A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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he thought his acts were just.. they were racist…just like you
Who cares what he thought, we can see independently that he was gassing jews, so forget what I or you think and show me what horrific act of racism is being implemented against whites here in America.
Who cares what he thought, we can see independently that he was gassing jews, so forget what I or you think and show me what horrific act of racism is being implemented against whites here in America.
who cares? it’s the same logic you are using to defend your racism…you claim it’s just…
yeah but we are talking about their grandparents
Who were socially and economically discriminated against. That has generational effects because money and wealth can be passed down generation after generation so while most whites can expect some form of inheritance, most blacks do not. In fact it's more likely black people will inherent debt born out of the effects of economic disenfranchisement.
who cares? it’s the same logic you are using to defend your racism…you claim it’s just…
No it's not. I pointed out that black people were being given assistance, not harmed as Hitler was doing to the jews. Can you show how white people are being harmed?
Segregation ended 58 years ago clown. That means those black students have parents and grand parents who suffered ecnomically under segregation.
SIXTY eight years ago (with the SCOTUS Brown vs Board of Education ruling) Man, you can't even count. Back to the 3rd grade for you.

To have suffered under segregation, one would have to have been an adult (21 years old) in 1953. That mean the youngest of them would have been born in 1932, which would make them 90 years old now. So tell me how many 90+ year old folks are getting jobs, job promotions, college admissions, etc from Affirmative Action,

No fool. It is only the younger blacks who never suffered a day under slavery or segregation or Jim Crow laws, who are going around yammering about being oppressed, when just the OPPOSITE is happening, them being the BENEFICIARES of racial discrimination, and whites are the victims (and have been since 1965.

All these crocodile tears of current day blacks is nothing but a scam, concocted by liberals to get backs to vote for them.
Who were socially and economically discriminated against. That has generational effects because money and wealth can be passed down generation after generation so while most whites can expect some form of inheritance, most blacks do not. In fact it's more likely black people will inherent debt born out of the effects of economic disenfranchisement.
haha inherit debt? you don’t inherit debt…ones contract obligation ends with their death

the sad history of what dems did to african american doesn’t justify more racism. today
Who cares what he thought, we can see independently that he was gassing jews, so forget what I or you think and show me what horrific act of racism is being implemented against whites here in America.
I don't believe you're THAT STUPID. You're lying.
No it's not. I pointed out that black people were being given assistance, not harmed as Hitler was doing to the jews. Can you show how white people are being harmed?
white people or any race is harmed by your racism if you give preferrable treatment to african americans over them based on their race

like hitler you think your racism is justified…it’s not
SIXTY eight years ago (with the SCOTUS Brown vs Board of Education ruling) Man, you can't even count. Back to the 3rd grade for you.

To have suffered under segregation, one would have to have been an adult (21 years old) in 1953. That mean the youngest of them would have been born in 1932, which would make them 90 years old now. So tell me how many 90+ year old folks are getting jobs, job promotions, college admissions, etc from Affirmative Action,

No fool. It is only the younger blacks who never suffered a day under slavery or segregation or Jim Crow laws, who are going around yammering about being oppressed, when just the OPPOSITE is happening, them being the BENEFICIARES of racial discrimination, and whites are the victims (and have been since 1965.

All these crocodile tears of current day blacks is nothing but a scam, concocted by liberals to get backs to vote for them.
I was counting from 64' you fuck wit and since wealth is generational, robbing grandparents of economic opportunities is the same as robbing their grandchildren of inheritance.
Who were socially and economically discriminated against. That has generational effects because money and wealth can be passed down generation after generation so while most whites can expect some form of inheritance, most blacks do not. In fact it's more likely black people will inherent debt born out of the effects of economic disenfranchisement.
In fact it's more likely black people will inherent FAVORITISM for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, being shield from police and allowed to commit crimes while whites are held accountable.
No it isn't. Provide evidence and context. Maybe white people just aren't applying in large numbers because they can get better paying private sector jobs.
So what are you saying? Whites are applying for better-paying jobs in private sector (which isn’t necessarily true - I know people who have bailed out of private and got big jumps in pay in govt) that often require 60 hours a week of very demanding work, whereas blacks end up applying for the easier jobs in govt that barely require 5 hours of real work a day?

Just want to make sure I heard you right.
haha inherit debt? you don’t inherit debt…ones contract obligation ends with their death

the sad history of what dems did to african american doesn’t justify more racism. today
These black racists use the same twisted logic over and over again with all this imaginary “inherited wealth”. People arrive on this shores, dirt-poor, and a generation later their kids are all college graduates.
haha inherit debt? you don’t inherit debt…ones contract obligation ends with their death

the sad history of what dems did to african american doesn’t justify more racism. today
Unlike you mental midgets I can actual back up my arguments with evidence.

Efforts by Black Americans to build wealth can be traced back throughout American history. But these efforts have been impeded in a host of ways, beginning with 246 years of chattel slavery and followed by Congressional mismanagement of the Freedman’s Savings Bank (which left 61,144 depositors with losses of nearly $3 million in 1874), the violent massacre decimating Tulsa’s Greenwood District in 1921 (a population of 10,000 that thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, commonly referred to as “Black Wall Street”), and discriminatory policies throughout the 20th century including the Jim Crow Era’s “Black Codes” strictly limiting opportunity in many southern states, the GI bill, the New Deal’s Fair Labor Standards Act’s exemption of domestic agricultural and service occupations, and redlining. Wealth was taken from these communities before it had the opportunity to grow.

This history matters for contemporary inequality in part because its legacy is passed down generation-to-generation through unequal monetary inheritances which make up a great deal of current wealth. In 2020 Americans are projected to inherit about $765 billion in gifts and bequests, excluding wealth transfers to spouses and transfers that support minor children. Inheritances account for roughly 4 percent of annual household income, much of which goes untaxed by the U.S. government.
white people or any race is harmed by your racism if you give preferrable treatment to african americans over them based on their race
Then where is the evidence of this harm? We have evidence of the atrocities committed against Jews, that's why we didn't just have to take Hitlers word for it.
like hitler you think your racism is justified…it’s not

I see your claims and your lack of proof.
In fact it's more likely black people will inherent FAVORITISM for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, being shield from police and allowed to commit crimes while whites are held accountable.
Wrong again fuck face. Let's see your proof.
So what are you saying? Whites are applying for better-paying jobs in private sector (which isn’t necessarily true - I know people who have bailed out of private and got big jumps in pay in govt) that often require 60 hours a week of very demanding work, whereas blacks end up applying for the easier jobs in govt that barely require 5 hours of real work a day?

Just want to make sure I heard you right.
What I offered was a possible explanation. The fact that the majority of low skilled jobs in government are held by Black Americans isn't in and of itself evidence of racism without further context.
I was counting from 64' you fuck wit and since wealth is generational, robbing grandparents of economic opportunities is the same as robbing their grandchildren of inheritance.
I KNOW what you were counting, and you were WRONG, dum dum. And robbing whites of wealth, with AA, is robbery of them.

BTW, in addition to AA, we now have Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (which should be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, this filthy piece of anti-white racism is being shredded in the courts.
I KNOW what you were counting, and you were WRONG, dum dum. And robbing whites of wealth, with AA, is robbery of them.

BTW, in addition to AA, we now have Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (which should be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, this filthy piece of anti-white racism is being shredded in the courts.
You can't count you fucking moron. If you know I was counting from 64' and you actually can count then you'd know that was 58 years ago.
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