigitalDrifter and DriftingSand took my friendly invitation as a threat. Shows how their minds work, I suppose.

My advice? KISS OUR ASS

Or what? You'll cry even harder? We're the winners here, so we don't have to do anything.

I'm in Phoenix.....anytime anyplace.

Oh boy, a n internet tough guy!
Exactly how old are you? Twelve?
I can see you now! :laugh:


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Here's the deal....we're tired of being talked down to and punished like teenagers by the leftist asswipes running this government. Time after time we've followed the Constitution in our votes involving states rights. And time after time we are dismissed as idiots by those who've never spent a minute in our mountains, our ranches and fields, our cities and towns, or on the border out in the once beautiful Sonoran Desert. That time is coming to an END.

You...you do realize that the 9th amendment trumps the 10th, right? Or is 'freedom' only your State's ability to strip people of their rights?

We didn't ring up $17T in debt....the potlickers in New England and California did that....so let THEM pay it off. And pay us off as a parting gift. We will join with states like ourselves and form a new country with our own currency, judiciary, and and legislature. We will require those outside our new union to produce a passport to enter our territory and we will be a model of the Nation the Founders envisioned and produced until 50 years ago. We might consider rejoining the old United States when it is debt and socialist free if and when that might happen. Until then, do without us and we'll do without you.

And as a follow up question, you're aware that Arizona receives more in federal money from the government than it pays in taxes to the federal government, right?
I can see it now, this nation's most uneducated states and poorest states seceding, because of gay rights and the Consitution. That kinda says it all, doesn't?

And why is it that whenever there is talk of secession....its always so that the seceding states can keep abusing or denying people their rights?
That's what the british said in 1776..they were wrong, too.

There's not going to be any secession. As something like requires folks that are willing to bleed. The founders were. The south was. Our little neo-secessionist movement isn't. They're a gaggle of Jeffersons without a Hamilton among them.
We put "gay marriage" to the voters in 2008 and it was overwhelming turned down. Judge Sedwick believes that means nothing more than a bump in the road for his shenanigans and overturned it. Not only overturn it, but refused to provide a stay or an appeal process because the 9th overturned Nevada and another state's bans, and one size fits all to the turds on the 9th. Sedwick by the way, is another Bush41 appointee, a fitting bookend to David Souter, who got rolled queer-trolling in a park in DC and left the the Supremes. :gay:

This comes on the heels of a decision that illegals can't be denied bail "because that's punishment before a person is convicted" according to the turds on the 9th. So they're released to flee back to mehico and never return, leaving their crime victims here, without justice.

This is in addition to ending and punting up to the USSC our law to simply prove citizenship before voting for the first time. The section of the federal form is usually left unsigned or initialed and passes muster. So anybody who wanders into Arizona can vote in our elections without legal consequences.....mystery voters! :terror:

The federal government owes us over half a BILLION dollars for the care and feeding of their illegals on top of the damage they've done to our citizens and desert. They won't pay us a dime of it. Meanwhile the 9th Circuit wanders off to their SanFagcisco bath houses, leaving us some kinda PISSED. Next time you want a good argument for secession from this decaying and bankrupt Union, consider Arizona at the top of the list.

your "vote" doesn't allow you to violate constitutional protections. that is why the court exists.

if it were up to "voters", parts of the south would still have jim crow.


Actually, the voters COULD make slavery legal again in this country Jillian. What sort of law do you practice anyway? Not Constitutional law that's for damned sure.
Actually, the voters COULD make slavery legal again in this country Jillian. What sort of law do you practice anyway? Not Constitutional law that's for damned sure.

Not by themselves. They'd need all sorts of help to make slavery legal again. Constitutionally speaking, the voters couldn't do it at all unless the State legislatures said they could.

The Amendment process is the trump card of the entire constitution. An amendment could do....anything. Remove any right. Impose any penalty. Enact any program. It is the only constitutional exercise of authority that has no limits.

Which is why is so fucking hard to do.
Alright ladies and gents....I started this thread to point out what's been done to Arizona law by a leftist asswipe 9th Circuit. One might remember we Cons are considerably more "tolerant" of queers than the leftists who use them for political advantage behind their backs. This thread wasn't to argue what's happening.....it was intended to point out that the 9th Circuit judge who pulled this crap, is now known as a fascist bitch who we do not recognize as having authority to judge our right to stay free of their agenda. Nothing was settled and nothing can be settled with the left. We can only take back the power they have stolen by one means or another and by any means necessary. I suggest all USMB Cons now leave this thread with their heads held high. Thank you my brothers.
The four conservative Justices could have voted to take up these appeals and give Arizona voters a voice. But they didn't. Be sure to include all the perpetrators of how you are suffering in your rant. BTW, I am as unhappy as you are about it.
lincoln sent troops and ships to reinforce and resupply a forth that was no longer in the united states.

It was. Even hypothetically, a given State can only secede territory from the union that it holds. And the forts were federal holdings. Only federal law applied within their boundaries. Only federal jurisdiction. So they didn't belong to the State. And ergo couldn't be seceded from the union with the consent of its holder, the United States government. Which it never granted.

And then there's the whole problem of secession. There's no constitutional process for it. And the courts have never recognized that a State can leave the union once its joined. The constitution does however have provisions for rebellions. Which the south's actions fit perfectly.

An argument can be made that the power to secede was implied in the 10th amendment. But there was never any mention of such a power in any constitutional convention or by any founder. With the union being described as 'in perpetuity'. Which is a pretty long time.

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