A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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My words hold weight. Your post #376 is simply gibberish. But hey you can always pretend that it was the most clever post ever written.
Slippery slope arguments are argumentative fallacies you fucking moron. Do you need me to explain you what those are?
Do you deny believing blacks are living on the Democratic plantation?

Prove it.

No people are a monolith but next to Black Americans they are the second most consistent Democratic voting demographic.

Virginia swings back and forth between liberal and conservative control. Bragging that you have to fight for demographic control of what used to be the conservative Confederate Capitol isn't the boast you think it is. 😄
I do not consider blacks to be a monolith. Like you do with Jews, antisemite. You are an antisemite and a Holocaust denier.

That old fuck being your symbol is fitting. Is he still talking to an empty chair?

That's how propaganda works. 😄
Empty chair, affirmative action President. Qualified to serve Bill Clinton Coffee, according to his own words. Glittering phonies.
Leftists like you are a monolith. You support Ilhan Omar. Correct?
What does that have to do with being or not being a monolith? Maybe I actually support Omar. 😂 So monolith to what? What are you even describing? To Ilhan Omar? Are you aware the party raised money and ran a candidate to primary her? Is that indicative of a monolith or do you just not know what a monolith is? 😂
What does that have to do with being or not being a monolith? Maybe I actually support Omar. 😂 So monolith to what? What are you even describing? To Ilhan Omar? Are you aware the party raised money and ran a candidate to primary her? Is that indicative of a monolith or do you just not know what a monolith is? 😂
Answer the question. Do you support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

Don't dodge.

Let's put everything into perspective.

Very, very few males want to become women.

And those men who want to (such as that admiral) have a tough row to hoe. Some (many? most?) people think that the admiral looks like a man masquerading as a woman. A very unattractive one, too.

But if the admiral can take being a laughing stock, then let her live her life as she so wishes.

The only exception: They should not be allowed to make a farce of women's sports!
I notice you use the term "cucking" A LOT. This, in addition to your recent admission that your "wife" is a man, really says much more about you than it does about anyone else.
The fact that you seem intensely curious about my sex life actually speaks more of you. Notice I haven't asked about yours because I don't care. Maybe try not be such a thirsty horn dog. 😄
Let's put everything into perspective.

Very, very few males want to become women.

And those men who want to (such as that admiral) have a tough row to hoe. Some (many? most?) people think that the admiral looks like a man masquerading as a woman. A very unattractive one, too.

But if the admiral can take being a laughing stock, then let her live her life as she so wishes.

The only exception: They should not be allowed to make a farce of women's sports!
See yall. Follow the example of this yielding little cuck and make your lives a little easier. 😄

Accept it and just let it happen.
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