9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Alright ladies and gents....I started this thread to point out what's been done to Arizona law by a leftist asswipe 9th Circuit. One might remember we Cons are considerably more "tolerant" of queers than the leftists who use them for political advantage behind their backs. This thread wasn't to argue what's happening.....it was intended to point out that the 9th Circuit judge who pulled this crap, is now known as a fascist bitch who we do not recognize as having authority to judge our right to stay free of their agenda. Nothing was settled and nothing can be settled with the left. We can only take back the power they have stolen by one means or another and by any means necessary. I suggest all USMB Cons now leave this thread with their heads held high. Thank you my brothers.
Instead you've succeeded only to unwittingly point out your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
A) Do you not know to use the quote function?

Yeah, but I don't bother with it. I'm a web developer by trade. So I prefer to hand code my own replies.

B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents

I get what you're aiming for. It didn't work out that way.

Gays are getting the same recognition as straights when it comes to their marriages. Its far simpler than changing every marriage law in every state and invalidating any state recognition of any marriage.....just to keep the gays out. Which is probably why 10 of 10 district courts have gone for inclusion rather than scorched earth.
Has the civil war started yet? How can I get seats at the 50 yard line? Also, will there be beer sold, or do we have to bring our own? Will tailgating be allowed?

Lets just hope the secessionists don't have ADHD.

"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of....Oooh! Beer!"
It could be blood and borscht. You never know what the result will be of monumentally pissing off half the country. Or blood and hummus! Do you think that conservatives will bother fighting for the likes of you and your kind?

Well, Katz, I serve on the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and I won't hold that against you conservatives. If I find you bleeding on the street, I will still radio for an ambulance, although it might be dispatched from Bangor, Maine.
That's the new kind of civil war. The kind where the people are so divided that one side will simply let the other suffer and die without even lifting a finger or bothering to call for help. Nations do not survive that kind of division. Those nations are crippled. They limp and signal themselves as prey.
You're ridiculous.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages
One more state falls to stupidity.
Measures seeking to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights represent stupidity; such measures are devoid of a rational basis, lack objective, documented evidence in support, and pursue no proper legislative end.

To wish to disadvantage gay Americans based solely on who they are, motivated only by animus toward same-sex couples, is indeed stupid.
I've been pro keeping the government out of marriage for years sonny.

Sure. And how'd that work out for you? Because it doesn't seem to have amounted to much.

Gay marriage has some solid momentum going.

A) Do you not know to use the quote function?
B) What? I am against faggot "marriage" but don't believe the government should hold a position at all. Thus , I support the government striking ALL uses of the word marriage from government documents
This doesn't make any sense, in addition to being ignorant and hateful.

Governments write the contract law that is marriage, one cannot be 'removed' from the other.

Moreover, there is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law where two consenting adult partners enter into a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century
The 1960's was in the 20th Century.

Wait....let me check

Yes it was

But that has nothing to do with my post
It has everything to do with it. Your position on homo marriage is based on outdated 1960's ideology. Empirical data demonstrates it's a bad idea. But your ilk refuse to progress.
You mean a time when Americans actually cared about the rights and freedom of others?
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
I never said it couldn't happen. I said it won't happen anytime in the near future and you are the one who started the insults. Typical response from a non-intellectual who can't separate reality from his emotions.

I wouldn't discount how soon "it" could happen....the USA is BROKE....we have a foreign national pretending to be president and leading a party who despises American values and true patriots. They don't serve, they dodge taxes and laugh at normal Americans. They're trying to grab our guns, close our churches, and silence us with prison for pushing back. All that will be required to tip over the apple cart is another financial meltdown....there is no bailout money left. There is no more tax money to be grabbed. And there is little to no trust left in a single government institution. Don't think it can't happen....especially if the voting on November 4 is as corrupted as it's been since 2007...we are all done looking the other way.....prairie fires begin with a single lightning strike.

birfer loons are funny....

seek help
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages
One more state falls to stupidity.
Measures seeking to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights represent stupidity; such measures are devoid of a rational basis, lack objective, documented evidence in support, and pursue no proper legislative end.

To wish to disadvantage gay Americans based solely on who they are, motivated only by animus toward same-sex couples, is indeed stupid.
Stupid is the sick gays forcing their agenda on the rest of us. The majority of the people voted against gay marriage in Cali but the cry babies didn't like that so the idiotic 9 th circuit undermined the right of the people. Go cry to your boyfriend idiot.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
Why did he kill the babies ?

They didn't have gay sex?
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
Why did he kill the babies ?

They didn't have gay sex?

They would have been trained to live and accept the same lifestyle. Fortunately, they died before turning to or choosing evil so they get to live eternally in God's Kingdom. Much better than living in hell.
The four conservative Justices could have voted to take up these appeals and give Arizona voters a voice. But they didn't. Be sure to include all the perpetrators of how you are suffering in your rant. BTW, I am as unhappy as you are about it.

