A 1965 prediction comes true

Right again. The problem is a lack of enthusiasm for what really matters - Humankind by way of logic rather than hocus-pocus ..... and a willingness to trust in religion/superstition.
You should talk, lol, right, when you cannot distinguish between religion and superstition, moron.

Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato used logic to arrive at a belief in a Creator, so there is nothing illogical about such a belief.

Next you will be comparing the concept of the Creator to Zeus or some other polytheistic 'godling'.
...... The problem itself, for a strict secularist, is not resolved and only kicks the can down the road ......
The explanation (yours, his, mine if I had one) for 'life', by any side, has never been determined, so that each of them only kicks the can down the road. I think that Man wastes too much time on proving, disproving, and speculating on the meaning/creation of life when there doesn't seem to be any answer eager enough to show itself. Not here, anyway. The Creator either doesn't reside within our geo-celestial conquests or He dwells in some other dimension. I don't mind Man trying, but He ought to find a new probe. He's been over the same territory time after time and has nothing to show for it.
The explanation (yours, his, mine if I had one) for 'life', by any side, has never been determined, so that each of them only kicks the can down the road. I think that Man wastes too much time on proving, disproving, and speculating on the meaning/creation of life when there doesn't seem to be any answer eager enough to show itself. Not here, anyway. The Creator either doesn't reside within our geo-celestial conquests or He dwells in some other dimension. I don't mind Man trying, but He ought to find a new probe. He's been over the same territory time after time and has nothing to show for it.
You slam religion for lack of logic then proceed to making several unwarranted assertions yourself that you pull out of your ass.

The problem of the beginning of time is solved obviously; something exists outside the flow of time that started the flow of time. You give not a shred of proof of your assertion that there has been no answer.

That man 'wastes too much time' on religious and philosophical thought about God, just shows you to be an ignoramus. Science, law and social justice in the West all began as religious speculation, debate and thought. You give no reason or fact that backs that stupid shit up in any way shape or form.

And the Creator does in fact exist here, in fact everywhere, and you again offer no proof that He does not.

Not only are you irrational about your blather, but you are hypocritical as well.
Right again. The problem is a lack of enthusiasm for what really matters - Humankind by way of logic rather than hocus-pocus ..... and a willingness to trust in religion/superstition.
You should talk, lol, right, when you cannot distinguish between religion and superstition, moron.

Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato used logic to arrive at a belief in a Creator, so there is nothing illogical about such a belief.

Next you will be comparing the concept of the Creator to Zeus or some other polytheistic 'godling'.
Oh! I can distinguish the difference between religion and superstition very well. Superstition(s) is the clue that leads primitive peoples to believe in a religious conclusion.

I'll leave all speculation on any coefficiency between Zeus and polytheistic godlings to you.

You slam religion for lack of logic then proceed to making several unwarranted assertions yourself that you pull out of your ass.
Give me an example.

.... You give not a shred of proof of your assertion that there has been no answer.
Proof of that is in the pudding.

That man 'wastes too much time' on religious and philosophical thought about God, just shows you to be an ignoramus. Science, law and social justice in the West all began as religious speculation, debate and thought. You give no reason or fact that backs that stupid shit up in any way shape or form.
I said that, did I? I spoke on "philosophical thought about God", yeah? Send me a link.

And the Creator does in fact exist here, in fact everywhere ...
Ha! I just realized that you are joking. Good one! :bye1:

Not only are you irrational about your blather, but you are hypocritical as well.
Yet you offer no proof of either.
Paul Harvey is a drama queen

Our problem is not a lack of churches
Yes, actually it is. And you fit right into one of the collection of points he made which were 100% spot on and happening today.
Keep in mind this is 1965

The evil Harvey was complaining about was Civil Rights protests. Harvey was a strong Vietnam supporter and did not oppose the violence directed at protestors by the government.
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance

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The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows

It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows

It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.

Our taxes are at historic lows

The top rate now is much higher than the top rate in 1988.
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows

It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.
No they are not. Hidden taxes on water bill, electric bill, phone bill, cable bill. That alone can be over $50.00 a month. My water bill has tripled in the last four years and I pay a city tax of almost $20.00 a month, which they call a fee. So yes we are paying higher taxes. Not to mention food prices has over doubled in prices since Obama took office. Probably cause of regulations.
The rich paid 3-4 times in taxes in 1965
They didn't outsource our entire industry to enemy states like china
The US government paved our highways, provided much more federal aid to college students and and invested heavily into science.

Your entire belief system is one of the 18th century.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows

It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.
No they are not. Hidden taxes on water bill, electric bill, phone bill, cable bill. That alone can be over $50.00 a month. My water bill has tripled in the last four years and I pay a city tax of almost $20.00 a month, which they call a fee. So yes we are paying higher taxes. Not to mention food prices has over doubled in prices since Obama took office. Probably cause of regulations.

We will unlikely see the hyper-inflation of the 70's again. It's more likely, we would have to resort to barter before that.

The value added tax is a smart way to fix this mess we are in.
We also didn't pay almost half the population not to work.
Actually, most of that population does work
It is just that they no longer make enough to support families without government assistance
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows

It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.
No they are not. Hidden taxes on water bill, electric bill, phone bill, cable bill. That alone can be over $50.00 a month. My water bill has tripled in the last four years and I pay a city tax of almost $20.00 a month, which they call a fee. So yes we are paying higher taxes. Not to mention food prices has over doubled in prices since Obama took office. Probably cause of regulations.

We will unlikely see the hyper-inflation of the 70's again. It's more likely, we would have to resort to barter before that.

The value added tax is a smart way to fix this mess we are in.

Term limits would be smarter.
Could it be government regulations and high taxes?
Our taxes are at historic lows
It was supposed to yield a trickle down that never happened.

Of course it did (and still does). You may recall it was JFK (Dem) who proposed drastically slashing tax rates and LBJ (Dem) who signed those cuts into law:

President Kennedy proposed an across-the-board tax cut lowering the top bracket marginal Income tax in the United States by 20%, from 91% to 71%, which was enacted in February 1964 under President Johnson (three months after Kennedy's assassination). The tax cut also significantly reduced marginal rates in the lower brackets as well as for corporations. The gross national product rose 10% in the first year of the tax cut, and economic growth averaged a rate of 4.5% from 1961 to 1968.

Johnson's tax cut measure triggered what one historian described as "the greatest prosperity of the postwar years." GNP increased by 7% in 1964, 8% in 1965, and 9% in 1966. The unemployment rate fell below 5%, and by 1966 the number of families with incomes of $7,000 a year or more had reached 55%, compared with 22% in 1950. In 1968, when John Kenneth Galbraith published a new edition of The Affluent Society, the average income of the American family stood at $8,000, double what it had been a decade earlier.

Great Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh! I can distinguish the difference between religion and superstition very well. Superstition(s) is the clue that leads primitive peoples to believe in a religious conclusion.

Wrong, dumbass.

I'll leave all speculation on any coefficiency between Zeus and polytheistic godlings to you.

Holy fuck, you cant even quote me right.

You are a hopeless prick.

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