9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:

California grows oranges and grapefruit.

I buy them all the time.

Keep your oranges and grapefruits.

I would like to know how you're going to survive without imports from other nations. Those ships dock here in Washington, and in California.

Arizona doesn't have a port. You're not on an ocean.
The growing conflict in America today isn't as clear as British v Rebels or North v South. At the end of this conflict, the nation won't be divided so cleanly. It will look more like a jigsaw puzzle in pieces.
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:

California grows oranges and grapefruit.

I buy them all the time.

Keep your oranges and grapefruits.

I would like to know how you're going to survive without imports from other nations. Those ships dock here in Washington, and in California.

Arizona doesn't have a port. You're not on an ocean.
Texas is.
Enablers enable, nothing new here.

Many enablers realize their mistakes and at some point wake up

This too shall pass

Yes but at what cost? If y'all get your GOP Congress again, we lose fresh drinking water, green energy and affordable healthcare. With all that in the front of pragmatic middle voters' minds, key conservative state's AGs laying over on command for the Rove strategy [that failed in 2012 let me remind you] on gay marriage is not a recipe for success. You've got a bit over two weeks to figure that out.

ie: do you want a slim majority, upsets and recounts because races are too close to call? Or do you want a landslide pouring in your front door?
You see, we have every right to pass whatever laws we want, by popular referendum. However, once those laws are passed, if anyone wishes to challenge the constitutionality of those laws, they have every right to do so. Then it becomes a matter of the court to determine who is correct. No one shat on anything. You got to do exactly what the Constitution allows you to do - you passed a law by popular referendum. However, passing a law, in no way, guarantees that said law will be enacted without challenge. You're problem isn't that you didn't get to exercise your right - you did. You're problem is that you didn't like that the court said that you exercised that right in a way that exceeded the bounds of Constitutionality.

My advice? Don't try to pass laws that violate the Constitutional rights of other citizens. Incidentally, I expect that you, and many others are going to try to insist that you did not do this. Well, guess what? I am not going to argue Constitutional law with a bunch of Arm-Chair justices. The fact is, someone thought you did, and brought the case to court. The state made its argument on your behalf. The state last. the Justice delivered his ruling. So, the ruling is that you did exceed your Constitutional authority when you passed this law. Your choice is to either piss, and whine about it, or to accept that reality is what it is, and move on.

My advice? KISS OUR ASS. You're playing the ambulance chaser not us.....we don't RECOGNIZE your kangaroo courts....they represent nothing but stalinist horseshit intended to castrate this country on the world stage. You might look into the 9th Circuit....they are the most overturned appellate court in HISTORY.

My brother Greenridge told me you'd showed up here....expect a lot rougher time than you had at PH, sonny.

All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon.

If you want to go around talking about committing treason that's your choice but you're not going to get many people to join you. Alaska has been trying to do it since the 1950s. Look how far they've gotten on that.

So you're only fooling yourself and those like you. Which you're now in the minority in this nation. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

All you are now is just pathetic treasonists who are laughed at and mocked by most of the people in America.

If you tried to commit treason against our nation you will find yourself in prison. It's a crime. If you raised your weapon against our government or military or even the police, you will find yourself dead. If you think your little gun is any match for the American military I've got a bridge to sell you.

You just further show how much you hate America, our constitution and our way of life.

Just try it

We kicked your traitorous asses in 1865 and we will do it again


Them be fight'n words

We will gladly kick the asses of traitors

That's what the british said in 1776..they were wrong, too.

The conservatives of the colonies at the time were on the british side in that war.

They were on the confederate side of the civil war.

It doesn't seem you people have a record of winning.


What am I wrong about?

The torries didn't support and back England? The torries weren't the conservatives of that time? Wow you don't know history do you?

You mean the south won the civil war and are a separate nation from the United States of America? You're trying to tell me that it wasn't conservatives in the south who wanted to keep slaves and tried to leave the union because of it? It wasn't the liberals on the north who beat your asses and kept the union whole?

You seriously need to go back to school and study US History. This time actually open and study the book.
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:

California grows oranges and grapefruit.

I buy them all the time.

Keep your oranges and grapefruits.

I would like to know how you're going to survive without imports from other nations. Those ships dock here in Washington, and in California.

