A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Oh yea, addicted to coke, banging nasty hookers, losing his career and contracting AIDS is winning????? IMHO this Admiral is enjoying the same kind of winning.
So if 'popular culture' (whatever that is) tells you to hate gays will you change your mind?
No, of course not. Acceptance is for cucks like you. When we dont like social norms we change them. Gays and lesbians and trans used to be looked down on by mainstream society and now they arent because we wouldnt stand for it.
The general definition of propaganda is disseminating false information for political gain.
What false information? Name it.
So called 'trans' individuals are not living in the real world and are mentally ill. They need help not validation of their mental illness.
You're the one not living in the real world if you don't recognize I've their acceptance in society.
Nope. It's you. I can just tell. You are also a Holocaust denier. As a Jew, I have that innate power.

Where did I deny the holocaust? Again that would be the clowns on the right.

Also I have the popular vote count since 2004 as my proof. Refute it if you can assclown. 😄
Most Americans are extremely accepting of people of all walks of life. Most Americans are not willing to pretend along with an old, homely Jewish guy that decides he wants to pretend to be a woman. He can pretend all he wants. Now, when he is elevated to powerful positions, that pretending suddenly becomes potentially very dangerous.
Nope. I call you out and you have zero proof. You just throw out the "racist" card. Must suck to be a Holocaust denier and a Jew a hater.
What proof are you asking for? I put forth the poplar vote since 2004 as evidence. Has a single one of you been able to deny it? 😆
It’s all meant to destroy family, ethics, morals and values. It’s being said they are coming for your children and they are not gays perse’ but the brainwashed anti Americans who never realized they have been conned into taking down their own nation.

This country will never in our lifetime go back to what many uninformed loons seem to think.

If the Petro dollar goes consider American freedom a done nation with freedom no more. You were being set up to be like communist China, this is why they are introducing the Chinese social credit score.
See! This cuck gets it. 😆
Psychologists are scientists and psychology is recognized professionally as a social science. Read a book you daffy ignorant little bitch. 😄
Well, there are scientists and then there are SCIENTISTS. Kinda like Jill Biden being called "doctor" without being a medical professional of any kind.

Where did I deny the holocaust? Again that would be the clowns on the right.

Also I have the popular vote count since 2004 as my proof. Refute it if you can assclown. 😄
Where was I racist? Didn't stop you from calling me one. So I'll play your game.

You have the popular vote count? So you were running? Don't you think and I know its hard for you, that people would campaign differently if it were a popular vote election? Stupid Jew hating, Holocaust denying, hick.

Oh yea this guy is truly leveled headed and has a clear grasp of the necessity of hormone blockers used on our children. Isn't it fun to pretend? Good grief folks, this guy is the "poster child" for "You have got to be kidding me".
Oh yea, addicted to coke, banging nasty hookers, losing his career and contracting AIDS is winning????? IMHO this Admiral is enjoying the same kind of winning.
Different strokes for different folks. His winning is having the freedom to do as he pleases and not giving a fuck what people like you think.
Most Americans are extremely accepting of people of all walks of life. Most Americans are not willing to pretend along with an old, homely Jewish guy that decides he wants to pretend to be a woman. He can pretend all he wants. Now, when he is elevated to powerful positions, that pretending suddenly becomes potentially very dangerous.
Did you thinking it was dangerous stop it from being a reality?
No, of course not. Acceptance is for cucks like you. When we dont like social norms we change them. Gays and lesbians and trans used to be looked down on by mainstream society and now they arent because we wouldnt stand for it.

What false information? Name it.

You're the one not living in the real world if you don't recognize I've their acceptance in society.
First you say if you aren't popular culture you aren't mainstream. Now you say if you're aren't popular culture you should change social norms. WTF? The notion that men can be women is false information. It's one thing for a man to dress as a woman it is yet another to dress as a woman and claim to actually BE a woman, which can never happen because it is not reality. In the 'real world' a gay man can never be a woman. If you think so, then YOU are the one not living in the real world.
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