A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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So the real majority is just laying low and taking Ls for shits and giggles? That doesn't sound made up at all. 😄
You'll see it firsthand in November as you saw in VA.

I actually read this entire thread. Personally I find it entertaining to observe people pretending. One poster here is pretending that the majority of Americans have accepted (as fact) that this old guy put on a wig and magically transformed himself into a woman. Not only that, that poster is pretending that this is some kind of "win". The truth is.....he's an old, homely Jewish guy that put on a wig. If someone wants to call that a "win"......well that's fine by me.
I'm not pretending anything. I'm stating quite clearly that as per the popular vote our side has been the majority since 2004. That's a fact, not an opinion or a made up fantasy about some secret majority biding its time. Its verifiable. You can look it up. As for winning, if for me it's defined as mainstream acceptance and celebration of Trans individuals and for its the their admonishment by society then I am clearly winning. 😁
You're winning??? I remember Martin Sheen making that claim.....up until the time he was diagnosed has having AIDS.
You'll see it firsthand in November as you saw in VA.
Which won't signify anything significant culturally or politically since your political victories now relies solely in winning the majority of gerrymandered districts, not a majority of people. Those types of victories aren't sustainable in the long run nor do they ever usher in any sustained social change in your direction. Four years of Trump and Trans individuals and BLM are more popular and celebrated than ever.
Which won't signify anything significant culturally or politically since your political victories now relies solely in winning the majority of gerrymandered districts, not a majority of people. Those types of victories aren't sustainable in the long run nor do they ever usher in any sustained social change in your direction. Four years of Trump and Trans individuals and BLM are more popular and celebrated than ever.
Now you're moving the goal posts. Culturally you're a race baiting asshole. We'll see about sustainability.


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What morons? You have zero proof.

I see you as an antisemite. I do not have proof but I just have that feeling. So it must be true.
The antisemties were the clowns on the right you were arguing with in the Russia cheerleading thread. 😄 Your party is going to tear itself apart spewing hate I'm every direction, even it's own. 😄
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I recognize their circulation as a reflection of popular culture and if you aren't popular culture you aren't mainstream.

Propaganda doesn't have to be lies. It's simply the promotion of your ideas and beliefs.

And yet Trans individuals do. That should indicate to you that Trans individuals aren't the same as sociopaths.
So if 'popular culture' (whatever that is) tells you to hate gays will you change your mind? The general definition of propaganda is disseminating false information for political gain. So called 'trans' individuals are not living in the real world and are mentally ill. They need help not validation of their mental illness.
The antisemties were the clowns on the right you were arguing with in the Russia chearleading thread. 😄 Your party is going to tear itself apart spewing hate I'm every direction, even it's own. 😄
Nope. It's you. I can just tell. You are also a Holocaust denier. As a Jew, I have that innate power.

"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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An uncanny resemblance to the Lion from the Wizard of Oz.



Or not.
It’s all meant to destroy family, ethics, morals and values. It’s being said they are coming for your children and they are not gays perse’ but the brainwashed anti Americans who never realized they have been conned into taking down their own nation.

This country will never in our lifetime go back to what many uninformed loons seem to think.

If the Petro dollar goes consider American freedom a done nation with freedom no more. You were being set up to be like communist China, this is why they are introducing the Chinese social credit score.
You're winning??? I remember Martin Sheen making that claim.....up until the time he was diagnosed has having AIDS.
You mean Charlie Sheen and at the time he was winning and probably still is. He was the highest paid actor in a sitcom at the time and was living a life that mostly consisted of doing coke and banging pornstars. If you're into that sort of thing it's hard to claim he wasn't winning. Today AIDs is no longer a death sentence and while he isn't a sitcom he's probably still insanely rich and fucking pretty much whoever he wants.
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