A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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I realize you don't think enough for this to make sense, but "cultural norms set by the majority" do not require bullying, cancel culture, and lawsuits to advance them.
Maybe, maybe not. It depends. It took lawsuits to recognize the right for gays to marry and once we forced that on bigoted white wingers for long enough it became the accept default. There is no going back without countervailing bullying and lawsuits.
But you just sit there and pray that your mindless, laughable cheerleading for the leftist agenda will magically get them to accept you as one of them, instead of just the tool they use and discard.
Who's them? The left is a collection and coalition of different groups working together. Your white wing wouldn't know anything about that. 😄
I'm not stupid enough to see that I'm getting my ass kicked in every culture war and still thinking I'm the majority. 😄

"Look at all the bullying my masters are doing! That MUST mean we're the real majority, because I want to feel like I'm not a castoff loser!"
"My masters told me to believe this, so it's TRUE no matter what! I really hope they like me now!"
I don't need anyone to tell me anything you dipshit. I have eyes. I see mainstream publications and media accepting trans individuals because that is the majority sentiment they have to cater to. When they start catering to white wing racists then maybe I'll believe in your cultural dominance. 😄
Even if someone thinks that Mr. Levine should be considered legally to be a "broad" because he wears women's clothes, he doesn't have any accomplishments.

And that's what is really sort of sad.

There are any number of dames out there in all parts of life that have real accomplishments. All Levine did was fuck up the covid response. Supposedly he "tried" , but is "Woman of the Year" supposed to be a participation trophy?

Well said! :thup:

Woman of the Year only because he wears a woman's dress. Ridiculous and a total clown show!:mad-61:
I actually read this entire thread. Personally I find it entertaining to observe people pretending. One poster here is pretending that the majority of Americans have accepted (as fact) that this old guy put on a wig and magically transformed himself into a woman. Not only that, that poster is pretending that this is some kind of "win". The truth is.....he's an old, homely Jewish guy that put on a wig. If someone wants to call that a "win"......well that's fine by me.

If the Jew fits…
It's very sad and very sick..
It's not nature.

yanno, i can go out to the barn any given day, and tell M from F

sometimes i catch the M pigs humpin' the M pigs, sometimes it's the chicken or ducks

too bad barn yard porn doesn't sell, i'd be rich!

Yet despite their choices, none seem to want to redefine nature

Very, very few males want to become women.

And those men who want to (such as that admiral) have a tough row to hoe. Some (many? most?) people think that the admiral looks like a man masquerading as a woman. A very unattractive one, too.

He •IS• a man masquerading as a woman.

It is biologically impossible for a man to genuinely become a woman.
It's not nature.

yanno, i can go out to the barn any given day, and tell M from F

sometimes i catch the M pigs humpin' the M pigs, sometimes it's the chicken or ducks

too bad barn yard porn doesn't sell, i'd be rich!

Yet despite their choices, none seem to want to redefine nature

You pretty much just admitted homosexuality occurs in nature. So does gender dysphoria in human beings. Recognizing these truths isn't redefining nature, it's redefining what parts of nature society accepts ok.
You pretty much just admitted homosexuality occurs in nature. So does gender dysphoria in human beings. Recognizing these truths isn't redefining nature, it's redefining what parts of nature society accepts ok.
redefining anything is parting from truth CG

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