A biblical question.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

God accepts you back no matter what stupid things you do.

There is something in that story that is rarely discussed. The father goes running out to meet him when he sees him walking home. Undignified behavior at the time, but the Father doesn’t care.
The reply to the elder son was:

Luke 15:31-32
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

The father reassured the elder son that all that he has will be his and that he will ever be with him.

Can you think of a greater saying that God could say to you as a faithful son? It was good to celebrate the son who repented and came back to his father. But the faithful son will inherit all that his father has.
The reply to the elder son was:

Luke 15:31-32
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

The father reassured the elder son that all that he has will be his and that he will ever be with him.

Can you think of a greater saying that God could say to you as a faithful son? It was good to celebrate the son who repented and came back to his father. But the faithful son will inherit all that his father has.

Good catch, but there is more being discussed in this story, as is the case with all of the parables. One interpretation here follows on yours:

The Unfinished Parable | More Than Cake

The first two verses of Luke chapter fifteen set the stage.

Now all the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”

The Pharisees and Scribes were watching Jesus teach. The whole time they complained that he was hanging out with the worst sort of people. Imagine their shock to discover that Jesus was eating with sinners! “Oh no! Not sinners!” Jesus, seeing their harsh criticism and judgmentalism, decides He needs to teach these Pharisees and Scribes a valuable lesson about God’s love for Man–His greatest creation. In trying to open their minds and hearts to a radically different Kingdom view, Jesus tells three parables.

The first parable is about a lost sheep being found and the second is about finding a lost coin. Both of these stories are designed to drive home a simple message that every one of us can understand; when you lose something of value, you will do anything to get it back and when you get it back, you will be excited. Kind of obvious, right? But, the third parable challenges the obvious. Do we really rejoice when the lost are found?


Jesus’ use of chiasmus in Luke 15:11-32

In a typical chiasm, the emphasis is placed on the center of the structure. In this parable, Jesus does something unique. In the first half, we see a complete story of the young son (A B C C’ B’ A’). In the second half, the story of the older son is left incomplete (A B C C’ B’ ?). Jesus ends this parable leaving us on the edge of our seats. There is no A’ to complete the chiasm. He leaves us wondering, “what will happen with this older son. Will the shame of his own sin and anger lead him to repent and embrace the Father’s mercy?” (B’) “Will the older son discover the joy of this family reunion and the pleasure of embracing his lost brother? “(A’) Or will he sit outside and stew; condemning his brother with every thought and look for the rest of his days?

Jesus does not finish this parable, because the Pharisees and Scribes, who are represented by the older son, must write the ending (A’). Just like the older son, their outward actions were commendable, yet their heart did not beat in unison with the heart of the Father who wanted only to have the lost come home (Luke 15:1-2). I don’t think this parable is a condemnation of the Pharisees and Scribes as much as it is an open-ended question asking them, “what kind of son will you be to the Heavenly Father?”

Others find links to Proverbs 29:3, Romans 11: 11-16, some to James 4.

Luke 15:11-32

Peter Owen
February 1, 2015 at 5:15 pm

Comment on Luke 15:11-16
The centre of this chiasm is WHEN HE HAD SPENT ALL
The word SPENT is the same Greek word as CONSUME in James 4:3. This is of real interest as there are lots of links in James 4 to the Parable of the Prodigal Son:
Luke 15:14 – James 4:3 (see above)
Luke 15:15 – James 4:4 (friendship with the world is enmity with God)
Luke 15:16 (FAIN) – James 4:2 (same Greek word: LUST)
Luke 15:20 – James 4:8 (Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you)
Luke 15:21-22 – James 4:10 (Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD and he shall lift you up)
Luke 15:28 – James 4:11 (Speak not evil one of another brethren)

.... and right after this parable comes ...

Luke 1:26-38

A. 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.

B. 28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

C. 29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest:

D. and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

C’. 34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

B’. 36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. 38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.

A’. And the angel departed from her.


Dorothy. Gibson
October 29, 2017 at 8:25 pm

D is interesting because the throne was not down Mary’s line . Solomon was the line of Joseph , his brother Nathan the line of Mary. So same parents. But the throne had to be given To Jesus. In addition the King of Israel was God until. Samuel, now His son is king. This had to be for Mary to be the virgin. Mother. W e are aware also that Nathan means gift.

