A battalion of Israeli tanks destroyed by the resistance in Palestine

Hamas is bragging about the preparation of its soldiers,

but when it comes to hand-to-hand battle,

cowards run back to the tunnels.

Indeed, clearly clean and almost sparkly tank in another random shortcut.
Hamas is planning to avoid facing real men in hand-to-hand fight,
to brag about its supreme training?

IDF left some buildings standing,
only so that Hamas are not too
afraid to get out of its holes.
This is totally stupid. The effects of a nuclear bomb on neighboring countries are catastrophic and far-reaching.

View attachment 878551

The immediate consequences of the blast include a massive shockwave, extreme heat, and a blinding flash of light, resulting in widespread destruction within a significant radius from the epicenter.
You don't know anything about nuclear weapons. I was a nuclear weapons officer in the Navy.

One small, low-yield nuclear weapon could be detonated as an airburst over Gaza and wipe out almost the entire population with any resulting nuclear radiation and contamination spread over the Sinai where very few Jewish people live.
Remnants of the armored vehicles after destruction:

So, where were the remnants of these armored vehicles. The video showed one track! That means the tank's tread came off and they continued on until they could replace it. Those other round objects are not from tanks or armored vehicles. Educate your propaganda team to stop making it easy to be disproven.
Israeli soldier tried to film his glory, ending filming his co-criminals injured & evacuated:

You have no concept of genocide. It that is what Israel truly wants, why don't they just nuke them?

You have no concept of genocide.

Denying what is obvious doesn't make it go away.

"A Textbook Case of Genocide"

"Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?"

EXCERPT "The UN Genocide Convention lists five acts that fall under its definition. Israel is currently perpetrating three of these in Gaza: “1. Killing members of the group. 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” The Israeli Air Force, by its own account, has so far dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza, which is one of the most densely populated areas in the world—almost as many bombs as the US dropped on all of Afghanistan during record-breaking years of its war there." CONTINUED

...why don't they just nuke them?

Are you really unaware that nuclear dust knows no borders? The only reason that Netanyahu hasn't used nukes is that radioactive dust would contaminate Israelis too.

‘We lost the war against Hamas,’ says Israel’s ex-army chief

The former Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Dan Halutz, has said that Israel has lost the war against Hamas and that “victory can only be achieved when Netanyahu steps down”, Al Jazeera reports.

His comments were recorded from a conversation he had with anti-government protestors in Haifa.

In an unexpected turn of events, former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has made a stark assertion on the ongoing conflict with Hamas, indicating that Israel has lost the war against the Palestinian organization. His comments, aired on Channel 7, are a clear critique of the current military and political strategy, suggesting a significant shift in leadership, particularly from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, could potentially lead to a more favorable outcome for Israel.
Israeli army spokesman: 43 soldiers injured in Gaza Strip within the last 24 hours.
Al-Qassam Brigades successfully detonated a booby-trapped tunnel opening, targeting an Israeli special force consisting of 8 soldiers east of Al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in casualties.

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