Arizona doesn't have a port. You're not on an ocean.
Texas is.

Yes they're on a body of water but not an ocean. It's the Gulf of Mexico. You seriously need to learn geography.

Good luck getting those ships to travel all the way around to the Panama Canal to get to Texas. If you can get them to do it, have fun paying the higher prices for their goods.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
Why did he kill the babies ?

They didn't have gay sex?

They would have been trained to live and accept the same lifestyle. Fortunately, they died before turning to or choosing evil so they get to live eternally in God's Kingdom. Much better than living in hell.
Preemptive killing of innocent babies?

How barbaric
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Numerous polls by respected agencies are not a good gauge of the public's opinion concerning gay marriage. The real gauge on the matter is long lines at a fast food chain and the amount of "likes" on Facebook page. I can't believe lawyers defending gay marriage bans haven't presented this information before the court. It could turn the tide.
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
The four conservative Justices could have voted to take up these appeals and give Arizona voters a voice. But they didn't. Be sure to include all the perpetrators of how you are suffering in your rant. BTW, I am as unhappy as you are about it.

Nope. As who would petition to the Supreme Court? The Arizona AG already put up the white flag and gave up any future appeals. And as the Supreme Court's ruling regarding Prop 8 made abundantly clear, only the State can appeal on this issue.

For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?
Here's the thing. To prove you wrong, I would welcome a referendum. However, my position all along is that you don't get to decide whether or not to violate other people's Constitutional rights by referendum.

So, for me to say, "Hey! Yeah! Let's have a national referendum on this!" just because I think my side would win would be kinda hypocritical of me, donchya think?
For such "popular majority support" you sure seem gleeful about the fascism leg-up you're getting from the buffaloed conservatives [even]. Worried about a referendum's vote's results are you?

The AGs of the various conservative states are being counseled to "give up". But this is an error on behalf of the GOP. It makes them look like weaklings more than any other move. They think it will breed outrage and get people to the polls. But in a midterm election where people are tired, sick of the establishment just in general...all it's going to do is keep middle voters home.

The potential for middle voters to be even more disgusted with the conservative party than the liberal one is that they EXPECT liberal way-left loonies to stand up for "gay marriage" and the fascism it's using to force its way into the center of our culture. They DON'T EXPECT that the strong party on the right will "lay down and take it though"...

Oh, Sil. Don't you get it.

The Right Wing never cared about Abortion or Gay Marriage or Prayer in Schools.

These were all scams to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests because Jesus said so.

Conservatives are throwing up the white flag on Gay Marriage because they know they've lost the argument.
You do get that you're ummm... :bang3: Just sayin...
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:

California grows oranges and grapefruit.

I buy them all the time.

Keep your oranges and grapefruits.

I would like to know how you're going to survive without imports from other nations. Those ships dock here in Washington, and in California.

Arizona doesn't have a port. You're not on an ocean.

Louisiana does..and we don't mind helping our brothers and sisters in arizona...
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.

laws are repealed all the time.
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.

laws are repealed all the time.
Remember DOMA and DADT?
Numerous polls by respected agencies are not a good gauge of the public's opinion concerning gay marriage. The real gauge on the matter is long lines at a fast food chain and the amount of "likes" on Facebook page. I can't believe lawyers defending gay marriage bans haven't presented this information before the court. It could turn the tide.

Then put it to a vote? If you have such overwhelming support you have nothing to worry about and it's a done deal.

Oh, wait, can't count on enablers to vote in private your way aye?
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.

laws are repealed all the time.
Remember DOMA and DADT?
Remember the 18th amendment?
Numerous polls by respected agencies are not a good gauge of the public's opinion concerning gay marriage. The real gauge on the matter is long lines at a fast food chain and the amount of "likes" on Facebook page. I can't believe lawyers defending gay marriage bans haven't presented this information before the court. It could turn the tide.

Then put it to a vote? If you have such overwhelming support you have nothing to worry about and it's a done deal.

Oh, wait, can't count on enablers to vote in private your way aye?

Again, no thanks. We shouldn't vote on the matters of civil rights. Besides, the last 4 states that voted went in favor of marriage equality.

Plus it would deny us the positively hilarious arguments your side is presenting to the courts. It's fried gold.
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