Nope. As who would petition to the Supreme Court? The Arizona AG already put up the white flag and gave up any future appeals. And as the Supreme Court's ruling regarding Prop 8 made abundantly clear, only the State can appeal on this issue.

For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?

The AGs of the various conservative states are being counseled to "give up". But this is an error on behalf of the GOP. It makes them look like weaklings more than any other move. They think it will breed outrage and get people to the polls. But in a midterm election where people are tired, sick of the establishment just in general...all it's going to do is keep middle voters home who might otherwise have voted conservative, but for a new-gotten disgust for that party.

The potential for middle voters to be even more disgusted with the conservative party than the liberal one is that they EXPECT liberal way-left loonies to stand up for "gay marriage" and the fascism it's using to force its way into the center of our culture. They DON'T EXPECT that the strong party on the right will "lay down and take it though"...

There's something very disturbing about watching your silverbacks roll over and piss on themselves in the presence of this :gay:. This is a gross error that the GOP's AGs and the four conservative Justices have miscalculated.
For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?

The AGs of the various conservative states are being counseled to "give up". But this is an error on behalf of the GOP. It makes them look like weaklings more than any other move. They think it will breed outrage and get people to the polls. But in a midterm election where people are tired, sick of the establishment just in general...all it's going to do is keep middle voters home.

The potential for middle voters to be even more disgusted with the conservative party than the liberal one is that they EXPECT liberal way-left loonies to stand up for "gay marriage" and the fascism it's using to force its way into the center of our culture. They DON'T EXPECT that the strong party on the right will "lay down and take it though"...

Oh, Sil. Don't you get it.

The Right Wing never cared about Abortion or Gay Marriage or Prayer in Schools.

These were all scams to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests because Jesus said so.

Conservatives are throwing up the white flag on Gay Marriage because they know they've lost the argument.
Just try it

We kicked your traitorous asses in 1865 and we will do it again


Them be fight'n words

We will gladly kick the asses of traitors

That's what the british said in 1776..they were wrong, too.

The conservatives of the colonies at the time were on the british side in that war.

They were on the confederate side of the civil war.

It doesn't seem you people have a record of winning.
Just try it

We kicked your traitorous asses in 1865 and we will do it again


Them be fight'n words

We will gladly kick the asses of traitors

That's what the british said in 1776..they were wrong, too.

The conservatives of the colonies at the time were on the british side in that war.

They were on the confederate side of the civil war.

It doesn't seem you people have a record of winning.

Go ahead and link to some proof..otherwise..:bsflag:

Your unsupported proclamations (as an excuse to disparage and demean) just aren't quite good enough.
For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?

The AGs of the various conservative states are being counseled to "give up". But this is an error on behalf of the GOP. It makes them look like weaklings more than any other move. They think it will breed outrage and get people to the polls. But in a midterm election where people are tired, sick of the establishment just in general...all it's going to do is keep middle voters home.

The potential for middle voters to be even more disgusted with the conservative party than the liberal one is that they EXPECT liberal way-left loonies to stand up for "gay marriage" and the fascism it's using to force its way into the center of our culture. They DON'T EXPECT that the strong party on the right will "lay down and take it though"...

Oh, Sil. Don't you get it.

The Right Wing never cared about Abortion or Gay Marriage or Prayer in Schools.

These were all scams to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests because Jesus said so.

Conservatives are throwing up the white flag on Gay Marriage because they know they've lost the argument.
Evil prevails temporarily, enjoy it for now.
For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?

The AGs of the various conservative states are being counseled to "give up". But this is an error on behalf of the GOP. It makes them look like weaklings more than any other move. They think it will breed outrage and get people to the polls. But in a midterm election where people are tired, sick of the establishment just in general...all it's going to do is keep middle voters home.

The potential for middle voters to be even more disgusted with the conservative party than the liberal one is that they EXPECT liberal way-left loonies to stand up for "gay marriage" and the fascism it's using to force its way into the center of our culture. They DON'T EXPECT that the strong party on the right will "lay down and take it though"...

Oh, Sil. Don't you get it.

The Right Wing never cared about Abortion or Gay Marriage or Prayer in Schools.

These were all scams to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests because Jesus said so.

Conservatives are throwing up the white flag on Gay Marriage because they know they've lost the argument.

Enablers enable, nothing new here.

Many enablers realize their mistakes and at some point wake up

This too shall pass
Just try it

We kicked your traitorous asses in 1865 and we will do it again


Them be fight'n words

We will gladly kick the asses of traitors

That's what the british said in 1776..they were wrong, too.

The conservatives of the colonies at the time were on the british side in that war.

They were on the confederate side of the civil war.

It doesn't seem you people have a record of winning.

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