9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Has the civil war started yet? How can I get seats at the 50 yard line? Also, will there be beer sold, or do we have to bring our own? Will tailgating be allowed?

Lets just hope the secessionists don't have ADHD.

"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of....Oooh! Beer!"
It could be blood and borscht. You never know what the result will be of monumentally pissing off half the country. Or blood and hummus! Do you think that conservatives will bother fighting for the likes of you and your kind?
Has the civil war started yet? How can I get seats at the 50 yard line? Also, will there be beer sold, or do we have to bring our own? Will tailgating be allowed?

Lets just hope the secessionists don't have ADHD.

"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of....Oooh! Beer!"
It could be blood and borscht. You never know what the result will be of monumentally pissing off half the country. Or blood and hummus! Do you think that conservatives will bother fighting for the likes of you and your kind?

Well, Katz, I serve on the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and I won't hold that against you conservatives. If I find you bleeding on the street, I will still radio for an ambulance, although it might be dispatched from Bangor, Maine.
Has the civil war started yet? How can I get seats at the 50 yard line? Also, will there be beer sold, or do we have to bring our own? Will tailgating be allowed?

Lets just hope the secessionists don't have ADHD.

"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of....Oooh! Beer!"
It could be blood and borscht. You never know what the result will be of monumentally pissing off half the country. Or blood and hummus! Do you think that conservatives will bother fighting for the likes of you and your kind?

Well, Katz, I serve on the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and I won't hold that against you conservatives. If I find you bleeding on the street, I will still radio for an ambulance, although it might be dispatched from Bangor, Maine.
That's the new kind of civil war. The kind where the people are so divided that one side will simply let the other suffer and die without even lifting a finger or bothering to call for help. Nations do not survive that kind of division. Those nations are crippled. They limp and signal themselves as prey.
Here's the deal....we're tired of being talked down to and punished like teenagers by the leftist asswipes running this government. Time after time we've followed the Constitution in our votes involving states rights. And time after time we are dismissed as idiots by those who've never spent a minute in our mountains, our ranches and fields, our cities and towns, or on the border out in the once beautiful Sonoran Desert. That time is coming to an END.

We didn't ring up $17T in debt....the potlickers in New England and California did that....so let THEM pay it off. And pay us off as a parting gift. We will join with states like ourselves and form a new country with our own currency, judiciary, and and legislature. We will require those outside our new union to produce a passport to enter our territory and we will be a model of the Nation the Founders envisioned and produced until 50 years ago. We might consider rejoining the old United States when it is debt and socialist free if and when that might happen. Until then, do without us and we'll do without you.

Will you allow fags in your new country?
No, you can't come in.
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...

Eliminate that and problem solved.
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.

Not and do what Civil Marriage does.

I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.

Not and do what Civil Marriage does.


of course it could be set up so.
Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.

Not and do what Civil Marriage does.


of course it could be set up so.

Not in Virginia it can't. See there was this State Constitutional amendment passed that bars the State from recognizing a contract that attempts to simulate "a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage." (VA Constitution Article 15A.)

(Well at least it did before being rendered void upon judicial review.)

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...

Eliminate that and problem solved.
How, exactly? First, where do you suggest this license be procured? Second, how exactly, does not getting it from a court house solve the problem, since it is gay people being allowed the audacity to "call it marriage" that is pissing all of the moralists off, not where the license is coming from?
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...

My head is not exploding. I'll never accept gay marriage, but it will soon be the law from coast to coast and there's nothing I can do about it.
But in the end for me, my definition of marriage doesn't include two people of the same sex.
Here's the deal....we're tired of being talked down to and punished like teenagers by the leftist asswipes running this government. Time after time we've followed the Constitution in our votes involving states rights. And time after time we are dismissed as idiots by those who've never spent a minute in our mountains, our ranches and fields, our cities and towns, or on the border out in the once beautiful Sonoran Desert. That time is coming to an END.

