A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Women are pathetic and second-class citizens, hell, a woman can't even win the "Woman of the Year Award", it is handed to a male.

It is still a man's world and the left is going to prove it.
How was this proposed American Rescue Plan supposed to work?
Besides being a massive deficit spending bill that was sold as the answer to all our problems, but which turned out to be full of unaffordable boondoggles, it was supposed to rectify the economic ill effects of the pandemic, by creating jobs, business assistance, unemployment insurance, etc.

It was RACIST as hell, with minorities being given first shot at everything. Shot down by the courts, everytime it showed up there.,

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Maybe to a dumb mother fucker like you who prefers picture books. 😄
He was right. You cant read. You cant count. You can't accept REALITY. ..and you can't conduct yourself in a forum without resorting to profananites. Now go wash your mouth out with soap, before doing any more posting.
He was right. You cant read. You cant count. You can't accept REALITY. ..and you can't conduct yourself in a forum without resorting to profananites. Now go wash your mouth out with soap, before doing any more posting.
No, you bitch. 😄 Keep crying about it. Not my fault you snowflakes get scared of mean words in the middle of rational arguments.
And I was taking about that civil rights act of 64' that ended segregation in the private sector, not just public education. I've told you this repeatedly.

Again with the cute arguments from morons. Why don't you address my actual argument rather than what you hoped it was.
Because you DON'T HAVE any argument. All you have is a wish to give (racist) preference to yourself and other blacks, without a shred of compunctions that it is at the expense of whites, and other non-blacks.

How dishonorable and disgraceful you are. Sometimes AA programs grant favoratism to other minorities too, not just blacks. Being that I am 1/2 Hispanic, and speak Spanish, I could qualify for these preferences. But with honor, that you seem to lack, I am proud to say that over the past 57 years, I have NEVER filled out an Affirmative Action questionnaire. I wouldn't lower myself to the level of all the pitiful incompetents who do that.
Women are pathetic and second-class citizens, hell, a woman can't even win the "Woman of the Year Award", it is handed to a male.

It is still a man's world and the left is going to prove it.

A woman can't win that?

I'm not denying any of that. What I'm pointing out to you is that all the votes against ending segregation came from the southern white conservative segment of both parties.
There was nothing even remotely "conservative" about the FDR dems who were the segregationists.

Orvil Faubus, Albert Gore, Fritz Hollings, George Wallace, New Deal socialists - every last one

Southern whites left the union to preserve slavery and voted, just a short 58 years ago, to maintain America as an apartheid State.

You mean DEMOCRATS went to war and WHITE men died by the hundreds of thousands to end the scourge of slavery while black men around the world continue to hold slaves to this day.

It amazing you still think your racism and hypocrisy impresses anyone.
Southern Conservative whites have always been deplorable mutants with a deplorable mutant culture.

You keep repeating the lie "conservative,."

You've been corrected repeatedly, yet continue to lie.
You cute mother fuckers want to pretend that the most relevant thing about those racist assclowns is that they were Democrats and not that they were Southern white conservatives.
There was nothing even remotely "conservative" about the statist democrats of the Antebellum South.

You know this, but blatantly lie.

It a cute argument and not a real one because Southern democratic voters today tend to be blacks and minorities and the Southern white conservative population now overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party.

We know that the democrats in the south tend to be complete racists - nothing has changed with democrats. "Racist democrat" continues to be redundant.

That whites have eschewed racism is why they left your filthy Reich.
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