A battalion of Israeli tanks destroyed by the resistance in Palestine

Al-Quds Brigades: Scenes from a sniper attacking a group of occupation soldiers east of the Shuja'iya neighborhood.

Breaking News | Israeli Army:
"44 soldiers at least, injured in battles in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours,
10 of them in critical condition."
Breaking News | Israeli Army:
"44 soldiers at least, injured in battles in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours,
10 of them in critical condition."

A Zionist military jeep was withdrawn from Juhr al-Dik, east of Gaza, after being targeted by the Al-Qassam Brigades this morning.
The blood of occupation soldiers is visible on it.

Al-Qassam, earlier, announced:

"Our Mujahideen managed to ambush and destroy four enemy jeeps in a well-executed ambush in the Juhr al-Dik area in the middle of the Gaza Strip. They detonated a complex field of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which crushed the force and killed all its members. Additionally, a Zionist tank rushing to the scene was destroyed by a Yassin 105 shell, and the rescue and evacuation forces in the operation area were targeted by the "Rajoum" missile system and heavy-caliber mortar shells. Zionist ambulances and vehicles were observed transporting the dead from the scene."
Breaking: Safa| The occupation army announces the killing of 5 officers and soldiers and the serious injury of 5 others in the battles in the Gaza Strip
Hebrew media: Today, Saturday and yesterday, Friday, are the toughest since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip..

Breaking News: Soroka Hospital announces the admission of 14 injured soldiers from Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

Of whom, Israel officially admitted 13 Israeli troops were killed in the last 24 hours.
Safa| Israeli helicopters recently transported dead and wounded soldiers from the Gaza Strip to hospitals in Tel Aviv.

Safa| Entity opposition leader "Yair Lapid": There is no trust between the security system and the political system in "Israel"

Safa| "Yedioth": Reports have multiplied from various fronts of fighting in the Gaza Strip in recent days about the use of snipers against army soldiers.
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Keep jerking off Abdul. 6000 Hamas-animals killed so far.

IDF Akbar.
Looks like the cowardly Israeli Ethnic Cleansers are to be witdrawn by Nutty Yahoo . Beaten .
The Pally Wallies proved too strong for the poorly trained mixed bunch of Israeli and US mixed genders .

There's sometning wrong with these US combatants . Are they the same guys who lost in Ukraine and Afghanistan ?

All mouth but no bottle .
Looks like the cowardly Israeli Ethnic Cleansers are to be witdrawn by Nutty Yahoo . Beaten .
The Pally Wallies proved too strong for the poorly trained mixed bunch of Israeli and US mixed genders .

There's sometning wrong with these US combatants . Are they the same guys who lost in Ukraine and Afghanistan ?

All mouth but no bottle .
Is this another of your psychotic hallucinations or do you have a link? Here’s a clue Fatima, it isn’t the Israelis that are begging for a ceasefire. The Israelis are already in Gaza and have full control, why don’t the Hamas animals come out from under the tunnels under hospitals and fight the “zionists”? Yup, I thought so, the cowards are only good at one thing, murdering and raping innocent unsuspecting unarmed people. When it comes to fighting a real army, they run and hide.
Safa| Abu Ubaida:

"During the past 4 days, our Mujahideen were able to completely or partially destroy 35 military vehicles.

Our Mujahideen confirmed the killing of 48 Zionist soldiers and wounding dozens of people with varying injuries, and carrying out 24 military missions involving targeting Israeli invading forces with shells, anti-fortification explosives, anti-personnel devices, engaging them at point-blank range, and targeting their rescue teams.

Two tunnels in the “Yahloum” unit and a minefield were booby-trapped in the occupation’s vehicles and soldiers, in addition to 6 sniper operations targeting enemy soldiers.

They targeted headquarters, field command rooms, and military mobilizations with mortar shells and short-range rockets on all battle axes in the Gaza Strip."

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