We didn't ring up $17T in debt....the potlickers in New England and California did that....so let THEM pay it off. And pay us off as a parting gift. We will join with states like ourselves and form a new country with our own currency, judiciary, and and legislature. We will require those outside our new union to produce a passport to enter our territory and we will be a model of the Nation the Founders envisioned and produced until 50 years ago. We might consider rejoining the old United States when it is debt and socialist free if and when that might happen. Until then, do without us and we'll do without you.

It was Bush and the people that voted for him that ran up the debt with war profiteering and corporate theft of taxpayer money.
But in the end for me, my definition of marriage doesn't include two people of the same sex.

I've never understood the thing where conservatives place so much emphasis on the definitions of words... To many conservatives, the questions around abortion mostly seem to hinge on definitions. Is a fetus "a human being" or "a life" or whatever, that kind of stuff. With marriage equality, same thing, they passionately insist that the definition of "marriage" doesn't include gay couples as if that is a substantive argument... Like somehow the people that write the dictionaries or somebody is the ultimate arbiter of what is a good policy and what is a bad policy?

The definitions of words carry no weight at all in a policy analysis. I don't even see how they possibly could. Words mean whatever people understand them to mean. I suppose if a word is being misused in some confusing way that could cause miscommunication, which could be a headache, but I can't figure out how any concern about the definition of a word could possibly rise to the level of importance in anybody's mind to outweigh any real-world policy costs or benefits.

Concepts and things certainly matter, and words can point at concepts and things, but it isn't the word that matters, it is the concept or the thing that matters... If tomorrow, we start calling chairs "tables" and calling tables "chairs," so long as everybody knows which one means which, that has no impact, does it?

It is like if we had to decide which of two employees to promote and instead of using their names, we called them employee 1 and employee 2. I list off all kinds of arguments about which one has more experience and leadership and communication skills and so forth, and you just base your whole analysis about how you feel about the numeral "2" that we just randomly assigned to him, which apparently you hate, so you want to promote 1...
Last edited:
Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
In light of:

Tax Benefits
  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits
  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits
  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits
  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits
  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits
  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits
  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections
  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.
Just how do you suggest that "the Government" do that?

contract law

Simple, if you have a "marriage license" from wherever, the government accepts that a contract and boom you have your "benefits"

Conversely, you can choose to have such a contract and not call it marriage if you wish.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...

My head is not exploding. I'll never accept gay marriage, but it will soon be the law from coast to coast and there's nothing I can do about it.
But in the end for me, my definition of marriage doesn't include two people of the same sex.
And ya know, if all of the rest of the moralists were as prgmatic as you, this would already be a dead issue. After all: "my definition of marriage doesn't include two people of the same sex." That is all that the rest of us have been screaming all along - what Steve, and John down the street do, has absolutely zero effect on your definition of marriage, so leave them the fuck alone.
My head is not exploding. I'll never accept gay marriage, but it will soon be the law from coast to coast and there's nothing I can do about it.
But in the end for me, my definition of marriage doesn't include two people of the same sex.

Nothing wrong with that. I can respect a man's conscience and heartfelt belief in an more traditional form of marriage. And there's room enough in the nation for principled men to disagree.

Just not so much in the law.
I've never understood the thing where conservatives place so much emphasis on the definitions of words... To many conservatives, the questions around abortion mostly seem to hinge on definitions.

Definitions are powerful. Its not just a conservative thing. Look at 'sexual harrassment'. Or even 'rape'. These words are being redefined by the left all the time. With the 'yes means yes' rule in California campuses, you can rape a girl even if she wants to have sex with you...simply by not getting affirmative consent. As without it, there is no consent. And sex without consent is rape.

Kinda twisty. But such is the power of definitions.
Uh...that's kinda what we have going on now that has all of these fake conservatives shitting themselves. The Gays go get the marriage license from the county court. They toddle on off to get married wherever it is they go, their marriage is accepted by the government, and 15,000 moralists all have their heads collectively explode...

30 years from now a gray haired Ted Cruz will be telling us of how he walked arm an arm with a pair of pre-op trannies, marching for marriage equality.

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