A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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I do. And you imagine that proves what?
She is an overt antisemite...like you.


The difference is they are real life CEOs in control of billions in industry and you're just a internet clown. The decisions they make have real world affects and they are all siding with us. Wrong would be siding with the dying culture is racist whites in society of growing diversity.

LOL lefties defending CEO's is fucking hilarious.

Do you think Religious blacks are fans of transgender bullshit?
So the real majority is just laying low and taking Ls for shits and giggles? That doesn't sound made up at all. 😄

No, they aren't miserable political losers like you and your fellow travelers.

They have lives they live, they don't make their entire life about their politics and how they figure on the pity pole.
No, you are most definitely an asshole. You make what you want out of it.
So you can't explain it? I don't blame you for not even attempting to. It didn't make much sense to me either when you said it. Better to not embarrass yourself further.
"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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The hyper-woke left leaves me feeling nauseous.
LOL lefties defending CEO's is fucking hilarious.
That doesn't even make sense. What am I defending them from? I'm pointing to them bowing their heads a bending their knees to us as a sign of our cultural domination.
Do you think Religious blacks are fans of transgender bullshit?
You don't speak for black people nor do I pretend to know what's in the heart of every religious Black American. I do know the majority of black people I know are supportive of Trans individuals and that the majority of Americans in general agree with Trans rights. If some or even a majority of religious Black Americans are opposed to Trans rights so what? That still wouldn't give you a majority.
No, they aren't miserable political losers like you and your fellow travelers.

They have lives they live, they don't make their entire life about their politics and how they figure on the pity pole.
So they could they just don't want to? That's what you're going with? Power unwielded is no power at all.
Your soul, little man.

Like in Big Trouble in Little China? Like an adult takes a child's nose with his thumb? You writing a children's fantasy novel or trying to prove something with reasoned arguments because you've failed spectacularly at one. And also probably the other.
What part of that is confusing to you?

You are speaking strictly of biology and no, biologically men cant become women. But socially we can indeed accept those who psycologically identify as the opposite gender in the way they want us to. This article and the mainstream celebration of trans individuals is proof enough of that.

Are you claiming a mainstream publication didn't do just that and recognize this woman as a woman? You think your salty tears affects that recognition by willing parties?

And yet we continue to do just that despite your protests.
Not confused, just recognizing your outlandish hypocrisy. If a man 'psychologically' identifies as a woman then that man has a mental disorder. How could anyone call this man a woman? The MSM is just playing along with this outlandish stupidity because of a few radical pressure groups. Besides, not all media sources agree that this man is a woman. You just pick and choose based on your bias instead of trying to be objective and real.
Not confused, just recognizing your outlandish hypocrisy. If a man 'psychologically' identifies as a woman then that man has a mental disorder.
And what do you think that means? How do you think they should be treated socially or medically and why?
How could anyone call this man a woman?
Because she asked to be? How hard is that?
The MSM is just playing along with this outlandish stupidity because of a few radical pressure groups.
If it were only a few and they were a minority why would they play along?
Besides, not all media sources agree that this man is a woman. You just pick and choose based on your bias instead of trying to be objective and real.
The popular and respectable ones will.
Cultural norms are set by the majority and sadly for you clowns ignorant and insecure white men are no longer the majority.

I realize you don't think enough for this to make sense, but "cultural norms set by the majority" do not require bullying, cancel culture, and lawsuits to advance them.

But you just sit there and pray that your mindless, laughable cheerleading for the leftist agenda will magically get them to accept you as one of them, instead of just the tool they use and discard.
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