A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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If it was dominant this thread would not be here. You are a conceited bastard stuck on stupid.

What does the existence of this thread on the internet have to do with cultural dominance? You don't think the celebration of Trans individuals in real life is of greater significance? Maybe you're the one who thinks winning the internet is really winning. 😂
Because better propaganda means victory. You should try it some time. It could be just as fun to watch you try and fail as it is to watch you shout from the fringes of your trailer parks. 😆
All the propaganda in the world won't magically make Levine a woman.
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What “woman” are you talking about.
The one identified as such in the mainstream publication. Maybe you should write their editor and inform them of their mistake and see if they give a fuck how you feel. 😄
A man is not a woman, no matter how fucked up his head is, and no matter what quasi-medical Frankensteinery he has done to himself.
It is when mainstream society says it is.
Your choices are defined by options you clown. You have no choice but to watch as Trans individuals are celebrated and accepted by mainstream society. You can't do a fucking thing to stop it. 😄
Wrong. Trans creatures are celebrated by the media and the entertainment industry. Propaganda, which you admitted to.
He's not a woman no matter what the 'mainstream' (what ever that is) tries to tell you.
Of course she is. If legally and socially she is accepted by the mainstream as a woman who gives a fuck how you feel about it? What difference would that make to the social order?
Hitler knew this.
Oh no you called me Hitler, whatever will I do? 😄
So I think I'm winning because all you cowards and cucks are bending to our will? Gee, I wonder why I would think that. 😄

I keep hearing this but where is it cuck boy? What do these political and social victories look like? Or are they nothing more than fantasies and wishful thinking?

Mobs are stronger than a handful of cucks. 😆

you think you are winning because all you believe is your own echo chamber, despite coming on boards like this and hearing otherwise.

And the beta is strong with you snowflake, I suggest you go lose to some 10 year olds on Rocket League.
Because better propaganda means victory. You should try it some time. It could be just as fun to watch you try and fail as it is to watch you shout from the fringes of your trailer parks. 😆
Thank God for arrogant morons like yourself. You defeat your purpose with your own big mouth.
Of course she is. If legally and socially she is accepted by the mainstream as a woman who gives a fuck how you feel about it? What difference would that make to the social order?

Oh no you called me Hitler, whatever will I do? 😄
I did not call you Hitler but he understood the value of propaganda just like you.
you think you are winning because all you believe is your own echo chamber, despite coming on boards like this and hearing otherwise.
Who cares what some cucks on message boards say? Companies bending over to support Trans individuals is a signal that businesses see that as the winning position.
And the beta is strong with you snowflake, I suggest you go lose to some 10 year olds on Rocket League.
I'm more of a PUBG fan.
Thank God for arrogant morons like yourself. You defeat your purpose with your own big mouth.
Explain that. How's is my big mouth going to get people to not accept and celebrate trans individuals. Sounds like more wishful thinking.
In the eyes of everyone who's not a deplorable mutant she already is, that's why they identified her as such.
Just like most lefties, call others what you yourself are. Frankly Levine looks like a deplorable mutant.
Not a she. That is a biological fact. That will never change.
And yet that biological fact doesn't stop decent society from recognizing her psychological truth. That's something that will never change either. No matter how salty you get over it.
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