Everything comes together at the right time.

It can also be read as an allegory on the conflicts between the Pharisees and Gentiles. I'll leave it to the lurkers to find the links with Acts, and more. The inter-connections between the OT and NT and other books gets pretty complex when one starts following them. Nothing is by accident in the biblical writings. It's a far more amazing work of literature, philosophy, human psychology, and history than most realize or can even comprehend.

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I think you guys covered it. Well done.

It's always a good thing when God's children, who have strayed from the path, find him.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
I was exposed to pornography at a young age. It's something I've been addicted to for a long time. I keep fighting it, but sometimes I lose that fight. It is a very good thing that God is willing to forgive us.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
I was exposed to pornography at a young age. It's something I've been addicted to for a long time. I keep fighting it, but sometimes I lose that fight. It is a very good thing that God is willing to forgive us.

God understands you understand the problem. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
I was exposed to pornography at a young age. It's something I've been addicted to for a long time. I keep fighting it, but sometimes I lose that fight. It is a very good thing that God is willing to forgive us.

God understands you understand the problem. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless
I've read that things like porn and video games stimulate the same areas of the brain that drugs do. Not good. It is indeed an addiction.
(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.

The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
I was exposed to pornography at a young age. It's something I've been addicted to for a long time. I keep fighting it, but sometimes I lose that fight. It is a very good thing that God is willing to forgive us.

God understands you understand the problem. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless
I've read that things like porn and video games stimulate the same areas of the brain that drugs do. Not good. It is indeed an addiction.

Our sons are proof of video games addiction, a constant struggle with them
The Devil is always trying to draw us away from Christ. This parable is simply telling us that no matter how far we wander, God is always ready to welcome us back.

He wants you to come back.
I was exposed to pornography at a young age. It's something I've been addicted to for a long time. I keep fighting it, but sometimes I lose that fight. It is a very good thing that God is willing to forgive us.

God understands you understand the problem. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless
I've read that things like porn and video games stimulate the same areas of the brain that drugs do. Not good. It is indeed an addiction.

Our sons are proof of video games addiction, a constant struggle with them
Did you know that they have a video gamers anonymous organization? Similar to AA, and for good reason. I'll never attend a meeting. I like my games too much. In fact, I estimate that there is at least a 70 percent chance that I'll die in front of my keyboard.
What about the other son? The one who never went away?
gosh, I haven't read the FULL passage in a while but if memory serves the brother was kind of upset and jealous of his younger brother, who got to run off and sow his oats and spend his inheritance recklessly... while he labored for his father.... yet his father was preparing a big feast for the brother who hadn't lifted a finger in caring for the animal being killed for the feast....and the brother who did work hard, day in and day out, was never given such a feast by his father.... etc....

All of this sense of self righteousness that the older son was feeling and thinking and sulking and angry about, made him the actual sinner...rejecting forgiveness, and God's loving grace and him believing through his own good works he should be rewarded and his brother punished, all bundled up together...envy, self righteousness, lack of the ability to show forgiveness for the repentant brother....


His OUTWARD appearance of being holy and righteous....so to say,
didn't match his INNER self.
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(Atheists will be ignored)

What do you think the story of the Prodigal Son means?

There is a reason I’m asking but I don’t want to say just yet.

This is an honest question from one believer to another.


The prodigal son was Jesus. He left the boundaries of divine law and wandered though the lawless regions until he became spent....( He lived among the wild bests, presumably doing what wild beasts do until he became destitute)

He then took a job feeding swine, meaning he joined some cult or something and became so lost and famished that he almost ate the garbage that he was feeding to them....

Thats when he came back to his senses remembering better days, returned to God, repented, and was accepted......
Ok, the reason I ask this is because a friend of mine, who originally was a friend of my wife's before we met, has been not quite an atheist, but never went to church, never spoke of God or Jesus, and in fact used the Lord's name in vane. then recently she was diagnosed with ALS and has been "saved" and is now religious.

Don't get me wrong, other than her lack of faith for most of her entire life, she was always a good person. I would like for her to be accepted into heaven. It made me think of the parable.

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