A battalion of Israeli tanks destroyed by the resistance in Palestine

Christmas Greetings to the Freedom Fighters , champions who fight Ethnic Cleansing and murderous Israelis who target Women and Children.

To show that many of us outside are not insane Racists fuelled by mental illness .
Safa| Abu Ubaida:

"During the past 4 days, our Mujahideen were able to completely or partially destroy 35 military vehicles.

Our Mujahideen confirmed the killing of 48 Zionist soldiers and wounding dozens of people with varying injuries, and carrying out 24 military missions involving targeting Israeli invading forces with shells, anti-fortification explosives, anti-personnel devices, engaging them at point-blank range, and targeting their rescue teams.

Two tunnels in the “Yahloum” unit and a minefield were booby-trapped in the occupation’s vehicles and soldiers, in addition to 6 sniper operations targeting enemy soldiers.

They targeted headquarters, field command rooms, and military mobilizations with mortar shells and short-range rockets on all battle axes in the Gaza Strip."
So far we have about 8,000 dead Hamas animals vs 134 brave Israeli soldiers.

This is Ancient Moron’s idea of “winning”. :lmao:
Al-Quds Brigades broadcast scenes of their fighters targeting Israeli vehicles and soldiers in Gaza.

Soroka Hospital announces the arrival of 18 wounded soldiers from the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours.
Safa| Al-Qassam Brigades: We destroyed 9 Zionist vehicles penetrating the Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj areas in Gaza City with “Al-Yassin 105” missiles.

Safa| Al-Qassam Brigades: Our mujahideen were able to target a special Zionist force consisting of a reinforced faction of 40 soldiers holed up in a house in the Jabalia al-Balad area in the northern Gaza Strip with anti-fortified TBG shells, which led to all its members being killed or wounded.
Soldiers from the occupation army transferred to Shaare Zedek Hospital, after being injured in Gaza Strip.

Minister of Economy in the occupation government, Nir Barkat:

"Netanyahu sends soldiers like ducks into Hamas ambushes in Gaza buildings, where the soldiers are easily caught by booby-trapping and targeting."

You have no concept of genocide. It that is what Israel truly wants, why don't they just nuke them?
This is totally stupid. The effects of a nuclear bomb on neighboring countries are catastrophic and far-reaching.


The immediate consequences of the blast include a massive shockwave, extreme heat, and a blinding flash of light, resulting in widespread destruction within a significant radius from the epicenter.
Basic arithmetic and rationale goes out of the window
when Hamas stooges need to excuse sacrificing
thousands of Gazans for a massacre at a party
worth calling a victory.

Morale must be high in the tunnels.
Minister of Economy in the occupation government, Nir Barkat:

"Netanyahu sends soldiers like ducks into Hamas ambushes in Gaza buildings, where the soldiers are easily caught by booby-trapping and targeting."

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Barkat, seen as a potential future rival to Netanyahu as leader of the Likud party, told ministers, “The number of air force bombardments has fallen dramatically. Soldiers are being sent to booby-trapped buildings like [sitting] ducks.”


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Forum's Hamas cheerleader agrees
with the rational to level Gaza?

"Free Palestine" is confused.
Al-Qassam brigades detonating a minefield in a well-prepared ambush for 4 Zionist vehicles in the Juhar al-Deek area, central Gaza Strip. The Zionist leadership was targeted, and the rescue forces that arrived to evacuate the dead were also attacked.


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