A better world without American Revolution

Do you not fear we not existing Germans could shoot at you with one of our not existing nuclear (M)Arschflugkörper, criminal full time idiot, Russian one?
Are you passing off a Russian cavalry song as a German one again, swindler?

I myself can play this song on the guitar and sing. Don't you dare do it.
I guess you are the only "historian" on this planet who has a safety lock on his waste paper basket for the own "valuable" output.
And where did you get the idea, cretin, that the defeated Germany, which signed the surrender, "destroyed Britain"? What is the basis of this stupid assertion?
zaangalewa In your plagiarism, you are like two drops like Litvins. They were conquered by the Polish hussars, and now they pass off the hussar songs as their own, and even their state symbols are Polish-Hungarian. Germany was created by the Prussians, this is also the Lithuanians.
You did not answer, what are your legal grounds for the annexation of the GDR? Was the procedure that was de facto, prescribed in the constitution of the GDR, or is it an unconstitutional takeover?
In addition, the Bavarian Avars and the Celts of former Austrasia can exercise their right to self-distribution and secede from Germany, to revive their Romanesque and Hun culture of knights.

There is no need for imperialism in the 21st century. The peoples of Germany suffer from it, there is moral decline, poor birth rates, emigration.

The peoples of Germany themselves are beginning to understand this.

These dark-eyed "Germans" are not obliged to listen to the Nazi nonsense about the blue-eyed blondes of the Nordic race.
And this is what it seems, also: I swore to the mother who never gave birth to me this night, that I give her a disease and drown her in the river.

Is "mother" a "Deutschland" or a German matron with a swastika here?

I will not discuss always again the same stupid nonsense with your enemies, Charles.
Alchoin, consultant of the Frankonian Charlesmagne - also known later in the world of fantasia as "Merlin".

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And where did you get the idea, cretin, that the defeated Germany, which signed the surrender, "destroyed Britain"? What is the basis of this stupid assertion?

I did not say Germany destroyed the British empire - I said Britain destroyed the own empire by winning themselve to death - for example in case of Germany in world war 1+2.

So what do you expect what will happen with your Great Russian Criminal Stupidity ... ah sorry: Great Russian Empire if you will "win back" (= wipe out) your most important root: the Ukraine?
... the Bavarian Avars ...

How often do I have to tell you that the Awars never had anything to do with Bavaria? "Bavaria" is only the Latin expression for the B-Irish (=bairisch and/or bayerisch). The Birish are the eldest German tribe and some Bavarians live since decades of thousands of years where their genetical ancestors also had lived once. The Awars lived in a totally other region of Europe. And no one knows who had been the Awars because no one knows anything about the language of the Awars - what's indeed very very strange.
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And this is what it seems, also: I swore to the mother who never gave birth to me this night, that I give her a disease and drown her in the river.

Is "mother" a "Deutschland" or a German matron with a swastika here?

Deutschland is Vaterland nicht Mutterland. Deutsch ist Muttersprache nicht Vatersprache. Translate it on your own. And the Swastika was only used as a logo from the Nazis in Germany because it never had had a special meaning before the Nazis invented themselve in Germany after World War 1.

And Rammstein ... what to say about Rammstein? Rammstein is Rammstein. Ask them if you like to know what they sing about on what reason and what it means what they sing.

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So what do you expect what will happen with your Great Russian Criminal Stupidity ... ah sorry: Great Russian Empire if you will "win back" (= wipe out) your most important root: the Ukraine?

The same thing that happened with Crimea: The economy will collapse to 30% of previous levels, most of the competent and healthy people will flee, and food exports will collapse entirely, causing more famines and wars elsewhere. Russians are only good at stealing and mooching.
The same thing that happened with Crimea: The economy will collapse to 30% of previous levels, most of the competent and healthy people will flee, and food exports will collapse entirely, causing more famines and wars elsewhere. Russians are only good at stealing and mooching.

When Klitschenko said Putin is doing a genocide I knew immediatelly he spoke about a fratricide. The Russians murder their own sisters and brothers and their children in the Ukraine and they kill there even the own Russian children - also by making them to murderers who get ruined the rest of their lifes.

In the opposite the very most Ukrainians will not have another chance: They will have to kill all Russians who attack them and their people. If I take a look at the disasters of history - like for example in Merv in 1221 AD - then I don't see how the Ukrainians should be able to stop to fight.

Absolutelly no one is able to trust in Putin any longer because this war makes not any sense - not for the Ukrainians, not for Russia, not for Europe, not for the USA or China nor for anyone else in America or Asia. It is even bad for Africa. All results of this war will always only be bad. There is absolutelly nothing to win except pain and sorrow and hate.

So what says "the logos" in such a case? Very simple: The best is to stop this war and to go home. Why for heavens sake is it for Russia so damned difficult to make this very best of all possible decisions?
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Absolutelly no one is able to trust in Putin any longer because this war makes not any sense - not for the Ukrainians, not for Russia, not for Europe, not for the USA or China nor for anyone else in America or Asia. It is even bad for Africa. All results of this war will always only be bad. There is absolutelly nothing to win except pain and sorrow and hate.

It's Putin's last gasp; he was losing in his own domestic politics and was counting on this war to prop up his failing regime. At best he ends up like the Mad Midget on North Korea, at worst he does cut loose with nukes in a final moment of spite and get his own country destroyed, like Hitler was trying to do, babbling insanely about how Germany had failed him and other conceited rubbish.We can hope the other oligarchs have the sense to kill this idiot soon.
It's Putin's last gasp; he was losing in his own domestic politics and was counting on this war to prop up his failing regime.

Never heard anything about.

At best he ends up like the Mad Midget on North Korea, at worst he does cut loose with nukes in a final moment of spite and get his own country destroyed, like Hitler was trying to do, babbling insanely about how Germany had failed him and other conceited rubbish.We can hope the other oligarchs have the sense to kill this idiot soon.

I'm not sure what are real aspects in this story. Stalin killed millions of Russians and many or most Russians still or again love this damn mass-murderer and love also Putin who made Russia (and Stalin) "great again" in their eyes.

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