A 3rd major party


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
How about we get rid of all political parties? Each politician would be forced to stand alone. Of course, I know I am dreaming. The ruling class would never allow it, just as they do not allow more then two major parties.

If we must have political parties, I say we need about 25 equally weak parties.
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
We're too divided for that to happen. You either pick the communist left or the American right. Anything in the middle isn't going to fly right now.
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
Right now we actually have 4 major parties --

- the far right Cruz-ites

- the middle right mainstream GOP

- the middle left mainstream DEMs

- the far left Bernie Bolsheviks.
We need a Christian Democrat Party like they have in Europe.
The DEM's in the USA are a rainbow coalition of Queers, Trannies, pro-abortion, feminist, and cuckolds that could not tolerate Jesus or St. Paul in their platforms.

There is simply no way.
How about we get rid of all political parties? Each politician would be forced to stand alone. Of course, I know I am dreaming. The ruling class would never allow it, just as they do not allow more then two major parties.

If we must have political parties, I say we need about 25 equally weak parties.

In a perfect world we could do that. The reality is the Duopoly, much as it competes between its red and blue sibling divisions, is absolutely united in perpetuating the Duopoly and will in a heartbeat work together to block any attempt at a 3P.

To the OP's noble cause -- in order to have a shot, a 3P would have to birth by splitting off from one, or both, of the two major parties, the same way the Republican Party started from the Whigs. It will need that kind of punch.

And the timing may be fortuitous with Rump making so many enemies on both sides. Conditions are, if not ripe, at least conducive for a grand coalition.
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
Yup...a third party would be nothing more than ANOTHER hot mess dropped by ANOTHER bull in the valley! Read what Madison had to say about that in 1787 down in my signature line below!
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??

It's unlikely a third party would reach the lofty heights necessary to change anything. The political divide here is clearly articulated between those who recognize the Constitution as the law of the land and expect it to be furiously enforced, and those who would bring it down in favor of a European-style quasi-fascist/socialist system granting supreme power to a large, centralized government with arbitrary authority, all in the name of social justice and linked to global governance.
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Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
It would most likely work like a parlor trick...I am not against a third party in theory, but it would further splinter our fairly successful system already in place, a third party would almost certainly guarantee that the winner of each election would not be the pick of the majority of voters, once that happens it becomes slower and harder and to achieve concensus and once you start adding parties the sky becomes the limit as to how many there are or should be...the idea itself may be the best thing about a third party...the rest just doesn't seem to play as well
Just looking for opinions here. With America so bitterly divided along partisan lines, the emergence of a 3rd major political party seems likely. A 3rd party would take ideas from both Conservative and Liberal platforms. Any thoughts as to what a 3rd party would be like??
It would most likely work like a parlor trick...I am not against a third party in theory, but it would further splinter our fairly successful system already in place, a third party would almost certainly guarantee that the winner of each election would not be the pick of the majority of voters, once that happens it becomes slower and harder and to achieve concensus and once you start adding parties the sky becomes the limit as to how many there are or should be...the idea itself may be the best thing about a third party...the rest just doesn't seem to play as well

Check out the history of political parties in this country in the 19th century. We had third parties, fourth parties, fifth parties.....

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